Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1181 Congenital Facial Decline

Gong Yang's words made her worry about her appearance for the first time.

Of course, she did suspect that the other party was talking nonsense seriously.

But the experiences in recent years made her feel a little nervous.

It was indeed as Gong Yang said. Even if her aptitude was poor during the Qi Refining Period, she had the help of various elixirs and her cultivation progress was acceptable.

But since she established her foundation, she found that the previous method seemed to be ineffective.

At least the current speed made him very dissatisfied.

She was eager to break through, or find out the problem.

Gong Yang stroked his beard.

"The so-called people with aging faces, in simple terms, are born with old looks, which is exactly the opposite of your situation."

The woman simply thought about it and it seemed to make some sense.

Taoism emphasizes the harmony of yin and yang. Isn't this a kind of harmony?

"But...but how to find such people?"

In fact, although there are not many people with mature faces on weekdays, it is not difficult to find them.

The key is whether there is any standard for this kind of "aging faces"?

As for practicing with him, the woman had no psychological burden.

Anyway, she was no longer a virgin, and she had experienced so many practicing partners that she couldn't count them with two hands.

As long as it was good for cultivation, what did it matter?

In the world of cultivating immortals, chastity was the least valuable thing.

If you meet someone who particularly values ​​a woman's chastity, there are ways.

As a cultivator, isn't it easy to get some virgin blood?

The more troublesome thing is Yuan Yin, but if you think about it, there are ways.

Gong Yang didn't answer in a hurry, but looked into the distance with a melancholy face, as if he was trapped in some unspeakable memories.

After a long time, the woman saw no movement and slowly raised her head.

Only to hear Gong Yang slowly speak.

"Do you know how old I am now?"

The woman shook her head.

"Next year, I will be a hundred years old!"

The female cultivator's eyes suddenly widened, revealing a look of disbelief.

This matter was really too shocking.

A hundred-year-old Jindan cultivator, and he is in the middle stage of Jindan!

If this gets out, the whole sect will be shocked.

But is this true?

Seeing the woman's expression change from shock to suspicion, Gong Yang's hand suddenly flashed with green light, and a sharp dagger appeared.

He rolled up his sleeves and cut his arm without hesitation.

Blood gushed out immediately, and as the skin and flesh rolled up, a section of white bones was exposed.

Gong Yang secretly took a breath of cold air. This time, he really spent a lot of money.

"You should be able to roughly tell the bone age from my bones."

The woman was also shocked by this scene. Why did she self-harm for no reason?

But after hearing this, her attention was immediately focused on the white bones in the other party's blood.

Bone age is something that cannot be accurately seen from the outside.

Only by observing carefully can we know that people of different ages are slightly different.

Of course, it can only be roughly judged.

Just as Gong Yang said, his bone age is indeed around 100 years old.

But then, the woman was puzzled again.

Were they talking about her? Why did they suddenly talk about her?

"Do you think I'm showing off to you?"

The woman wanted to nod, but what she showed was confusion.

Gong Yang slowly stood up and walked to the side, leaving a lonely and desolate back to the female cultivator.

"To be honest, my current aging appearance is not because I have never taken the anti-aging pill. On the contrary, I would refine this pill when I was in the Qi Refining Stage, and I have even tried the Rejuvenation Pill and the Rejuvenation Pill. You can take a look at these..."

Having said that, Gong Yang raised his hand and threw out a jade bottle.

The jade bottle fell accurately in front of the woman, and a green pill fell out of it.

"Anti-aging pill!" The woman immediately recognized what it was.

After all, she had also obtained a pill of this pill when she was in her twenties.

Then, the woman's expression became solemn.

The pill in front of him was indeed a beauty pill, and it was not recently refined.

As the other party said, judging from the loss of the medicinal effect, it should have been a long time, perhaps dozens or even hundreds of years.

Gradually, the female cultivator entered the topic led by Gong Yang.

"This is what I refined when I was refining Qi... Why was I obsessed with the way of alchemy at that time? The reason is my appearance. In fact, the way you see me now is almost the same as when I was fifteen years old."

As Gong Yang spoke, he applied some medicine to his wounds, and at the same time, his magic power was running, and it soon began to heal.

Regarding the bone age, he really didn't lie.

This lotus body was indeed refined for only a hundred years, no matter who came to measure it, the result was the same.

Gong Yang was healing on the side, but the woman was already stunned.

She really couldn't imagine how a fifteen-year-old boy grew up to look like a seventy or eighty-year-old.

This situation can't be called an alien, but a freak!

"Uncle Master, are you born with an old face?"

"Yes, I have looked old since I was born. It is for this reason that I have been disliked by my parents since I was a child. Neighbors and relatives also avoid me like snakes and scorpions. Before I was fifteen, I grew up under strange looks until I met that person."

The woman quickly asked: "Is it the childlike female cultivator like the younger generation?"

Gong Yang lamented that once a woman talks about things related to her appearance, her IQ becomes online.

"Exactly. Do you know why this mountain peak of mine is called Wangqing Peak?"

"Could it be related to this person?"

The ram sighed.

"It's almost as you thought. I originally thought I met the person I could protect for the rest of my life, but she deceived me. From the beginning to the end, she just used me to change her childlike appearance and physique... "

When he said this, the ram hammered his chest hard.

It seemed that remembering those unbearable past events made him extremely painful!


The female cultivator lightly covered her lips, as if she felt the same thing, and her eyes were a little red.

It turns out that the word "merciless" in Uncle Gongyang comes from this!

But why does this matter sound so bloody?

"Alas! Forget it, it is meaningless to say this now. Perhaps it is because of my innate facial weakness that I can practice so quickly. After that incident, I also checked some classics, such as my If a person can survive his youth safely, he will have a posture that defies heaven, and those who practice dual cultivation with me will also benefit from it. I dare not say that he will change his name against heaven, but his body and meridians will be improved to a certain extent. This is also The reason why she has been committed to me for decades.”

When the female cultivator heard that it could improve the meridians of the body, her expression changed again.

As for the other content, she didn't take it to heart at all.

Just when the ram was about to add some heat, the woman suddenly stood up and hugged him from behind.

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