"Uncle, in fact, I have liked you for a long time. It's just because of the disparity in status between you and me that I haven't expressed my feelings. After hearing about uncle's past today, I felt very unworthy for him, and I thought about it. There is one thing I have learned, and that is to cherish the present moment..."

Feeling the warm nephrite on his back, the male sheep almost moaned uncontrollably.

After a lot of ideological struggle, the old guy reluctantly broke away from the woman's arms.

"Yuhuan, you can't do this, I am your elder..."

The female cultivator named Yuhuan hugged her again.

This time they were hugging each other head-on, and the feeling was indeed different.

"I don't care about secular etiquette. Uncle Master, just kill me. Yuhuan swears to the sky that she will not be as heartless and unjust as the woman that Uncle Master met..."

As the female cultivator spoke, she was already moved, and there were tears in the corners of her eyes.


After these two efforts, the ram was a little stuck.

I wanted to push it off again, but my body didn't allow it. Two huge palms were already caressing the woman's waist.

The world of immortality is really a magical world!

A woman who is clearly in her forties or fifties, but her waist is like that of a virgin in her prime.

The skin is even more smooth and tender!

The woman trembled and said: "I don't care, but the demons are in power now, and everyone in the dozens of sects in southern Xinjiang is in danger. Maybe one day, you and I will become the sacrifices of those demon cultivators. If we don't seize the moment, I'm afraid that in the future, I will regret it on the day I die, woo woo..."

This emotional output almost moved the ram!

But at this moment, a roar suddenly came from outside the cave.

"Old thief Gongyang, come out here!"

Hearing this deafening roar, the ram's head suddenly buzzed.

"I only give you ten breaths. If you don't show up, I will destroy your cave and let all the disciples of Shendan Sect know what a heartless and unjust person you are, this old thief."

Gongyang quickly pushed away the female cultivator in his arms and said with an embarrassed expression: "Yuhuan, please wait for me for a moment. There must be some misunderstanding outside. After I deal with it, we can talk about things between you and me."

The female cultivator didn't seem to mind the sudden scene. She even smiled softly and helped Gongyang tidy up his clothes.

"Uncle, just go ahead. I'm waiting here. I still know what uncle is like."

It is said that great wisdom is like foolishness, and this woman's current performance is enough to illustrate it.

Do you really think you can win someone's heart with just those few nonsense words?

They are all decades old, what kind of Huahuachangzi have I never seen?

It’s nothing more than everyone getting what they need!

At this moment when the evil calamity is approaching, no matter whether it is a sect or a family or an individual cultivator, how can anyone not have their own plans?

As a female cultivator who was only in the early stage of foundation building, all she could rely on was her own beauty.

If you commit yourself to an elder who is in the middle stage of forming the core, at least you will have someone to back you up when trouble comes.

This incident is just a small episode in Shendan Sect.

Nowadays, the entire southern Xinjiang can be said to be a mess.

As early as more than a month ago, the ancient teleportation arrays located in Dongsheng Continent were gradually opened.

The demon army also teleported from all corners.

In that battle between heavenly demons and the integrity of the Taoist tradition, after the teleportation formation was activated, the two parties stopped in front of the formation.

The monks from all walks of life who served on the Demonic Battlefield set off to return to their sect.

Right now, it is no longer a battle between spiritual cultivators or demon cultivators, but a war between humans and demons.

This is true in southern Xinjiang, and so is the devil!

In fact, many of the demonic monks who participated in the war between demons were kept in the dark.

Most of these people are low-level monks.

They know that once the demons take over the world, even if there is room for some demon-cultivating monks, it will definitely not be them.

As the saying goes, those who are not of my race will be punished!

Their fate will not be much better than that of spiritual cultivators.

Once this idea spreads, the ancestors of the Demon Lord Hall will no longer be able to command the army.

Today, there are not many people on the demon front line.

Everyone begins to worry about their future.

Many demonic monks even began to join the anti-demon alliance of the Tiandao Alliance, intending to jointly resist the demons.

Troubled times are finally here!

All over the world, the first places to be affected are the locations of ancient teleportation arrays.

Fortunately, it was okay on the southern side. After all, after the teleportation array was opened, the Tiandao Alliance organized manpower to guard the periphery.

Once a demon comes out, he will be strangled.

Fortunately, most of those being teleported here are not of high cultivation.

On the other side of the demonic path, the situation is different.

Those who do not want the demons to come to this world will organize manpower to kill them outside the teleportation array.

But those who greeted the demons opened their teleportation gates wide.

In Huanyunyuan, in a mountain range shrouded by demonic energy, two groups of people were confronting each other in mid-air.

There were all female nuns on one side, the flowers were red and the willows were green, so pretty!

On the other side, there was a gloomy atmosphere, and everyone was shrouded in a strong ghost energy.

Among these people, there were living people, dead bodies, and many carrying coffins.

These two parties are naturally the Holy Lady's Palace and the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

As the two largest Nascent Soul sects in Huanyunyuan, they are now at war with each other!

On the Saintess' Palace side, Fairy Xuanjing is the leader.

This Xuan Jing is Su Yunshang's master. He was originally on the front line of the demons, but because of the opening of the ancient teleportation array, he had returned to the sect half a year ago.

There are two Yuanying in the Saint Maiden Palace, and the other one is named Shangguan Yulan.

The cultivation of this Shangguan Fairy is not weak, in the middle stage of the Yuanying.

However, at this time, she is still stranded in the Southern Xinjiang Tiandao League.

On the left and right sides of Xuan Jing, Su Yunshang and Bai Zixi stood respectively.

Both of them are at the peak of the Jindan stage, and it seems that they are only one step away from the perfect Ying.

In addition, twelve of the forty-eight Jindan cultivators in the Saint Maiden Palace have come at this moment.

The rest of the foundation building and Qi refining masters are in the hundreds.

The Tianguimen on the other side is not much behind.

One Yuanying, seven or eight Jindan, and another hundred foundation building.

There are also Qi refining masters, but the number is not large.

But the strange thing is that the Yuanying cultivator exudes not ghost energy, but demon energy.

Yes, this person is not a native cultivator from Huanyunyuan, but Su Hong, the Nascent Soul ancestor from the Star Demon Sect of the Demon Sect!

The people next to him are the Jindan cultivators from the Heavenly Ghost Sect.

As for why Su Hong came here, he was sent by the upper echelons of the Demon Venerable Hall.

As early as several years ago, Su Hong quietly came to Huanyunyuan, and took advantage of the absence of the Nascent Soul cultivators from the Heavenly Ghost Sect to quietly win over the Jindan elders in the sect and control a lot of power in the sect.

The purpose is naturally for the ancient teleportation array here!

The ambition of the Demon Venerable Hall is to control all the teleportation arrays in Dongshengzhou, and then ensure that the demons can be teleported here smoothly.

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