"Senior, where are we going?" After walking with Wuji Sanren for most of the night, Mo Xun finally plucked up the courage to ask the question in his heart.

Although the other party had said before that he would borrow his fire-based skills next, he was really nervous before asking clearly.

Wuji Sanren glanced at him lightly and said, "We are almost there. You will know in a while."

Mo Xun looked at the familiar back in front of him and could only sigh secretly.

Two hours later, the sky began to brighten, but the fog around him became thicker and thicker.

The discomfort in his body was much stronger than before. Mo Xun suddenly remembered what Xiao Qian had said to him before. I am afraid that this place is already the inner valley.

He then took out a detoxification pill and swallowed it, slightly suppressing the anxious spiritual power in his body.

And Wuji Sanren in front of him suddenly stopped at this time, looking at his feet motionlessly.

Mo Xun looked up and saw that not far away under the white fog, there seemed to be a broken canyon.

After walking over, he found that there was indeed a deep pit of unknown width under his feet.

The deep pit was also filled with thick white fog, and at a glance, it looked like it was in the clouds.

"You'd better not get so close. This place is more than ten thousand feet deep. If you can't fly, no one can save you if you fall in!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun was frightened and quickly took two steps back. He thought it was just a deep pit, but it turned out to be an abyss. If you don't know the truth, you will really fall in accidentally.

"Senior, what are we doing here?"

Wuji Sanren did not answer him, but looked around, then walked to a thick tree, and then took out a dagger from the storage bag. In a few moves, he peeled off the bark of the whole tree.

Mo Xun opened his mouth in confusion, and seeing that the other party had no intention of answering, he didn't ask any more questions.

He turned his head and looked at the white abyss again, his eyes turned, and suddenly a bold idea came to him, but for a while, he was a little undecided.

After a while, Wuji Sanren wove the peeled bark into a thick hemp rope, then tied the dagger to the end of the hemp rope, walked to the edge of the abyss, grabbed the dagger, and threw it out suddenly.

The dagger instantly disappeared in the white mist, leaving a long rope in the air, and then heard a crash in the distance.

Wuji Sanren pulled the hemp rope hard, and then tied the other end of the rope to the big tree next to him.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun instantly understood the other party's intention.

"Come here, follow me down!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but twitch his mouth. He wanted to take advantage of Wuji Sanren going down to find an opportunity to escape, but who knew that the other party wanted to pull him along.

The key is that he didn't know whether the rope was strong or not.

But then again, for a cultivator, is there no safer way?

Wuji Sanren, who was originally extremely unfathomable, suddenly felt commonplace in Mo Xun's heart.

Helplessly, he had to step forward. Before he could stand firm, Wuji Sanren grabbed his shoulders and flew into the air.

The two people in the air were like two lone geese, shrouded in white mist, as if running in the air.

Although it was all white and he couldn't see how deep it was, when he thought of the abyss under his feet, Mo Xun felt his legs and feet go weak unconsciously.

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