Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1189: Holy Light River Secret Realm

However, judging from the situation encountered, only a small group of demons have come to this state, and their cultivation is not high.

Along the way, many sects are on high alert.

In fact, most of the sects in the Demon Dao territory have gradually realized that they have been deceived by the Demon Venerable Hall.

The so-called Heavenly Demon War is not a dispute over the Dao, nor is it for the Demon Dao cultivators to fight for resources, but to open up the transmission channel of Beiluzhou.

Those in power are obsessed with welcoming the Demon Ancestor to break through the realm and ascend.

They disregard the lives of the people of the world, and even the lives of their own disciples, and want to bury the entire human world as a companion, just for the longevity.

In this way, the Heavenly Demon War that lasted for decades ended in an absurd way.

"Demon Qi Infusion", what a tempting opportunity!

As a cultivator, what is the purpose of everyone's hard practice?

Isn't it just to hope to continuously break through the shackles and move towards the illusory road.

Suddenly, such an attractive shortcut appeared. Who can see the essence behind it?

"The strong prey on the weak", these four words are full of bloody cruelty.

The current magic path is almost divided into two factions.

One side is represented by high-level cultivators, from Jindan to Yuanying ancestors, all of whom are deeply tempted by the magic energy.

The other side is mainly composed of low-level cultivators.

They know that even if they win a big victory in Southern Xinjiang, the entire Dongsheng State will be full of the flags of the magic path. Once the demons come, they will become the ultimate victims.

But they can't do anything!

Such a situation has created the current situation of the magic path being torn apart.

As for Southern Xinjiang, it may be better, but there are also chaos.

All the sects are almost ready for battle, especially those near the ancient teleportation array. The elites under the jurisdiction of the Tiandao League are all out to block the teleportation array.

Among these chaos, the only good news is the riot of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

In most places, there appeared rare spiritual fog and spiritual pools.

The spiritual fog of heaven and earth that was originally buried deep in the secret realm has also emerged like bamboo shoots after rain.

The entire Dongsheng Province has become a holy place for cultivation.

Whether it is magic or spiritual cultivation, the realm of cultivation has been unprecedentedly improved.

This is an opportunity, but also a sign of troubled times.

When he was about to arrive at Tuhuo City, Mo Xun had received Sun Ku's voice transmission.

Before entering the city, a rainbow light flew from the city.


After decades, seeing his master again, Sun Ku's eyes were moist.

When Mo Xun saw him for the first time in Xihezhou, he knew that this was a child with a simple character.

After hundreds of years, he has also accepted many disciples, but if he really likes him, he only likes this child.

At first, Ye Ping was just a whim at most.

Later, Qi Ruyan could only repay, and as for Huangfu Xin, it was an exchange of interests.

Sun Ku lost his family when he was young and grew up alone in the mountains. If Mo Xun hadn't appeared, he might have become the prey of jackals and tigers sooner or later.

I don't know since when, Sun Ku has subtly regarded his mentor as the closest person.

This kid did not live up to Mo Xun's cultivation. In just a few decades, he has cultivated to the false pill realm.

Perhaps in a few decades, he will enter the high-level ranks.

Of course, compared with Qian Si Niang on the side, it is like a turtle's speed.

Seeing the progress of his disciples at a glance, Mo Xun also nodded silently.

From Sun Ku's body, he can see his own shadow in the past.

This kid has a similar personality to him, calm and introverted!

Just as he was about to speak, a petite figure suddenly jumped out from behind Sun Ku.

Dressed in white, about eleven or twelve years old, with two pigtails on his head, he looks white and clean, like a porcelain doll.

It's Bai Ze!

"Uncle, you are finally back!"

As soon as Bai Ze appeared, he jumped up happily and rushed directly into Mo Xun's arms.

Unexpectedly, Mo Xun waved his long sleeves, rolled up his sleeves, and threw him aside.

"Speak nicely!"

Mo Xun still loves this little guy who has been with him for a long time.

In his life, there are countless passers-by in his life, but there are not many who really accompany him for a long time.

Bai Ze is one of them, and Gong Yang may also be considered one!

The little guy pouted his mouth, his height did not grow, and his appearance did not change, but his temper was like a little adult.

"Uncle has been gone for so long, if it weren't for me and Xiao Sun to help you look after the wine shop, it would have been demolished long ago."

Xiao Sun?

Mo Xun looked at Sun Ku on the side curiously.

Sun Ku didn't mind this title at all, and smiled respectfully: "It's all thanks to Uncle Bai!"

Mo Xun was speechless, what kind of titles are these?

In fact, in terms of age, Bai Ze is worthy of the title of uncle!

After a few words, Mo Xun had a preliminary understanding of the current situation of Tuhuo City and the situation of the wine shop.

It is said that two days ago, a pillar of light appeared in the Holy Light River not far from here, and then a secret realm that had been closed for countless thousands of years emerged. Now most of the cultivators in the city have gone to the secret realm to look for opportunities.

If it weren't for Mo Xun's voice transmission, Sun Ku might have gone there.

In fact, such secret realms are emerging in an endless stream throughout Xihezhou. Some are forbidden places that no one has ever set foot on, some are caves of ancient cultivators, and there are also independent spaces where the flesh of ancient beasts is transformed after death.

Some contain great opportunities, while others are full of dangers. Not only will you gain nothing after entering, you may even die.

At this moment, it is a world that adventurers like!

As they were talking, a rainbow light flew over the city again, and in a blink of an eye, it landed beside several people.


Then, a figure threw himself into Qian Si Niang's arms.

This person was Qian Wei Niang!

The moment she saw her sister, Qian Si Niang was also excited.

The two sisters hugged each other and sobbed at the same time.

Probably since they were born, they have never been separated for such a long time. For a while, the feeling of missing filled their hearts and they did not separate for a long time.

Mo Xun did not interrupt the two of them, but pulled Sun Ku aside and asked a few questions about the recent situation of Tuoluomen.

He planned to go to Tuoluomen after meeting the first Huaiying.

On the one hand, he was to inquire about Lu Wushen's situation, and on the other hand, he was to fulfill his original promise and intercept the Demon Ancestor in Cangwu Mountain.

However, in Mo Xun's opinion, the probability of the Demon Ancestor appearing on the teleportation array of Cangwu Mountain is already very small.

The matter of the eighth teleportation array is no longer a secret.

Since the Demon Lord Hall has hidden this secret, it must be preparing for the arrival of the Demon Ancestor.

Of course, as the saying goes, the real and the fake, there is no guarantee that one day, the figure of the Demon Ancestor will be seen at the entrance of a certain teleportation array.

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