The reason why Tuhuo City is called this name is because there is a natural underground fire under the city.

This city belongs to the two major sects of the Demonic Path, Shen Yao Mountain and Tianqi Pavilion.

One of these two is good at refining pills, and the other inherits refining weapons. In terms of strength, they belong to the first echelon of the Nine Sects of the Demonic Path.

The Nine Sects of the Demonic Path have two late-stage great monks, just like Nanjiang.

Of course, this is only what Mo Xun knows about the surface!

One of them is from Shen Yao Mountain!

The other is Mo Xun’s old rival, Tuolumen Gu Jianshan, who is Gu Qingyue’s father.

Speaking of this woman, Mo Xun hesitated in his heart, whether he should first test the other party’s mouth on the matter of Lu Wushen.

But in a flash, he denied this idea.

He could clearly feel that this woman was not ordinary to him.

No matter what the purpose was, he didn’t want to provoke the other party again.

Maybe one day, he and Gu Jianshan will have a life-and-death battle.

After his cultivation level improved, he had a different mentality towards this late-stage great cultivator.

When he faced Gu Jianshan, he could only protect himself at most, but now, he should have the strength to fight.

It is even possible to defeat him.

At this moment, a strange breath attracted Mo Xun's attention.

He hurriedly slowed down, and the light trace turned a corner in the air and flew towards a mountain stream.

Qian Si Niang, who was comprehending the skills, noticed Mo Xun's abnormality and stopped practicing.

Not long after, the two found that a dark mist was spreading in the mountains and forests.

In the mist, there was a faint fluctuation of mana, and if you calm down, you can still hear a faint squeak.

Yes, it was a squeak...

It was like gnawing something.

Qian Si Niang couldn't see through the mist, but she could still distinguish the demonic energy.

In her opinion, someone should be practicing inside.

When she turned her head, she saw Mo Xun's expressionless face, but his eyes had narrowed slightly.

After being together for so long, Qian Si Niang naturally knew that this was a sign of impending anger.

To say that he was angry, in fact, it was not that serious, but what he saw made Mo Xun a little solemn.

He raised his hand and waved, and the mist dissipated, revealing a series of extremely miserable pictures.

Qian Si Niang only took a look, and then turned her head with a light cry, and hid behind Mo Xun with some fear.

A strong smell of blood came, which made her chest and abdomen feel uncomfortable.

In the dense forest, there were broken limbs and arms everywhere, and blood was flowing all over the ground. What she saw was that the internal organs of the human body were mixed in the blood, which was extremely disgusting.

Dozens of heads, some rolled to one side, and some were half hung on the shoulders.

Most of those heads were only half left, and the white skulls were exposed like that.

There were rows of messy broken marks on the bones, as if they had been bitten by wild beasts.

This scene was like the Shura hell in the evil ghost world.

I am afraid that anyone who saw it would feel nauseous.

In the miserable bloody bones, several groups of black air were circling and shuttling in it. When the mist dissipated, the black air also stopped in place.

Then pairs of dark red eyes appeared, like sparks in the darkness, all projected over.


To be honest, this was the second time Mo Xun had met this race since he heard about it.

The first time was when he was in Liangyi Sect!

The realm of the demons can be roughly divided into demon soldiers, demon generals, demon commanders, demon kings and demon ancestors, which correspond to the realms of human cultivators respectively.

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