When Mo Xun heard this, although he was calm on the surface, his heart was turned upside down.

He was not shocked that the other party could see his spiritual root attributes, but that last sentence seemed to have a meaning.

Only he himself knows that most of his current achievements must be attributed to the green gourd.

It can be said that the secret of the green gourd is second only to his life.

He suddenly realized a very serious problem, that is, with his spiritual root qualifications, his cultivation was too fast, so fast that anyone who just paid a little attention would be able to guess what secrets he must be hiding.

After Mo Xun calmed down a little, he boldly asked: "Dare you ask me your senior's surname?"

"Xiao Qian" saw that the other party did not answer the question, so he said calmly: "My Taoist name is Wuji Sanren. As for my real name, you don't need to know it."

Wuji Sanren?

Mo Xun silently wrote down the name. After thinking about it for a moment, he still had the courage to ask: "Senior, I wonder if the junior's friend Xiao Qian is still..."

Wuji Sanren sneered: "Since I succeeded in seizing the body, he has naturally disappeared into thin air... What, do you want to avenge him?"

Mo Xunlian said he didn't dare, not to mention that Xiao Qian didn't have a close relationship with him. I'm afraid even a sworn acquaintance wouldn't be enough for him to risk his life to avenge him!

"I wonder how many years have you been here, senior?"

"How many years?" Wuji Sanren smiled mockingly, as if talking to himself, and seemed to be answering Mo Xun: "Maybe two hundred years, maybe three hundred years!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but secretly gasped. Isn't this the old monster Xiao Qian often talks about?

I really don't know whether to call them lucky or unlucky. This person has been living here for two or three hundred years, but by chance, he was bumped into by the two of them.

But thinking about this, he seemed to understand a little bit what seizing the body was.

According to Xiao Qian's idea, the soul-nurturing tree can inhabit the soul. The Wuji Sanren in front of him might have just possessed the soul. The so-called body grabbing is probably a kind of possession.

It's just that this kind of possession may be more clever. It can kill the original soul in the body and occupy the magpie's nest!

Thinking of this, Mo Xun looked at Wuji Sanren with more fear in his eyes. If the other party was dissatisfied with Xiao Qian's body on a whim and tried to seize him again, it would be a real disaster.

Seeing that Mo Xun wanted to speak, Wuji Sanren waved his hands and said, "You have asked me so many questions, and now you will also answer my question."

Mo Xun quickly bowed and said: "Senior, please ask!"

"What are you doing in Tianxiang Valley?"

"Back to senior, this junior accepted a mission from Gu Yue Sect and came here specifically to collect elixirs."

Wuji Sanren frowned and asked, "Are you a disciple of the Ancient Moon Sect?"

"No, it's just Brother Xiao..."

Mo Xun looked at the familiar face in front of him, and for a moment he didn't know how to call Xiao Qian. He was obviously still the same person, but his soul had been replaced.

"It's just that Brother Xiao, who was taken over by the senior, was born in Blue Sky City. It is said that he took over the task in the black market."

"What mission?"

Mo Xun pointed to the opponent's waist with some embarrassment and said: "The specific information of the mission is in the storage bag on the senior's body."

Wuji Sanren looked at his waist, and as soon as his mind moved, a jade slip appeared in his hand.

After putting the jade slip against his forehead, within a moment, Wuji Sanren asked, "What do you want Gu Yueling to do?"

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