When Mo Xun caught up with the incarnation, the nominal master and servant looked at each other.

In just one glance, Mo Xun's heart sank.

In that look, there was no longer the dullness and dullness of the past. Instead, there was vigilance, caution, and even a hint of resentment.

He finally understood what the strangeness he had felt when facing the incarnation many times was!

This guy actually had spiritual intelligence!

People say that all things have spirits. Over the years, he has encountered trees becoming spirits, rocks taking shape, and even the memories sealed by powerful monks, which can give birth to self-awareness.

But he didn't expect that this would happen to him.

The cultivation level revealed by the incarnation at this moment has reached the early stage of the Nascent Soul. Although the realm is still a little unstable, it is a genuine Nascent Soul.

A circle of turbid black air lingers on its body.

Although the complexion is still the same as Mo Xun, the skin is abnormally dark.

The most critical thing is the eyes.

Gloomy and hateful!

After the successful fusion of Yuanying, the speed of the incarnation flying in the air is no longer comparable to the past.

In his arms, he is holding a person.

Looking closely, it is Lan Xin.

But Lan Xin is now covered in blood, with her head drooping and her arms hanging down, and she has lost half of her breath.

"Lan Xin is dead?"

Mo Xun was briefly surprised for a moment, and his mind turned quickly, and his attention returned to the incarnation.

What he didn't know was that the previous self-explosion happened to coincide with the most critical time for the incarnation to fuse Yuanying.

Lan Xin used her body to block it before the explosion.

It was precisely because of this that the incarnation was spared from the impact.

However, Lan Xin paid with her life for this.

The vigilance in the other party's eyes was directed at Mo Xun, and the hatred was mainly directed at Mo Jiao.

Of course, in the feelings towards Mo Xun, even if there is no hatred, there is deep resentment.

If Mo Xun hadn't left them behind, how could Lan Xin have lost her life?

Although Mo Xun hadn't figured out what exactly happened, everything in front of him could already explain a lot of things.

A person developed feelings for an incarnation that was born with consciousness.

Although this kind of thing sounds absurd, it is nothing in the world of cultivation.

In fact, strictly speaking, Lan Xin's death is inseparable from Mo Xun.

If he hadn't sent her and the incarnation here to investigate the situation in Yinjia Mountain, there wouldn't be today's result.

More importantly, he personally delivered the incarnation to Lan Xin.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Mo Xun hurriedly speeded up, and at the same time pinched the Dao formula in his hand, trying to get in touch with his divine consciousness left in the incarnation, and then regain control of the body.

But soon, he found something wrong.

The divine consciousness was still there, but it was bound by some kind of power.

Obviously, the incarnation with the strength of the Nascent Soul could already imprison his divine consciousness.

There was no way, he could only use force.

With this in mind, he increased his speed again. No matter what, he couldn't lose this incarnation.

If it was before, it would be fine if he lost it, at most he would lose a means to defend against the enemy.

But now, it is completely different.

God knows when the other party's independent consciousness was formed, and how much of his secrets does he know in that consciousness?

If the green gourd is leaked, the entire cultivation world will definitely explode.

By then, although the world is big, there may not be a place for him to stay.

And just as he increased his speed and was about to catch up with the incarnation, the other party suddenly took out a dark red cloak and put it on.

Then, he saw that the speed of the incarnation increased several times on the original basis.

"What is this treasure?"

Mo Xun's face became even gloomier. He always thought he was careful and cautious.

But who knew that the puppet he created had so many secrets hidden in secret.

Perhaps when Lan Xin took the incarnation to the southern border, the two had already hooked up.

At this moment, he really didn't know whether to be angry or laugh.

Angry at his carelessness, laughing at his stupidity.

It was also because of his great increase in strength since he formed a Nascent Soul. Both in realm and mentality, he had changed a lot from before.

Later, he defeated several cultivators of the same level and established a Nascent Soul sect with almost no difficulty.

Step by step, he was a little too proud of himself.

In his opinion, everything would not escape his control.

It was this kind of arrogance that eventually planted a big trouble for himself in secret.

Mo Xun quickly pinched a few Dao formulas with both hands, and his figure flashed, and his speed increased again.

The Mo Jiao, who was originally in the front, had slowly opened up the gap with the two behind because of the highest realm.

He was disdainful in his heart and cursed Mo Xun for being difficult to deal with.

As a level 10 demon beast comparable to the cultivation of the God of Transformation, it put down its dignity and ran away, but who knew that the human cultivator was still relentless.

He was even more ruthless in secret. Once its cultivation was restored, the first person he would definitely look for was the other party.

If it doesn't take revenge, it will never turn into a dragon!

But soon, it was shocked.

Because the guy that it had been slowly leaving behind was actually chasing it at a very fast speed.

In a panic, the black dragon used all its magic power to speed up.

Although it was reckless, it was not stupid.

Right now was the weakest time for it. Once it was entangled, it would inevitably fight desperately again.

The three of them chased each other like this, and they didn't know how far they flew, until the black dragon's magic power was a little weak, and then they stopped in frustration.

It wanted to question Mo Xun, why did the other party want to fight to the death when it had stopped?

But before it could speak, the incarnation flew close to it and chopped down with a white bone knife in its hand.

Although the black dragon's strength was greatly damaged, it was not something that could be easily shaken by the early stage of the Nascent Soul that had just advanced.

The black dragon's huge claws grabbed the air, and the powerful space restraint imprisoned the incarnation in place.

Then a wave of magic power rushed down, and the sword light was instantly shattered by the strong wind, and even the space was deformed.

Seeing that the residual power of magic power was about to hit the immobile incarnation, Mo Xun finally arrived.

He raised his hand and blocked the attack for the incarnation. At the same time, the spiritual domain dispersed, offsetting the space restraint created by the black dragon.

After the incarnation was freed, it did not fight hard again. It left the place immediately after its body flashed.

This scene made Mo Jiao a little stunned, and then it was filled with anger.

"Human race, what do you mean by this? Do you really want to fight me to the death?"

After hearing this, Mo Xun ignored the other party, and did not even look at Mo Jiao, but just waved his hand coldly at him.

"You go!"

These three light words, like three bells, instantly hit Mo Jiao's heart, and almost made it explode.

Was it ignored?

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