Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 120 Qingfeng Cliff

The area was in chaos. The fire dragons were like living creatures, constantly tearing the monsters' skin and flesh. The surrounding flowers, plants and shrubs were all burned.

Looking at the raging fire in front of him, Mo Xun actually forgot about his plan to escape. Such a fight was beyond his expectation.

Is this a method that only high-level cultivators can master?

Raise your hands to set up a formation, and drop ink to form a talisman!

"What are you doing? Hurry up and leave. Do you think these low-level talismans of yours can really deal with level 3 monsters?"

Hearing the voice transmission in his ears, Mo Xun suddenly shuddered and hurriedly followed in the direction of Wuji Sanren.

At this moment, he really wanted to cry but had no tears. Although the other party's current cultivation level seemed to be only the tenth level of Qi Refining, God knew how many means he had that transcended the realm.

Facing such an old monster, did he have a chance to escape?

In the next half day, the two encountered monsters three more times, and they were all some strange-looking things that Mo Xun had never seen before.

However, under the leadership of Wuji Sanren, they either won easily or got rid of it easily.

Moreover, Mo Xun also found that Wuji Sanren seemed to be particularly familiar with the terrain of Tianxiang Valley.

He wanted to ask about his origins, but he knew that the more he knew, the faster he would die.

Not long after, the two came to the bottom of a mountain.

Tianxiang Valley is called a valley, but it is actually made up of many mountain ranges, but most of these mountains are relatively low.

The mountain in the distance is blocked by white fog, so the whole picture cannot be seen, but in Mo Xun's opinion, this peak should be the highest mountain he has seen since entering the valley.

Under the leadership of Wuji Sanren, Mo Xun no longer worried about the danger of monsters. The two quickly climbed to the middle of the mountain and suddenly saw a very lush spiritual grass.

"Those are sunset flowers, go and collect them all."

If it were yesterday, Mo Xun would definitely be happy to see so many spiritual herbs, but the current situation made him really unhappy.

The key is that he dared not disobey the other party's order.

He was really helpless in his heart. This was the first time in his life that he felt so helpless.

Mo Xun walked over slowly, took out a jade box, and collected all the dozen sunset flowers on the ground. He wanted to give them to Wuji Sanren, but he didn't even look at them and went in another direction.

Mo Xun put away the jade box, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart.

Could it be that he had guessed wrong before, and the other party's original intention was not to exchange the spiritual herbs for the Gu Yue Order and then enter the Gu Yue Gate?

Just to help him?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but laugh at himself. How could it be possible?

In a flash, he thought of an explanation, that is, he was just keeping it for others temporarily.

In the eyes of the other party, as long as he was no longer useful, everything on him would have to be handed over?

Next, the two of them kept wandering around the Qingfeng Cliff. In just half a day, they gathered all the spiritual herbs in the mission, and no more and no less.

However, as the spiritual herbs were collected, Mo Xun's heart gradually sank to the bottom of the sea, because he knew that his death was not far away.

But up to now, he had not thought of any way to escape.

Sometimes he really wanted to muster up the courage to compete with this Wuji Sanren, but he always secretly held back.

He knew that unless it was absolutely necessary, a direct fight would definitely be the most unwise choice.

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