"Senior, according to Brother Xiao, with the Gu Yue Order, we can make a reasonable request to an elder in Gu Yue Sect, and then he can help us join Gu Yue Sect."

There is actually nothing to hide on this issue. Mo Xun knows that as long as he behaves well and does not play tricks, the other party has no reason to take his life.

He does not believe that there are people in this world who like to kill people for no reason.

However, the following words made him realize that he had overlooked a very important issue.

Wuji Sanren pondered for a moment, and in front of Mo Xun, he said to himself without hesitation: "Gu Yue Sect is enough to restore some cultivation..."

While Mo Xun was still guessing what the other party meant, Wuji Sanren suddenly said: "Follow me first, it's just some low-level spiritual herbs, I will take you to find it."

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment, and after reacting, he hurriedly said: "Thank you for your help, senior."

After that, Wuji Sanren randomly chose a direction and prepared to go to the ground first.

Seeing that the other party chose the direction he came from, Mo Xun hurriedly said: "Senior, this road leads to a maze of considerable size. Xiao Qian and I were forced to come underground to find a new way out because we lost our way."

"What can a mere maze do to me?"

Mo Xun opened his mouth, and seeing that the other party walked forward without even turning his head, he could only sigh and follow him.

When passing by the soul-nourishing tree thrown aside, Wuji Sanren ignored it. Mo Xun's heart moved, and he waved his robe sleeves and collected it.

Just when he was secretly happy, the voice of Wuji Sanren came to his ears.

"This thing is only five hundred years old. Once it is pulled out, if there is no special method to preserve it, it will wither and die in one or two days!"

Mo Xun's mouth moved, no wonder he didn't want it.

Looking at Wuji Sanren's back from a distance, Mo Xun's mind began to think about the other party's next intention.

After a long time, his face suddenly changed, and he thought of a very bad situation.

Regardless of the previous cultivation level of this Wuji Sanren, he must still be at the tenth level of Qi Refining now that he has taken over Xiao Qian's body.

If you put yourself in his shoes, what would be the most urgent thing next if he were Wuji Sanren?

The answer is self-evident, it must be to restore the cultivation as soon as possible!

To restore, you have to practice, and to practice, you have to find a place and resources, and in the entire vicinity, it seems that only Gu Yuemen can provide these.

In other words, Wuji Sanren helped him find spiritual medicine, in fact, he also wanted to get the Gu Yue Order, and then enter Gu Yuemen.

Now he will not be killed for the time being, perhaps because his fire-based skills may be of some help to what he is going to do next.

But what about after the matter is over?

Will the other party let him go if he is no longer useful?

This person will definitely enter Gu Yuemen as Xiao Qian next, and he is the only one in the world who can know this secret. Will the other party allow such a disaster to be planted?

The more Mo Xun thought about it, the colder his back felt.

In this world, there is indeed no one who kills for no reason, but now it is different. If all his analysis is true, isn't it the best reason?

After an incense stick, the two returned to the ground. At this moment, Mo Xun hoped that the maze here could be more powerful and temporarily trap them in this place. He really didn't know what would greet him once he got out of the maze?

Wuji Sanren looked around, then chose a direction, called Mo Xun, and walked quickly.

The speed of the two was neither fast nor slow. Every time Wuji Sanren walked a distance, he would change direction strangely. With Mo Xun's knowledge, he couldn't see any pattern.

But at this moment, he didn't have the mind to pay attention to these. As his mind was flowing, he kept thinking about how to escape.

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