Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1193 Demon Hunter


Sun Ku is also an obedient person. Basically, he does whatever his master says.

Among Mo Xun's disciples, only Huangfu Xin had a bad character. The others can be explained.

In fact, from the beginning, Mo Xun never really regarded Huangfu Xin as a disciple.

So he didn't take the other party's betrayal seriously at all.

"Master, should I leave now or..."

Sun Ku hesitated. He wanted to ask about the Holy Light River. If it weren't for his duty, he might go there with most of the adventurous monks to find opportunities.

Mo Xun saw his mind at a glance and said directly: "Let's go now. You don't need to ask about the Demonic Path anymore. The wine shop will be closed from today. The hidden agents left in various places will also be withdrawn except for necessary contacts."

The catastrophe is coming, and Mo Xun doesn't want to make trouble.

He has a hunch that the sudden changes in various parts of the world may have opportunities, but more likely, they are murderous places.

But then again, cultivation is against the will of heaven. If you don't fight for the opportunity, what kind of immortal can you cultivate?

If you just keep escaping, you are just a bird in a cage. You can escape for a while, but you can't escape the life span.

Thinking of this, he added: "After returning to the sect, you can ask the elders to close the mountain gate. If there are disciples who want to go out to find opportunities, don't stop them. But once someone leaves, they can't return to the sect within a hundred years."

Mo Xun also left a loophole. He has never been a one-man show here!


Sun Ku left Tuhuo City that day, and Mo Xun didn't stay for long. He stayed in the city for a day. After the two sisters talked about their hearts, he took Qian Si Niang and Bai Ze to travel far away.

Before leaving, he also talked to Qian Wei Niang.

He kidnapped someone's sister, so there must be an explanation.

But more importantly, he needed this girl to do something.

Of course, in return, he promised to find Luo Qian for him.

But it is so difficult to find someone in this vast sea of ​​people!

"Uncle, where are we going?"

On the phantom car, Bai Ze was lying on the car, admiring the clouds through the barrier surrounded by flowing light, while stuffing spiritual fruit into his mouth.

His small cheeks bulged from his face.

On the other side, Qian Si Niang was sitting cross-legged.

Whenever Mo Xun made a move, she would open her eyes quickly and wait quietly by her side like a maid.

Mo Xun had not used this treasure car for a long time.

Now with his cultivation, the level of the phantom car is obviously not enough.

When you reach the Yuanying realm, many times, you don’t need to use external objects to travel.

With your own magic power, you can have a superb speed.

Mo Xun did not answer, as if he was closing his eyes and thinking.

In fact, his consciousness has covered a radius of 100 miles.

Along the way, just as Sun Ku described, all kinds of strange phenomena can be seen everywhere.

Because of the suppression of the Demon Lord Hall, many places are still in order.

But some invisible dark places are full of blood and killing.

The demon ancestors and evildoers flowing out of the teleportation array can also be seen occasionally.

Some sects and independent cultivators even organized demon hunters to hunt the demons of the wreckage cultivators.

However, there was no movement from the Demon Lord Hall, which seemed to be a bit indulgent of the demon invasion.

And he also found an abnormal place, whether in the city or the big sect, there was no Nascent Soul cultivator sitting in charge.

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