Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1188: Vitality Revival

Mo Xun had heard that the demons had a weird way of cultivation, which was to suck the blood of human cultivators.

This kind of cultivation was not very efficient, and apart from being cruel, there was almost nothing to recommend it.

However, the demons seemed to like to show their nature in this way.

Perhaps it was for this reason that the war of genocide between humans and demons broke out.

I wonder if the guys in the Demon Hall regretted opening the door to the demons after seeing this scene.

It should be noted that all the people who were killed in front of him were demon cultivators.

Mo Xun suddenly stretched out his right hand, and the magic power condensed into a huge palm in the air, grabbing one of the demons.

The giant palm fell, and the black mist-like demons disappeared in a whimper.

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows, no magic pills.

It seems that this should be a level below the demon commander!

Similar to the cultivation system of the human race, once the demon race enters the level of a general, they can condense a magic pill similar to the golden pill in their body, which is also the watershed for the demon race to enter the high level.

The magic pill can be regarded as a relatively rare treasure. When the demon race cultivates, they can directly absorb the breath of the demon spirit inside.

Even for human cultivators, it can be used in many aspects.

According to Mo Xun's understanding, there are several lost elixirs, which mention the magic pill.

But the magic pill also has levels.

According to the realm of the cultivator and the difference in talent, the quality of the condensed magic pill will vary greatly.

Most of the above are actually hearsay from Mo Xun, after all, he has not had any dealings with the demon race.

The demon race is similar to the monster race. When the inner pill is condensed and reaches the late stage of the demon commander, it will initially transform.

As for the demon king, it can walk with a face that is no less than that of the human race.

In fact, the human race is the ultimate form of cultivation for most creatures.

Whether it is the meridians in the body or the body shape and talent, the human race is the most in line with the operation of the heavenly way.

Of course, when the heaven opens a window for them, it will also close a door.

Compared with other races, the human race does not have any innate talents and magical powers.

Just like beasts, they have strong physical defense since birth.

When they grow to a certain stage, they will awaken their bloodline magical powers.

Compared with various alien beasts, the intelligence of the human race is also the highest among all creatures.

Many monsters, or the demons in front of them, often only slowly open their spiritual wisdom after practicing to a certain level.

Some monsters that have not yet transformed are not as smart as a child.

But on the other hand, the lifespan of the human race is also the shortest among all races.

Those monsters, especially the divine beasts, can live for hundreds or thousands of years at any time. If they practice, it is not too much to live for ten thousand years.

This is unimaginable for the human race.

The remaining demons and monsters immediately fled after seeing their companions being killed so easily.

But Mo Xun would never give them a chance to escape. The giant palm gathered in the air swept across.

Like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, a strong wind was rolled up, and everything that passed by was turned into nothing in the strong wind.

After the wind passed, the mess on the ground had disappeared.

Instead, there were mounds without tombstones.

In the past, Mo Xun did things because he was not strong enough, and he often looked ahead and behind.

But now, it depends more on his mood.

If he is in a bad mood, let alone collecting corpses, he might not even care.

"Let's go!"

The two of them set off again. After this encounter, they were even more silent along the way.

Qian Si Niang had heard about the invasion of the demons from Mo Xun.

What she was worried about at this time was her relatives.

And Mo Xun was thinking about the next plan.

The chaos in the world is a natural disaster for the common people like ants. Even those low-level cultivators find it difficult to survive such a catastrophe.

Middle and high-level cultivators cannot escape the disaster!

But for those who have already stood at the top of the human world, it is also an opportunity.

This world has been closed for too long, and the ascension channel has been cut off for tens of thousands of years.

As the saying goes, there is no construction without destruction. Perhaps only a catastrophe can make the heavenly way reincarnate again and reopen the ascension channel.

This time, I don’t know if it is because of the improvement of the realm, he can clearly feel the change of the atmosphere between heaven and earth.

Whether it is spiritual energy or demonic energy, they have become restless.

Faintly, he can feel the existence of an energy that does not belong to the demon spirit, which is slowly condensing.

Although he cannot perceive it specifically, he has a hunch that this is probably the vitality he has been thinking about for a long time.


When Mo Xun thought of this result, his heart was hot.

According to the information currently available, the reason why cultivators in this world find it difficult to ascend is largely because of the lack of vitality, which makes it impossible to cultivate to the state of transformation.

From the Nascent Soul to the state of transformation, it is necessary to change the spirit to the essence.

The incomplete heaven and earth have created an insurmountable gap between the two realms.

And now, this situation seems to be slowly changing.

Combined with the sound transmission talisman sent to him by Sun Ku, everything points to a possibility.

The demon spirit has undergone a huge change, and the vitality has revived!

When he was building his foundation, his only thought was to form a pill.

After the golden pill, his goal turned to the Nascent Soul.

After all this has been achieved, although he is only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul, he has to prepare for ascension.

Even if he still has some reluctance to leave this world...

Thinking of this, he turned his head and looked at Qian Si Niang beside him.

Qian Si Niang seemed to have a new feeling and looked up at him.

The two looked at each other, and they both wanted to see what the other was thinking from each other's eyes.

However, the two of them, one was taciturn and the other was seldom-speaking. From childhood to adulthood, they were people who would only bury their thoughts in their hearts, so how could they easily reveal their thoughts.

After a moment, Mo Xun finally spoke.

"If one day I have to go to a very far place, what will you do?"

Qian Si Niang was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect it to be such a question.

She thought about it, and although she was a little embarrassed, she still said firmly: "I will go with you!"

Go together?

Mo Xun didn't say anything else, but he was full of emotion in his heart.

This sentence was said lightly, but the effort required was something that countless people might not be able to achieve in their entire lives.

Let it be!

He said this sentence silently in his heart.

Somehow, he suddenly thought of something.

In his life, he had sex with two women, one was at least 100 to 200 years older than him, and the other was 100 to 200 years younger than him.

These two people, who were several hundred years apart, were actually indirectly related to him.

The world of immortal cultivation is indeed a mysterious world!

Along the way, the two encountered two groups of demon invaders, but they were all at the level of demon soldiers and demon generals, so Mo Xun easily killed them.

At the same time, he also truly felt the turmoil in the realm of the demons.

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