Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1194 Duobao Tower Master

In a canyon deep in the Hengduan Mountains, Mo Xun, Bai Ze and Qian Si Niang have been here for nearly a month.

Twenty days ago, he met here with Wenren Baili's disciple, a female cultivator in the late Jindan stage.

Although decades have passed, he still needs to fulfill the promise he made that year.

After finishing a few things, he will return to the vicinity of Qiutian City to guard the ancient teleportation array.

If the Demon Ancestor will not come here, it will be fine.

If he comes, he will inevitably take a risk.

After all, he received his reward that year.

Moreover, the Tiandao League also kept its promise and did not ask the Tianjian Sect to fight during the war with the Demon Sect.

Because of this, his sect can maintain its strength.

Although Wenren Baili did not come in person, Mo Xun still expressed his determination to his special envoy that he would not break his promise.

However, in Mo Xun's view, he has disappeared for so many years, and the Tiandao League will definitely not wait and see, and there must be a backup.

As for who it is, that is not something he can worry about.

After sending off the special envoy of Wenren Baili, he did not leave in a hurry, but waited all the time.

Until this day, Mo Xun, who was sitting in the pine forest with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, and then a sound transmission note appeared in his hand.

With a light pinch, the talisman turned into a stream of light, condensing an illusory figure in front of him.

"Haha... Brother Mo has been waiting for a long time, wait a moment, my second brother and I will be there soon."

As the voice fell, the stream of light dissipated, and the pine forest returned to peace again.

In just half an incense stick of time, two rainbow lights appeared at the end of the sky, flying over quickly.

At the same time, Qian Si Niang and Bai Ze, who were practicing in the cave, were alarmed at the same time and hurried over.


As soon as Bai Ze opened his mouth, Mo Xun waved his hand to stop him.

"You leave first, the person I'm waiting for is here!"

After all these years, although the little guy has not grown in height, his realm is not low.

She can feel the strength of the person who comes with her eyes closed.

Therefore, after discovering the abnormality, he immediately ran over with Qian Si Niang in a vigilant manner.

But after hearing what Mo Xun said, he was relieved again.

Soon, the rainbow light flew close.

"Brother Mo, how are you!"

Amidst a hearty laugh, a burly man who looked to be in his thirties or forties, and another white-haired man with an immortal look appeared in front of Mo Xun one after another.

These two were the two heads of Duobao Tower.

First Huaiying, second Yun!

Many people would recognize the two as master and apprentice when they saw the old and the young.

But the truth is that the younger one is the first Huaiying, the real head of Duobao Tower.

The older one, in terms of age and cultivation, is actually a little worse.

Mo Xun smiled and bowed.

"Two owners, please come this way!"

As Mo Xun spoke, he waved his hand, and a table and chairs appeared in front of the three people, and the wine and drinks were already placed on them.

The First Huaiying laughed heartily, but then the laughter stopped, and his eyes suddenly widened.

"Brother Mo, you... you have advanced again?"

As soon as these words came out, the pupils of the Second Yun beside him shrank immediately, and the whole person was also stunned.

As for Mo Xun's origin, it is no longer a secret.

The first time he appeared was in Huanyunyuan.

A Yuanying thunder tribulation, this person seemed to jump out of the cracks of the stone, without any past information.

Then, he killed the casual cultivator Tianxuanzi and captured the Yuanying of the ancestor of Tianguimen alive.

After that, he appeared in the clan, slaughtered Jindan, established the clan, and fought Tianyun. It can be said that he swept all the way and killed. In just a few years, he made a great name in the whole southern border.

After that, he was on the front line of the Tianmo War, fighting one against two, killing one Yuanying and destroying one Yuanying. It can be said that he became famous in one battle.

When everyone thought that this was the most glorious time for this person, the news of the destruction of Guyuemen came again.

Throughout the entire southern Xinjiang, and even the entire Dongsheng Prefecture, there has hardly been such a fierce man since the beginning of records.

But how long has it been since this man became famous?

Thirty years... or forty years?

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