Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1075 Chain vs Chain

Not long after the green smoke dissipated, it condensed again in another void in the distance.

However, the condensed form was obviously inferior in momentum.

The iron chain seemed to have spirituality, as if it knew that it might not be able to kill the incarnation with one strike. The next moment, it almost did not stop and flew towards the incarnation again.

The incarnation used a five-element escape technique to dodge at the first moment, but the space here seemed to be bound by some force. It only escaped a few feet and appeared again.

Although it avoided the frontal whip of the iron whip, it was swept by the residual force and staggered in mid-air.

The incarnation took advantage of the momentum to fly into the air and drew the bow and arrow in his hand again.

With a bang, the iron chain wrapped around the golden ape's body exploded in the electric arc again.

This time, without waiting for it to repair, the incarnation shot another arrow.

In just a few breaths, three or four lightning arrows hit the iron chain, and the broken gap became larger and larger.

The place where the golden ape was located seemed to be in the center of a thunderstorm.

The arcs of electricity in the sky were like countless flying snakes, and with the scattered nebula swords, the whole space was in chaos.

The reason why the Demon-Slaying Bow could show such power was due to its material, which was the extremely rare Zhengyang Leijiao wood in the mortal world.

The refining method was also borrowed from a treasure illustration given by Lu Wushen.

On the other hand, although the black dragon was a demon, it had absorbed the Sky Demon Crystal for decades, and its mana could be said to be half demon and half devil.

And Zhengyang Leijiao wood was the great nemesis of the demonic energy!

Just when the lightning strike reached the critical point, the golden ape in the iron chain also exerted force at the same time.

With a deafening roar, the golden ape finally broke free from the restraints and tore the iron chains wrapped around its body into pieces.

However, these iron chains were not substantial.

After breaking, they would condense again.

After the golden ape suffered a loss last time, it would not be easily bound by the iron chain again. Before it could regroup, it had already jumped over, grabbed the iron chain with its huge palms and pulled it hard, breaking it.

While Mo Xun's original body was fighting fiercely with it, the lotus body incarnation on the other side had already entered the critical moment of fusing the Nascent Soul.

The black Nascent Soul on its head had disappeared.

The incarnation was wrapped in a ball of extremely dense black gas.

This black gas was also very strange, mixed with a lot of poisonous gas, which was extremely evil.

Mo Xun actually had two Nascent Souls in his hand.

One was the demon cultivator who was killed at the front line of the Heavenly Demon.

The other was the Gu Taoist who was captured in the ruins of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The incarnation was now refining the Nascent Soul of the Gu Taoist.

The reason why Mo Xun chose this person was because he felt that the other party was stronger.

In the midst of the thunder and lightning, Lan Xin and the incarnation, under the protection of Xuantian True Fire, had to flee around and stay away from the center of the thunderstorm because they had to avoid the iron chains and the green light above their heads.

Fortunately, Mo Jiao did not seem to take the incarnation that was fusing with the Nascent Soul seriously.

To be precise, he did not think that one more Nascent Soul cultivator would pose much of a threat to him.

After all, even if the incarnation was successfully fused, it would only be an initial stage Nascent Soul at most.

This is the confidence of the strong!

However, this kind of confidence sometimes makes them pay a heavy price.

Mo Xun, who turned into a golden ape, grasped the void in his hand and once again sacrificed the bloodthirsty sword.

But he saw his long sword waving, and the red bloody sword light drew out sword lights, either slashing on the iron chain or sinking into the void.

The lightning arrows shot from the Demon-Slaying Bow had stopped.

It was not that there were no arrows, but that the clone had completely dissipated because of the exhaustion of mana.

In order to deal with the upcoming demonic calamity, Mo Xun prepared a lot of bows and arrows.

With the green gourd in hand, he did not hesitate to use the black soil. If his energy was not limited, he could refine hundreds of arrows.

But this bow consumed too much mana.

Even Mo Xun himself could only shoot dozens of arrows at most at a time.

Mo Xun knew the progress of the fusion of the lotus body incarnation.

On the one hand, he was looking for a way to break through the siege of these iron chains, and on the other hand, he was waiting for the incarnation to merge successfully.

After all, the clone was just a condensation of mana and could not use all kinds of means.

But the incarnation was different. Except for the difference in realm and mana, it was almost the same as the original body.

In this way, the melee lasted for half a day.

Until Mo Xun felt that the ubiquitous iron chains seemed endless, and he could not find any way to break through, a sudden light flashed in his mind.

There was also a string of mysterious iron chains in his green gourd!

Since he found out that there was something else in that thing, it helped him study the restrictions for a while, but it has no other use.

I wonder what will happen if the two meet?

This inspiration was thanks to Mo Jiao's reminder.

That beast talked too much. When fighting with Mo Xun, he always threatened or said some domineering words from time to time.

But in the end, that's it.

The two seemed to be in a stalemate of consumption.

Mo Xun couldn't break through the barrier cast by the other party, and Mo Jiao couldn't do anything to Mo Xun for a while.

What surprised Mo Jiao was that in addition to Mo Xun's endless methods, there was also the mana that had not shown any signs of exhaustion.

Whether it is a mortal or a cultivator, there will be a time when they are exhausted in a fight.

But on Mo Xun's side, the mana in his dantian seemed to be endless, without any signs of consumption.

It took a long time for Mo Jiao to react.

The other party must have a spiritual medicine that can quickly restore mana.

And the number is definitely not small!

This is also the confidence that Mo Xun can hold on until now!

If he meets someone with similar strength, Mo Xun will never be timid. He has patience and capital to compete for resources.

Of course, no one wants to fall into this kind of war of attrition.

He just doesn't believe it. The Mo Jiao was trapped for tens of thousands of years, and not long after being released, he was seriously injured by the demon cultivator. He has been recovering from his injuries for decades. How could he have more spiritual medicine than him?

It was because of the other party's tireless rhetoric that Mo Xun suddenly woke up.

At this moment, Mo Xun has long recovered from the Nine Changes of the Sky-supporting.

But the bloodthirsty sword in his hand has not been retracted.

Now his consciousness is sometimes turbid and sometimes clear.

Whenever he was about to go completely crazy, he would bite his tongue in time to force himself to regain consciousness.

For this reason, he had to suppress the power of the bloodthirsty sword.

In this way, he was a little stretched in dealing with it.

Fortunately, as he gradually adapted, he had already figured out the attack method of the strange iron chain, and with the help of his agile body, he could fight at a comparable level.

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