Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 119 Three Monsters

However, there seemed to be a pair of eyes behind Wuji Sanren. If Mo Xunfan failed to keep up with him, he would urge him with words.

Mo Xun felt bitter in his heart. Xiao Qian said that he was a lucky star, but he thought that there had never been a peaceful day since the two met.

Thinking of Xiao Qian, he secretly glanced at Wuji Sanren again, wondering if he still had a chance to return the jade pendant and jade slips entrusted to him by Xiao Qian back to Blue Sky City.

Life is indeed unpredictable. Who would have thought that not long ago, the two of them were immersed in the joy of finding a treasure by chance, but now he was the only one left, and his life and death were unpredictable.

After walking for more than an hour, Mo Xun suddenly said "Hey" and looked around. Although the bushes, weeds, green mountains and rocks were still there, he could clearly feel that something was different nearby.

"Senior, have we come out yet?"

Wuji Sanren nodded indifferently, pointed in one direction and said: "That's Qingfeng Cliff over there. The spiritual grass you need can be easily found in that place."

Mo Xun looked around in confusion. The surroundings were completely white. Except for the same flowers, plants and trees, he could not tell the correct direction.

The two of them had not walked far in silence when three monsters with two horns and a face like a wild boar suddenly jumped out in front of them. Their body shape seemed to be even stronger than the Fengli beast Mo Xun had seen before. .

Mo Xun's heart froze, and he wanted to touch the Fire Spirit Flag, but then he remembered that this thing had already been collected by Wuji Sanren.

In desperation, he had to take out a few talismans. In his opinion, these wild boars were probably level three monsters.

"What kind of talisman is in your hand?"

Mo Xun turned to look at Wuji Sanren beside him, and said quickly: "Senior, these are some fireball talismans."

Facing the aggressive approach of three monsters in the distance, Wuji Sanren looked calm.

"show me!"

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, but still handed the talisman to Wuji Sanren. Perhaps the other person's calm aura infected him. Even though he was facing three monsters at the same time, he seemed to be a little calmer.

Wuji Sanren took the talisman and looked at it, then frowned: "Low-level spiritual talisman!"

Seeing three monster beasts surrounding the two of them, their fangs opening their mouths and approaching continuously, Mo Xunyou wanted to remind Wuji Sanren, but after opening his mouth, he did not speak.

At this moment, he was thinking carefully. Could he take advantage of this chaos and escape in one fell swoop?

With this thought, he was no longer afraid, and even expected a few monsters to pounce on him immediately. At the same time, the Fiery Art in his body was running, and he would leave at the right time.

The Wuji Sanren on the side suddenly bit his finger and used blood to draw a few strokes on the talisman. Then he quickly changed a few Taoist formulas with his right hand in front of his chest. After chanting a few spells in his mouth, his eyes After a moment of concentration, he suddenly threw the magic talisman out.

I saw a few talismans burning in mid-air, and then suddenly turned into several fire dragons, heading straight for the three monsters.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun was stunned on the spot. What kind of method could he use to increase the power of the talisman to this level in such a short period of time.

For a moment, he was a little doubtful whether those talismans just now came from his hands.

Under the scorching heat of the seven or eight fire dragons, it seemed that even the white poisonous mist nearby was burned.

The three monster beasts had no time to react before they were entangled by these fire dragons.

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