Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1184 Taking over the body and changing the owner

Speaking of Mo Xun, at this moment, he is constantly checking the sound transmission notes that are coming in one after another.

He has been isolated from the world for decades, and I don’t know how many people are looking for him.

The first one is Sun Ku.

“Master, I moved to Tuhuo City half a year ago, and Bai Ze is safe!”

This sound transmission came from three months ago.

The effect of the sound transmission note is at most one year.

That is to say, Sun Ku should contact him every once in a while in these years.

The second one is Wenren Baili.

It has been almost a year!

The tone of this great monk is obviously full of dissatisfaction.

Probably in his opinion, Mo Xun broke his promise.

He received the things, but he couldn’t contact the person.

The third one was from Diyi Huaiying, who came about a month ago.

To be honest, Mo Xun almost forgot about this person.

The owner of Duobao Tower asked him to discuss going to Beiluzhou after the teleportation array was opened.

Today, there are no secrets in Nanjiang for Mo Xun.

But he knew very little about mysterious organizations like Duobaolou.

According to what Diyi Huaiying said at the time, the demonic calamity is inevitable, and the demon lord will inevitably come to the world, and the entire Dongsheng Continent will be plunged into the destruction of all living things.

No matter the sect or the individual, no one can escape!

Mo Xun was still confused at the time, but combined with what he saw and heard in the land of demons, what he said was true and false.

He guessed some of the joints.

I think the people in Duobaolou should have discovered the secret of the ancient teleportation array somewhere.

The reason why the demons asserted that the teleportation array would be opened and the demon clan came here was this reason.

Diyi Huaiying knew that the Tiandao League had arranged people to kill the demon ancestors at the locations of the teleportation arrays, but he still swore that no one could stop the demon ancestors.

The only explanation for this is that in addition to the seven public teleportation arrays, there is an eighth one.

Mo Xun also mentioned this matter to Wenren Baili at the time.

As for the subsequent suffering of the living beings, he felt that it was probably the personal conjecture of the First Huaiying.

After all, the two continents have been separated for countless tens of thousands of years, and no one can tell what the strength of the demons in Beiluzhou is now.

The fourth talisman still came from Sun Ku, about a month ago.

In the voice transmission, the situation of the demon invasion after the teleportation array was opened was introduced.

Next came the fifth and sixth talismans, which detailed the current situation in Nanjiang and various places in the demon world.

Of course, there are also things about Xingque Island.

Mo Xun put away the sound transmission talisman, touched his chin and smiled.

Unexpectedly, Gu Qingqing and Yin Lixi both succeeded in forming infants a few years ago.

This is the only good thing he heard today.

Next, he first replied to Sun Ku, Wenren Baili, and the First Huaiying.

Then, with a flash of green light in his hand, Qian Si Niang, who had been sleeping in the gourd for a long time, was released.

"Senior Mo, are we out of danger?"

Mo Xun threw her a bottle of healing pills, and a casual glance at her stunned him.

Before, he didn't look closely because of the critical situation. Now that he has calmed down, he noticed that the woman in front of him seems different from before.

She seems more beautiful and has a bit more otherworldly aura.

It may be related to cultivation!

At the beginning, Qian Si Niang could only choose to cultivate her body because of her spiritual roots.

But now, in just a few decades, she has cultivated to become a golden elixir cultivator.

At this speed, there are probably not many people in the whole Dongsheng Continent.

Just when Mo Xun was about to answer, his body suddenly stopped, and then his eyes began to fill with bright red.

The whole person began to tremble.

This scene scared Qian Si Niang, and she asked quickly: "Senior, what's wrong with you?"

Qian Si Niang wanted to go up and support her, but as soon as she got close, she was blown away by a powerful magic power.

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Qian Si Niang felt that her internal organs were about to be shattered.

Just as she struggled to get up and wanted to get closer, Mo Xun's pupils flashed red, and he quickly raised his hand to stop her!

"Don't come over!"

At this moment, Mo Xun's eyes were clear for a while, and then filled with blood.

His mind was on the verge of being lost!

He felt that there was an uncontrollable force in his sea of ​​consciousness, which was slowly eroding his consciousness.

"This is..."

He suddenly bit his tongue, shook his head hard, and his vision was blurred.

His only rationality made him dare not move at all.

He didn't dare to use his magic power and consciousness to resist forcefully, as the power seemed to be waiting for him to resist.

Mo Xun stood there motionless, his body trembling slightly.

Although he didn't know what it was, he was sure that it was definitely related to the bloodthirsty sword.

When fighting with Mo Jiao, he had to use all the power of the bloodthirsty sword in order to win.

This has never happened since the birth of this sword.

When Lu Wushen taught him the Bloodthirsty Sword, he had said that this sword was a treasure from the upper realm and could not be controlled without a god.

Every time Mo Xun used it, he deliberately suppressed the power of the sword.

When he used all his strength before, the same power appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness as now, trying to control his body.

This power was not condensed by the law, but seemed to be transformed from the evil thoughts deep in his heart.

In other words, it could not be driven away at all, unless...

Unless a part of his consciousness and emotions was separated, perhaps he could get rid of it.

But without that part of emotion, is he still him?

Or whether he can still live, it's hard to say!

Unable to suppress it with magic power, he can only force himself to calm down.

For the first time in his life, he felt that he had no idea where to start.

Although Qian Si Niang didn't know what Mo Xun had experienced, she didn't dare to act rashly.

Although she had already formed a pill, she might not know as much about cultivation as a foundation-building cultivator.

In her opinion, maybe he was seriously injured before, and he could recover after a while.

The longer she spent with Mo Xun, the more she felt the strength of the man in front of her.

Almost every time she encountered a life-and-death catastrophe, as long as this man was there, it seemed that nothing could not be solved.

So despite her worries at this moment, she was still full of confidence in Mo Xun.

But what she didn't know was that what Mo Xun encountered this time was really not a trivial matter.

The difficulty of advancing to the Nascent Soul stage is not the breaking of the pill, not the formation of the infant, nor the thunder tribulation, but the inner demon that many people cannot awaken.

The troubles that Mo Xun encountered at the moment are similar to that inner demon.

The bloodthirsty sword is like a mirror, reflecting the darkest, bloodiest, and most violent side of a person's heart.

Then it awakens and slowly becomes the master of emotions.

Perhaps even Lu Wushen doesn't know that when a person's mind is controlled by the bloodthirsty sword, the next step is to replace the soul.

Enter the body with the sword, take over the body and change the master!

From the first drop of blood entering the bloodthirsty sword, this long sword has begun to have independent consciousness.

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