Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1183 Xingque Island

"Song Tianyin, although you practice the ghost way, you are also human monks. Why do you want to collude with the devil? Don't you know that once the devil comes, there will be no room for us to survive. Those devil monks have ulterior motives. They would rather become the lackeys of the devil. , are you willing to do this?"

Fairy Xuanjing glanced at the people opposite her coldly, and shouted angrily with a loud voice.

That Song Tianyin was the first person in the Tiangui Sect besides the two Nascent Soul Ancestors.

A monk at the peak of elixir formation is only half a step away from condensing the Nascent Soul.

Immediately, Xuan Jing shouted to the low-level monks opposite: "Listen, disciples of the Tiangui Sect, do you know that everything you are doing now is digging your own grave. When the demons arrive in large numbers, you will be the first to do it. Those who are refining are you. I know that you must have been bewitched by Su Hong and Song Tianyin. It's too late to turn around now. If you don't want to be eaten alive by the demons in the future, follow me in the Saintess' Palace now and capture these traitors together. Down."

Xuan Jing's words are indeed righteous!

The low-level monks who were confronting each other all looked touched.

They all obviously understood this truth, but no one jumped out to agree.

Just when Xuan Jing was confused, a laugh came from the other side.

"Xuan Jing, even if you talk about breaking the sky today, the sons of our Tiangui Sect will not listen to your mercy. We have secured this teleportation formation today. You'd better go back and think about how to welcome the devil." Lord God’s wrath!”

The disciples of Tiangui Sect all lowered their heads in unison, their faces showing helplessness that was difficult to conceal.

Soon, Xuan Jing figured out the key points.

These low-level monks must have been controlled by others and had no choice but to do so.

As for Song Tianyin, he was completely bewitched by Su Hong.

It is said that this person has broken through the golden elixir perfection several times, but ultimately failed. He has been wandering in this state for more than two hundred years.

If there is no way to break through, life span will be exhausted.

As for the other Danjie elders from Tiangui Sect who followed, it was more or less the same reason.

Since the ancient teleportation array was opened and demons were teleported there, the demonic aura empowerment is no longer a secret.

Those monks who felt that there was no hope of a breakthrough pinned all their hopes on this kind of thing.

Everyone is afraid of death, even old monsters who have lived for hundreds or thousands of years.

And the longer you live, the more greedy you become.

As long as there is a little hope of living, they will not let it go, even if it is just to survive.

After a stick of incense, in this unknown mountain range, the two parties finally started fighting.

Such scenes were not only staged in Huanyunyuan.

Perhaps the only peaceful place in the entire Dongsheng Continent is the boundless sea.

Deep in the sea, there is such a small island called Xingque Island!

Although the island is not big, it is extremely well guarded.

If you are flying from a high altitude and do not observe carefully, you can only see a vast ocean.

The entire island, even the outermost concealment formation, is at level seven!

In addition, the defensive strangulation formation is above level eight.

This place was the refuge that Mo Xun once sought for the disciples of the Tianjian Sect.

This place is far away from the mainland, so remote that almost no one has set foot there for tens or hundreds of years.

Fortunately, there is a small spiritual vein under this island.

Although the spiritual energy is not strong, it is quite enough for practicing under the pill formation.

Coupled with the spirit gathering array arranged on the island, this place has become a paradise.

As early as Mo Xun left the devil's path, the Tianjian Sect began to move its sects.

More than ten years ago, everyone had come here one after another.

From here to the nearest continent, which is the Danjie monk, it would take a year and a half to reach there.

Fortunately, Yin Lixi's Lingyun battleship was able to bring everyone here.

On this day, clouds suddenly rolled over Xingque Island, and the spiritual energy within a hundred miles became extremely turbulent and chaotic.

The disciples who were practicing noticed this situation and came out of the cave one after another.

Looking up, I saw a huge funnel forming in the sky.

All the spiritual energy, like sea water pouring in, flows into a cave below.

Immediately, a flash of lightning flashed in the sky.

Dark clouds swept in from afar, covering the entire world with just a cup of tea.

A powerful wave of mana spread from the center of the island to all directions, and those with lower cultivation levels were almost blown down by the strong wind.

At the same time, a huge spaceship slowly took off.

"All Tianjian Sect disciples obeyed the order, all finished their training, left the cave, and immediately entered the Lingyun battleship!"

The sound like a bell was shouted three times in a row, and the people on the island woke up as if from a dream.

Under the leadership of high-level monks, they boarded the low-flying warship.

In less than a stick of incense, the battleship flew away from the place.

There was no one left on the entire island.

On the battleship at this moment, Gu Qingqing and Yin Lixi looked at the place where the dark clouds were from a distance.

If Mo Xun were here, he would definitely be shocked.

Because both of them are already in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

Gu Qingqing had a smile on her lips.

"Sect Master Yin, it seems that Fairy Luo's battle this time is bigger than yours. I'm afraid that after the baby is successfully formed, she will go further than you."

Yin Lixi did not answer, and it was unclear whether he was happy or sad.

As for the other monks on the battleship, they stretched their necks and looked at the cloudy place.

Although they were curious, they were not alarmed.

Obviously, these people are already familiar with the shock of Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation.

At this moment, another woman came forward.

"Sister Gu, Sister Luo should be like you and can easily overcome the inner demons, right?"

Gu Qingqing smiled playfully.

"Maybe she has too many people in her heart, and those demons from outside the world like people like this the most."

After Gu Qingqing said that, she turned to look at the person coming.

"You'd better think about yourself. Have you considered when to retreat?"

This person is none other than Dong Qianxue!

Senior Sister Dong's cultivation at this time has also reached the perfection of forming pills.

Compared with when Mo Xun rescued him, he was already a completely different person.

With the help of Wuhuan Dan, she almost completed the hundred-year journey of other Dan-forming monks in just a few decades.

Dong Qianxue smiled bitterly.

"You know my situation. Junior Brother Mo once said when he first taught me the secret method of the beast elixir. The end of me is at most the moment. If I force the elixir to form a baby, the chance is probably 1 in 10."

Gu Qingqing took Dong Qianxue's hand.

"Could it be that whatever he says is what he says? Is he a god? You and I, as cultivators, must not look forward or backward. Besides, with the help of the three of us, we will protect your life even if you encounter any danger."

Speaking of this, a hint of resentment suddenly appeared on her face.

"It's true that this man has been gone for so long and there is no news at all..."

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