Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1180 Forget Love Peak

The most important thing is cultivation.

Although he did not fall into the Nascent Soul stage, his breath was extremely weak, as if he would fall from the clouds in the next moment.

The only thing that did not change was his eyes.

Resoluteness in his determination!

The incarnation raised his hand and a drop of blood flew towards Mo Xun through the air.

"I'll give it back to you. I owe you a life, but it was because of you that she left me. From now on, you and I owe each other nothing..."

When he said this, the incarnation looked at Lan Xin in his arms with a dim look.

"If we meet again in the future, we will be enemies. One day, I will replace you!"

These words almost made Mo Xun laugh. Although Lan Xin's death was related to him, it was not his original intention. How could there be no debt between the two?

This weird logic can only be possessed by people with imperfect consciousness.

But before he could speak, the figures of the incarnation and Lan Xin began to disappear quickly.

In the blink of an eye, they disappeared in the void.

Mo Xun's heart tightened, and he gathered his magic power in his hands and hurriedly tried to grab it, but in the end, he just caught nothing.

And around, where was there any trace of the two people?

In just one day, he was fooled twice in a row.

Unexpectedly, in addition to the extremely fast cloak, the other party also mastered some mysterious illusion that he didn't even see.

Perhaps when he was stripping his blood, the illusion had already been performed.

He swung his arm violently, and the powerful magic impact brought a strong wind, and with a loud bang, a deep pit was smashed on the ground.

He had underestimated the enemy before, and this time he suffered again.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, looking grimly at the place where the incarnation disappeared.

It seems that the other party got a big opportunity during the time he left him.

Yes, he has traveled all over the country over the years, and has experienced many opportunities, big and small, let alone others!

Mo Xun stood there for most of the day.

The departure of the incarnation made him feel deeply betrayed.

He couldn't understand why the other party had been with him since the day he was refined.

And Lan Xin, at most, had only spent a few decades with him.

Comparing the two, no matter how you count, he should have a heavier weight in the incarnation's heart.

Are women really that important?

What was even more unacceptable was the few words the other party said before leaving.

"If we meet, we will be enemies!"

Mo Xun sneered. He had raised an ungrateful wolf for himself!

As for the threat, he didn't take it to heart at all.

Since he could refine it, he was sure to take back its life.

Do you think you can escape from his palm by stripping off his essence and blood?

After a long time, Mo Xun took a deep breath.

This incident had a huge impact on his state of mind.

The incarnation can be said to be the one he trusted most among the people around him, even though the other party was just a higher-level puppet to him.

"Gong Yang, Gong Yang, you have caused me a big trouble!"

Mo Xun's words did not mean to vent his anger, but he just said it out of emotion.

Since we are talking about Gong Yang, we have to mention the current southern border.

Xuanwu Country, Qingyu Mountain!

The mountain is shrouded in dark clouds and densely covered with trees, stretching for tens of thousands of miles.

In this mountain, there is a Yuanying sect called Shendan Sect.

The Grand Elder Cui Mingyuan had a relationship with Mo Xun in the past.

But at present, the Shendan Sect has closed its mountain gate, and the twelve mountain protection formations have been opened one after another. If you use your magic power to see clearly, you can see the ripples of the formations, forming circles of flowing light and shadows above the sect.

There are a total of thirty-six peaks in the sect, and on each peak, there is a Jindan cultivator.

Among them, there is such a "Forget Love Peak".

Hearing its name, you might think it is the residence of a female cultivator.

In fact, it is not. This is a standard cave for men, and it is an old man.

This person is Gong Yangjun!

It is said that after leaving Huanyunyuan, Gong Yang went south all the way. During this period, he traveled around the mountains and rivers and used the Lanxin Lotus Seeds given by Mo Xun to condense the golden elixir.

Not to mention, the old boy inherited the talent of Cang Kuo Zhenren. In just a few years, he has achieved the golden elixir.

After all kinds of experiences, he actually settled in the Shendan Sect and became the golden elixir elder of the sect.

At this moment, in the cave, there was a female cultivator sitting opposite Gong Yang.

This woman was born delicate and pretty, with a childish face. Judging from her face, she seemed to be only thirteen or fourteen years old.

However, the woman's cultivation was not low, and she had reached the initial stage of foundation building.

The two were not practicing together, but seemed to be talking about something.

Perhaps she heard something important, and the woman suddenly grabbed Gong Yang's sleeve anxiously.

"Uncle Master, what happened later? What happened to that female cultivator later?"

Feeling the warm breath beside him, Gong Yang looked straight ahead, raised his hand and stroked his beard and sighed.

"Although her natural baby face has won her favor from many men, it is a shackle that hinders her cultivation. This kind of woman is born with weak bones. It may not matter in the early stage, but when she cultivates to a certain level, in addition to her physical appearance returning to a child, even her cultivation will fall every once in a while..."

Gong Yang's serious look stunned the female cultivator.

"What should I do?"

The woman panicked immediately. What was she cultivating so hard for?

If you improve your cultivation while falling back to a lower realm, what's the point of practicing?

Gong Yang's eyes suddenly turned, and he said with a smile: "Don't worry, there is a solution..."

The woman quickly stood up and bowed.

"Please teach me, uncle!"

Gong Yang looked down and saw the female cultivator kneeling in front of him. Because of her bent back, a beautiful arc was formed behind her.

Further down, there was a tight buttocks, like a ripe peach.

Gong Yang swallowed dryly, and his fingers moved involuntarily in his sleeves.

"There is no need to teach me, but this method is too bizarre. Once you know it, don't tell others."

The woman quickly replied: "Junior knows!"

Gong Yang admired the beautiful arc again, and then he spoke.

"For a female cultivator with this kind of physique, it is best to find a person with a naturally aging face to practice with. In this way, the childishness in the body can be offset. In the long run, the trouble of having a childish face can be said goodbye."

"What is a person with an aging face?"

The woman was stunned and blurted out.

Before this, she had always been proud of her unique appearance.

Although she was already in her forties or fifties, she still had an innocent baby face, which attracted countless eyes almost wherever she went.

In addition, her delicate and charming figure made all male cultivators who met her unconsciously feel a desire to protect her.

It was precisely because of this that she could obtain more cultivation resources than ordinary people.

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