Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1185 A Ridiculous Night

It is incredible for ordinary people to think that a sword can take over a body.

But the fact is, it is true!

All things have spirituality, especially such a treasure!

In fact, at this time, Mo Xun's best choice should be to destroy the sword.

But he was reluctant, or he had not yet realized the seriousness of the problem.

In his opinion, it was nothing more than the bloodthirsty sword that aroused the devil deep in his heart.

Try to use this thing as little as possible in the future.

In fact, anyone would be reluctant to give it up.

From the previous fight, we can see the power of this sword. It can be said that once the bloodthirsty sword comes out, it will not be inferior to the original Yutian sword!

Mo Xun even suspected that this thing is already a spiritual weapon.

Let alone him, anyone would not easily give up such a treasure.

After all, it can save lives at critical moments!

The night is filled with dark clouds, this is not a good weather.

Mo Xun was still struggling to fight against the force, but Qian Si Niang was getting more and more anxious.

The situation in front of her was obviously abnormal.

Qian Si Niang saw that Mo Xun's clothes were wet with sweat and his skin was red as if it was on fire, and her heart tightened.

She wanted to ask, but she was afraid of disturbing him, so she could only stand aside quietly.

At this moment, Mo Xun suddenly raised his eyes, and a strange look flashed in his red pupils.

The two looked at each other, and Qian Si Niang was startled.

Just as she was about to ask, she suddenly screamed, and then the whole person was thrown down by a body.

The night was hazy and the breeze was blowing.

The torn clothes were casually thrown on the dead branches and leaves, and the quiet jungle was beautiful.

The figure swayed in the dark, and two lines of clear tears quietly slid down the corners of the woman's eyes.

She clenched her teeth, closed her eyes, and hung her hands at her sides in bewilderment.

She could clearly feel that something in her body was slowly being stripped away.

Then, the technique began to work on its own.

A huge surge of magic power entered her body, and she felt like she was in a vast ocean.

Her tiny body could only sway up and down with the waves.

The virgin yin of the hidden spiritual root was more than a hundred times stronger than any elixir in the world.

The clouds and rain stopped, and the sea surface returned to calm.

The two swaying people also stopped in a low voice.

Then, they fell into a deep sleep.

A faint light shot from the horizon. The clouds last night finally dropped rain, nourishing the earth and the people who bathed in it.

In the dense forest, a man was sitting cross-legged in the air, surrounded by magic power. Although the rain was heavy, not a drop fell on him.

Around him, there seemed to be a circle of transparent light shield, isolating all external objects.

Not far from him, there was another woman lying on the ground.

She was covered with a wide green robe, which faintly covered the exposed spring light.

A circle of faint brilliance also lingered around the woman, blocking the falling rain.

These two people were Mo Xun and Qian Si Niang!

Although Mo Xun was practicing at this moment, his mind was difficult to calm down.

After a ridiculous night, he didn't know how to face the woman in front of him next.

The bloodthirsty sword triggered the evil thoughts in his heart. Could it be that deep in his heart, he was so obscene?

On the one hand, he reflected deeply, and on the other hand, he was lamenting his current changes.

How long has it been since he entered the middle stage of the Nascent Soul?

At present, it was only one night, and his cultivation level increased greatly. It felt like he had already walked halfway to the middle stage.

Perhaps it won't be long before he can see the next threshold.

The late stage great cultivator, this realm that was originally out of reach, has become no longer so far away.

Qian Si Niang was even more amazing. She was only one step away from entering the middle stage of the Jindan stage.

Mo Xun turned his head to look at the woman in the rain and fog. In fact, he knew that she had woken up.

The two of them just didn't know how to face each other. One pretended to practice and the other pretended to sleep.

Although it was not the first time that Mo Xun experienced this kind of thing, Qian Si Niang was obviously different from Xia Muyao.

He was passive last time and did not involve the issue of responsibility at all.

But this time, how could he face the girl?

In terms of feelings, although he dare not say that he is a novice, he is definitely at the level of a child.

Both women had no emotional exchanges with him, but took the lead in the body.

What's going on?

After a long time, Mo Xun sighed softly and then disappeared.

"Put on your clothes first, I'll wait in front, and then... let's talk about you and me..."

Qian Si Niang was startled by the voice transmission in her ear, and her pretty face hidden under her robe suddenly blushed.

To be honest, Qian Si Niang is cleaner than Mo Xun in matters between men and women.

Until now, she still felt a trance in her mind, always thinking that she was dreaming.

She slowly got up, but the slightest movement made her body seem to fall apart.

Thinking of Mo Xun's madness last night, she felt a little scared.

Outside the mountain stream, in the rain and fog, Mo Xun stopped to watch from a distance.

Although her face was calm, her mind was in a mess.

Especially in such a troubled time.

It was unknown how long it took before Qian Si Niang slowly and shyly walked over.

Mo Xun glanced at her, but Si Niang did not dare to look at her and quickly looked away.

"Let's go!"

Qian Si Niang waited for a long time, but in the end, she heard these two words.

Didn't they say they were going to talk about the two of them?

Qian Si Niang opened her mouth, wanting to say something but stopping herself, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

If Mo Xun really mentioned what happened last night to her face, she really didn't know how to face it.

Forget it, just treat it as a dream!

Who knew that as soon as this thought came up, she heard Mo Xun say: "What are your plans for the future?"

Qian Si Niang's heart, which had just been put down, was lifted up again.

She couldn't help but feel a little angry, not because of Mo Xun, but herself.

Obviously, she was the one who should be right and confident, but in the end, she was like a child who did something wrong, and she didn't even dare to raise her head.

Speaking of plans, she couldn't help but feel a little confused.

In the past, she followed her adoptive father, and she did whatever her adoptive father asked her to do.

Her sister was also a person with her own ideas, and she didn't need to worry about her.

Her only plan was to cultivate her body, hoping not to become a burden to her adoptive father and sister.

But what about now?

She shook her head gently and said nothing.

The two walked one after the other, neither riding the wind nor the mist.

The pattering raindrops fell on their heads, and were separated by the power shield.

Mo Xun sighed softly. This was another Li Qingying.

She couldn't help but think of Gu Qingqing and Luo Xi. If these two were faced with such a question, how would they answer?

Then, she thought of Yunniang.

If Mo Xun had to choose one of the many women he knew who had an emotional entanglement with him, it would probably be Yunniang.

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