Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1195 Just a fluke

Mo Xun nodded with a smile.

"It was just luck!"

At his level, there was no need to hide his weakness.

Sometimes, he could even go more smoothly by deliberately showing off his strength.

The two hosts were really shocked. On the one hand, Mo Xun's cultivation speed was far beyond their cognition.

If it was the Jindan stage, it was reasonable to improve a major realm in decades.

But for the Yuanying stage, people had to think more.

It shows that this person either has extremely high talent or has a treasure.

But in their opinion, the latter is more likely.

No matter how outstanding a person's talent is, it is still limited.

For a while, the two of them had some thoughts that they shouldn't have.

But soon, they put it behind their minds. After all, the reputation of the person in front of them was well-known in the whole Dongsheng Province!

A person who kills people of the same level at will and can destroy a sect without knowing it, such a ruthless person is not something that everyone can weigh.

First Huaiying smiled heartily.

"Brother Mo is indeed a genius. It seems that I was not wrong that year. Only with Brother Mo, can our plan this time be foolproof!"

First Huaiying's words were naturally a compliment.

But in his heart, he also meant it this way.

Mo Xun was able to overpower the cultivators of the same level or even the middle level in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. Now that he has reached a higher level, he is probably not much inferior even when facing a late-stage great cultivator.

Although the late stage of the Nascent Soul is only one level different from the middle stage, it is a natural barrier that many people cannot cross even if they practice to death.

In the entire Southern Frontier, only two late-stage great cultivators have appeared in the past thousand years.

These two are all from big sects.

Although the thirteen sects in the Southern Frontier are all called Nascent Soul sects, most of them can only be regarded as second-rate.

The reason is simple, there is no great cultivator in charge!

Once they can be promoted to the late stage, both the sect and the individual will stand at the top of this world.

Although Duobaolou's business is all over the world, and there are countless resources and treasures in the building, up to now, his First Huaiying has been practicing for nearly a thousand years, but he is only in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul.

This is also the reason why he tried his best to win over Mo Xun to go to the land of the demon clan.

Because only there could be an opportunity for him to take this last step.

The shock in the heart of the Second Yun was no less than that of his brother.

Originally, in his cognition, winning over Mo Xun was at most a vassal of their Duobaolou's action.

Because in addition to Mo Xun, they also contacted several powerful cultivators.

But now it seems that many plans may have to be changed.

"It's been years since we last met, and the two owners of the building have also improved a lot. Well, let's talk about business!"

In fact, Mo Xun had not yet decided whether to go to Beiluzhou.

If he was still alone now, it didn't matter, and he even looked forward to it.

Beiluzhou has been divided for ten thousand years and has been occupied by the demons for a long time. It must have a different fortune from the other three continents. It can be said to be an opportunity for his cultivation.

But now, he has a bondage and is facing such a troubled time.

This is also the reason why he always likes to be alone. With a sect, he has to consider these things.

But whether he goes or not, it does not prevent him from asking for some news about Beiluzhou.

From the last meeting with the three building owners, there should be more secrets about this world inside Duobao Building.

Many things may not even be clear to the Tiandao League.

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