Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1179: One Master and One Servant

At this moment, the incarnation seemed to have gone crazy, swinging the bone-transforming knife again and slashing towards the ink dragon.

Before Mo Jiao could move, Mo Xun had already taken action.

He appeared in front of the avatar as if teleporting, and slapped it with one palm!

The turbulent palm wind was like an overwhelming force, not only shattering the terrifying sword light, but also sending the avatar's entire body flying away.

Mo Jiao was stunned once again, his brain was a little exhausted.

Fortunately, it soon figured it out.

This is when the incarnation escapes the control of its master and becomes self-aware!

As his mind raced, Mo Jiao immediately had other thoughts.

If he had watched the fire from the other side first, and when the master and the servant were fighting with both sides injured, and then suddenly come on, maybe his purple bell would have come back.

As soon as the thought came to his mind, Mo Xun gave him a cold look.

The meaning in his gaze couldn't be more obvious.

After Mo Jiao pondered for a moment, he left a cold snort and then drove away in the clouds without looking back.

At the same time, I also did some construction in my heart. It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that it doesn't want to take advantage of others!

When the incarnation saw Mo Jiao was about to leave, he immediately wanted to catch up with him.

But Mo Xun wouldn't let him leave. In a flash, he blocked the other party's way.

The avatar held Lan Xin, who had been dead for a long time, and looked at Mo Xun with hatred, exuding an evil black aura.

Mo Xun spoke calmly.

"Let's talk about it. When did you become conscious?"

The avatar did not answer, but asked mechanically: "Why should you let him go?"

Although he was mentally prepared, Mo Xun was still shocked when he heard the incarnation speak for the first time that was not controlled by his own consciousness.

He took a deep breath and looked at Lan Xin in the other person's arms.

"What did she call you?"

The Avatar was silent for a while, and then spoke without any emotion.


Mo Xun then remembered that this name was a temporary idea he had come up with many years ago.

In his impression, he didn't seem to have mentioned it to Lan Xin.

In other words, the other party has had autonomous consciousness from a long time ago.

"What do you know about me?"

This is what Mo Xun is most concerned about right now!

In fact, he doesn't have to do this. Once he subdues the opponent, subdues him again, and searches for his soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, everything will become clear.

But he really wanted to know the answer as soon as possible, so he couldn't wait to ask.

Mo Hun answered without hesitation: "You want to know what secrets I know about you?"

The two of them have been linked for hundreds of years, and with just one look, they can understand what the other is thinking.

Mo Xun didn't say anything, just stared at this former incarnation.

At the same time, one hand was secretly making secrets, ready to activate a hidden restriction left in his body at any time.

This was a back-up he had reserved when refining.

It's not to prevent the incarnation from betraying, but to not be too passive once it falls into the hands of someone with intentions.

This is a self-destruction ban. Once it is used, it can be instantly wiped out.

It's just that he really doesn't want to do it unless it's absolutely necessary.

The resources he spent on this incarnation were almost equivalent to cultivating a Nascent Soul cultivator.

But the incarnation on the opposite side was like a roundworm in his stomach, knowing what he was thinking, and spoke indifferently again.

"I have broken through that restriction. For all this, I want to thank you for helping me successfully integrate the Nascent Soul."

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun's hands in his sleeves immediately clenched into fists.

This was precisely what he was most worried about.

This incarnation was refined by him during the foundation building period.

No matter how strong the restriction is, it cannot escape the impact of Nascent Soul's cultivation.

Mo Xun took a deep breath.

This accident was not enough to make him lose his bearings. After all, in addition to the restriction, the opponent's body also contained his essence and blood.

As long as he is willing, he can control the essence and blood to block his meridians and Nascent Soul, temporarily losing resistance.

It’s just more troublesome!

Just listen to the incarnation continue to say: "I remember some of your secrets, but not all. They include the skills you practice, your magical powers, and the many magic weapons you possess. In addition, in my memory, you have a very remarkable counterattack." Heavenly treasure, it is precisely thanks to this that you can cultivate so quickly with multi-attribute mixed spiritual roots, but..."

When he heard this, Mo Xun clenched his fists tightly.

A pair of eyes stared at the prey like a hawk, as if it was about to swoop away at the next moment.

"But what it was, my memory is a little vague..."

Having said that, Mo Xun's heart did not relax at all.

The secret of the cyan gourd needs to be foolproof!

At this moment, he was actually a little glad that Lan Xin was dead.

If the other party is telling lies, then with the character of the avatar, Lan Xin is probably the only one who can share this secret with her.

The two fell into a brief silence for a while, and the air seemed to freeze at this moment.

After a moment, the Avatar spoke with a hint of pleading.

"I don't ask you to let me go. After all, you gave me my life. In a sense, you are me and I am you... I just hope you can give me some time." , when I kill that dragon, I will return to you. At that time, I will erase all memories and consciousness, and then... go to accompany her!"

After hearing these touching words, Mo Xun was not only indifferent, but also simply shook his head.

"Sorry, this matter is not up to you, but I can promise you that if I meet this beast again in the future, I will avenge her."

The incarnation lowered his head slightly and said in a low voice: "Didn't we discuss it?"

"You also said that you and I are one person, so you should know my answer!"

The incarnation sighed in his heart.

Yes, when he asked this question, he actually knew the answer.

The person standing in front of him has never been a kind-hearted person.

The red cloak behind the incarnation swayed slightly, and the whole person retreated from the original place to a hundred feet away.

Mo Xun did not stop him, but said: "You should know that you have my blood in your body. No matter where you run, I can find you, and do you think your current cultivation strength can escape my control?"

The incarnation did not speak. He first held Lan Xin tightly in his arms, then stretched out a hand, quickly pinched a few Dao formulas on his chest, and then placed his fingers on his forehead.

Mo Xun saw the other party's actions from a distance and frowned slightly.

The next moment, the incarnation suddenly seemed to be in some unbearable pain, his face became distorted, and his whole body trembled continuously.

After a moment, he suddenly moved his two fingers away from his brows, and a touch of scarlet appeared on his fingertips.

Mo Xun's eyes narrowed.

"This is..."

In an instant, the skin and flesh on the surface of the incarnation became wrinkled and dry, and the vitality in his body seemed to be drained away at once, showing extreme decadence and listlessness.

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