Fortunately, this feeling did not last long, and the two of them fell to the ground at the same time.

Only then did they discover that there was a natural cave on the opposite rock wall, with a cave entrance of about ten feet wide. The place where the two fell was exactly at the cave entrance.

It was strange to say that when looking down from above, there was only a white fog, but after falling down, some nearby scenery could be seen clearly.

Mo Xun couldn't help but look into the cave, but because there was no sunlight, it was pitch black when he looked two or three feet inside.

He was now completely sure that Wuji Sanren should be very familiar with the valley, otherwise he would not have found this place so accurately in the fog.

Wuji Sanren suddenly chopped down the hemp rope with his palm, and the rope as thick as the whole arm broke, and fell into the abyss in Mo Xun's astonished eyes, and disappeared in the white fog.

Seeing this scene, Mo Xun's mouth twitched. Was he afraid that he would run away?

He had just roughly estimated that the width of the abyss was about 10 to 20 feet, and the distance from this place to the ground was also 30 to 40 feet.

Although the rock wall was smooth and steep, it should not be difficult for him to climb up with his skills.

"Come in with me!"

Mo Xun said "Oh" lightly, and the two walked into the cave. After walking 70 to 80 feet in the dark, they suddenly felt a faint light in front of them, and the air became unusually hot.

Mo Xun looked from afar and saw a bright light deep in the cave, as if a blazing fire was burning, illuminating the end of his sight.

After walking for a while, the light became more and more obvious, and Mo Xun's limbs already had a clear sense of burning.

Because of the increase in temperature, sweat began to seep out of his forehead and back, and his body was unconsciously restless, as if even breathing had become unusually difficult.

"Use your spiritual power to protect your body, otherwise you will die of dehydration before you reach the destination!"

As Wuji Sanren's voice came to his ears, Mo Xun hurriedly activated the Fiery Fire Art, and a faint red light suddenly lingered on his body.

Looking at Wuji Sanren again, he was also surrounded by a faint green light.

Mo Xun slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air and wiped the sweat on his forehead. He felt quite resentful in his heart. He didn't know what the other party was thinking. Since he knew that he needed to take some protective measures to enter this place, he didn't tell him in advance.

In fact, he really blamed Wuji Sanren for this matter. The main reason was that he had no experience in such dangerous places.

Not long after, the two came to a magma pool of several feet in size. At this time, the temperature nearby had reached a terrifying level, and even the air became distorted.

In order to resist this heat, Mo Xun had to activate the Fiery Fire Art to the extreme, and the spiritual power in his body was also consumed at a very fast speed.

Despite this, his face looked quite difficult. In this environment, if he didn't have spiritual power to protect his body, he felt that he would become a dried-up person in the blink of an eye.

I don't know why this Wuji Sanren came to such a harsh environment!

In the magma pool, the hot and fiery lava kept rolling, and some black smoke and turbid air came out from it from time to time, which made people smell extremely pungent.

Wuji Sanren just stood there quietly, with green light lingering around him. I don't know if he was forcing himself to endure it, or if there was some special way. His face looked calm and calm, as if he was not affected by the heat at all.

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