Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1076: Life and Death

After a long period of exhaustion and confrontation, Mo Jiao has long been impatient.

You must know that it is still in an injured state. If it continues to consume like this, its magic power will eventually run out.

But to be honest, it has no good solution.

Unless it tries its best to strike hard!

But in that case, there will be two results.

One is to kill the opponent, but suffer backlash and serious injuries!

The other is that it cannot kill the opponent, but it still has to bear the consequences of serious injuries.

No matter which one of these, it is unwilling to bear.

As the battle situation became stalemate, Mo Jiao once again thought of retreating.

Although the bell is important, it is not impossible to take it back when he recovers his strength in the future.

Thinking of this, Mo Jiao has already made a plan.

But before retreating, it will not let Mo Xun have an easy time.

Soon, its eyes focused on the lotus body incarnation and Lan Xin on the other side.

Since it can't kill the original body, then it will destroy the opponent's trump card!

But just when it had this thought, it found that Mo Xun's attack suddenly became fierce.

Mo Jiao's heart trembled, thinking that he had not made up his mind yet, but the opponent seemed to be fighting to the death.

It then snorted coldly!

"Boy, if I had not been seriously injured, with your little tricks, you would not be able to last even three breaths in my hands. I will give you one last chance. Return the purple gold bell, and I will spare your life."

Although he said so, in fact, Mo Jiao had already made plans to withdraw his magical powers at any time.

And at this moment, a green light flashed in Mo Xun's hand.

A very harsh metal collision sound resounded in all directions, and then a thicker iron chain than before flew out of the air.

Each link on the iron chain was about ten feet wide.

It stretched across the air for hundreds of feet, as if it was a shackle hanging from the sky to lock the world.

The moment the iron chain appeared, Mo Jiao was stunned for a moment.

And he hesitated for a moment, wondering when the iron chain he had condensed became so powerful.

And the next moment, his face changed drastically!

I saw the thick iron chain fell heavily on the ground, and after a loud bang, the whole space was shaken.

The raised soil and gravel were mixed in the blood mist, which was filthy!

Before the dust had dispersed, a very strange scene appeared around.

I saw the black iron chains released by the black dragon flying towards the thick iron lock on the ground one by one, and then directly immersed in the iron lock.

Mo Xun, who was still conscious, suddenly brightened up and woke up completely.

He hurriedly put away the bloodthirsty sword. This evil long sword might not be controlled by his current realm at all.

He had never expected that the iron lock had such power.

This thing was used to lock the monster under the Wan Yao Ruins.

And according to his and Xia Muyao's speculation, this thing probably does not belong to this world. After all, it must be extraordinary to be able to trap a being above the level of God Transformation for countless years.

He also had the idea of ​​​​a thief not to leave empty-handed, which led to today's miraculous effect.

Let alone Mo Xun, even Mo Jiao was stunned on the spot.

"What treasure is this?"

As soon as the voice fell, Mo Jiao suddenly roared.

After absorbing the iron chains scattered in the air, the iron chain did not stop, but like a deep-sea whirlpool, emitting a strong suction force.

In the dark void, and on the ground under the feet, iron chains kept flying in the air, and one by one was absorbed by the iron chain.

In an instant, a very spectacular scene appeared in front of him.

Countless iron chains were torn out as if pulled by some force, all flying towards the huge iron chain on the ground.

The ground shook within a few hundred feet, as if it was a lonely boat in the waves, and it would sink at any time.

"Stop... Stop now..."

The horrified and anxious plea of ​​Mo Jiao came to my ears.

The iron chains that originally bound Mo Xun seemed to be condensed by some kind of power from the other party. Once absorbed by the iron chain, it would obviously cause irreversible effects on him.

But Mo Xun would not care about these. Seeing that the reversal was imminent, he was relieved.

And who knows how to stop that thing? He has studied the iron chain for decades, but still has no clue.

Except for knowing that there are extremely complicated and mysterious restrictions in it, nothing else is clear.

"Stop now, do you have to fight to the death with me?"

Under the change, Mo Jiao was already panicked.

But Mo Xun has heard a lot of such words since he fought with him.

But this time, it was different from before.

Just when Mo Xun was careless, light flashed in the air and gradually condensed into the shape of Mo Jiao.

But this body was much smaller than the original body, only a dozen feet.

Mo Xun's spiritual sense swept over it, and his brows furrowed slightly.

He could feel that the thing was indeed the breath of the Mo Jiao, but it was somewhat different from its previous original body.

In his opinion, it was a bit similar to the Nascent Soul of a cultivator.

He knew that when the demon race advances to a certain level, it can condense the inner elixir, just like the golden elixir of a cultivator.

But even the demon beasts in the Nascent Soul stage are mainly cultivating demon elixir.

He had never heard of the demon race having a Nascent Soul!

But no matter what it is, it is not a good sign.

And judging from the opponent's posture, it is going to fight to the death!

The Mo Jiao first glanced at the iron chain on the ground with amazing momentum, and finally his eyes fell on Mo Xun.

"Human cultivator, I will discuss with you for the last time. Take back the iron chain magic and return the purple gold bell to me. There is no big hatred between you and me. Even if there were some misunderstandings before, they will be written off from now on. If we meet in the future, we will not interfere with each other. How about it?"

While the other party was talking, Mo Xun carefully discovered that as the iron chain continued to absorb the iron chain, the breath of the black dragon seemed to be decreasing little by little.

It seems that those iron chains should be the magic power or blood of this beast.

The iron chain seems to be absorbing the iron chain, but in fact it is absorbing the other party's blood and magic power.

This is a bit interesting. I think there must be something in the iron chain that restrains the black dragon.

Perhaps it is the material, or the restriction inside.

When the other party saw that Mo Xun did not answer, he snorted coldly.

The powerful magic power impact set off a wave of air in the air. Mo Xun was caught off guard and retreated several steps directly.

Mo Xun naturally did not believe such words.

Perhaps the next moment after he took back the iron chain, the other party would use some other means.

If he wanted to use it again, who knows whether it would achieve the same effect.

Besides, there is no possibility of turning hostility into friendship between the two of them. Let alone next time, even today, there must be a result.

Mo Xun sneered.

"Okay, you might as well remove this barrier first. If I get out of trouble, I will naturally take the treasure. As you said, there is no great hatred between you and me, and I don't want to fight to the death!"

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