Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1074: Bloodthirst appears, who can compete with him?

The blood in the air was filled with a disgusting stench, and the sword light mixed with red light was flying in the air without any rules.

If we talk about the most uncomfortable person at this moment, it must be Chi Li.

The little guy not only had to guard against the sneak attack of the green light above his head, but also had to avoid the sharp and terrifying sword light of Mo Xun.

This sudden change caught Mo Jiao off guard.

"This sword..."

In the invisible place, Mo Jiao had already frowned.

It was wrong this time. I didn't expect this guy to have such an evil treasure.

Before it could react, it saw that Mo Xun's whole person suddenly changed.

Nine changes to the sky!

In a few breaths, the killing god, who was originally full of murderous aura and red, turned into a huge golden ape more than several feet tall.

The long sword in his hand also grew larger.

The huge body of the golden ape suddenly jumped high, and the long sword swept across. The huge sword light drew a bloody mark in the air, as if it was going to chop the world into pieces.

What is shocking the heavens, what is weeping the earth, a sword cuts the sky!

The sword light gradually expanded, like a gust of wind, breaking those indestructible iron chains like a dead tree or rotten wood.

Perhaps there was still some consciousness left. Before Mo Xun slashed the sword, Chi Li had already turned into flames, rolled up Lan Xin and the incarnation and hid far away.

A low roar came from my ear!

"Just an ant, you have angered me again!"

After the voice fell, not to mention Mo Xun, Chi Li rolled his eyes.

From the time the two met until now, I don't know how many rounds of anger value have risen!

Mo Xun has always believed in the view that more actions and less words!

The villains all die because of talking too much!

Besides, Mo Xun, who is in a crazy state at the moment, will never listen to such threats.

After a sword, he gathered his magic power again.

But then, the earth suddenly began to tremble.

With a loud bang, the ground below suddenly exploded, and a black iron chain as thick as a millstone emerged from the ground, like a hellish python, breaking out from under his feet.

The thick iron chain was extremely fast and hit the golden ape directly.

The golden ape roared in pain, and its huge body was also knocked away.

The iron chain followed closely, wrapped around its body in circles, and in the blink of an eye, it was wrapped into a black dumpling with a cold glow.

The golden ape in it was shining with golden light and kept struggling inside.

But when it tried to break free from the iron chain by enlarging its body, the iron chains would also become thicker and longer.

When he shrank his body, the iron chain would do the same!

The harsh sound of the iron chain hitting echoed around, as if a demon trapped in the abyss wanted to break free.

At this moment, a figure flashed in the void.

Looking closely, it was exactly the same as Mo Xun.

It turned out that when Mo Xun was trying to create a clone, he had buried a hidden chess piece in advance and condensed two clones at the same time.

One broke through the barrier and reached the periphery, while the other was hiding in the dark.

After the clone appeared, it rushed into the sky at a very fast speed, and at the same time, he raised his hands in the air, and immediately a bow and an arrow appeared in his palm.

It was the Demon-Slaying Bow!

This treasure was the Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu that was given to him by Wenren Baili. After decades of planting in the black soil in the gourd, he was refined into a longbow.

The clone was seen floating in the air, with both hands drawing the bow and arrow.

The lightning arc flashed on the bowstring, and the arrow was wrapped in lightning. The whole person of the clone was like bathing in a pool of thunder.

In the dark night, one person and one bow, like the thunder god descending from the sky.

This Zhengyang Lei Jiaomu was originally prepared by Mo Xun specifically for the demons, but he didn't expect that the first time it was used on a demon.

Mo Xun has used bows and arrows since he started practicing.

When he was in Xihezhou, he got a Qiankun bow.

That thing had accompanied him for a period of time, but it was not of high level. After he formed the elixir, it could not keep up with his cultivation.

The lightning arrow drew a flash of lightning in the air, carrying the sound of breaking through the air and almost tearing the space.

With a bang, the arrow hit the iron chain, and a large arc of fire broke out.

The lightning flooded the huge golden ape iron chain of several feet in an instant, and the whole space was also illuminated.

The world was briefly quiet in the next moment, with only the flashing arcs making a slight sound in the air.

When the lightning dissipated, it was seen that a large hole had been broken where the iron chain was wrapped.

The golden hair of the giant ape was exposed one by one.

The roar of the black dragon came again in the ear, but in that anger, there was a hint of excitement.

"Good treasure, I accept it with pleasure!"

Then, the iron chain that had been shattered was re-condensed and repaired, and in a breath, it was wrapped around the golden ape again, locking it tightly.

"In tens of thousands of years, although you are not the strongest among the human race that I have seen, you are also the most difficult to deal with. The treasures on you are coveted by me even at my peak. I thought it would be a headache to meet you, but now it seems that it is also an opportunity!"

Mo Jiao said this very arrogantly, as if the battle between the two had already had a result.

But this is true. Not to mention the other party, even if it is anyone in this world, after seeing Mo Xun's endless treasures and methods, not only will they not retreat, but their greed will increase.

Xuantian True Fire, Bloodthirsty Sword, Tongbao Spear, Demon-Slaying Bow, a powerful incarnation, a mysterious clone technique, a strong horizontal training body, and the speed of condensing the Nascent Soul in more than 200 years...

If this person does not have a great opportunity, Mo Jiao dares to twist his head off.

As the voice fell, another thick iron chain emerged from the ground and rushed to the clone with lightning speed.

Then he swung it heavily, and the iron chain, which was thicker than the clone, was like a steel mountain, smashing the clone from a high altitude.

With a bang, the clone sank into the soil underground.

The iron chain did not stop, and it whipped down immediately afterwards.

The terrifying iron whip hit the ground, causing the whole earth to tremble, and the clone that received the whip shattered like glass, and then turned into a puff of green smoke.

Such a deafening movement naturally attracted the attention of Lan Xin in the distance.

As the clone disappeared, her heart tightened.

To be honest, ever since she woke up and saw Mo Xun, her heart was full of complexities.

On the one hand, she was looking forward to being rescued.

On the other hand, she was afraid to face Mo Xun.

After all, this person's arrival meant that the lotus body incarnation beside her could no longer stay with her.

In addition, the incarnation was about to enter the Nascent Soul stage, and the gap between the two made her suddenly feel hesitant.

Can they still be together?

Women are like this. Once they fall in love, those so-called missions and tasks will become the past in an instant in front of their lovers.

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