Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 1196 Teleportation Appears, Connecting the World

"Two landlords, when do you plan to go to the Demon Realm?"

As soon as Mo Xun sat down, he went straight to the point.

After Er Yun was shocked, he quickly calmed down, stroking his long beard and looked at his elder brother beside him.

First Huaiying shook his head.

"I can't say for sure now, I need to wait for the opportunity, but according to the jade slips left by my Duobao Lou ancestor, it should be soon. The opportunity must be when the demon ancestor comes to the world!"

Mo Xun nodded thoughtfully, this was pretty much what he had guessed.

"I dare to ask the ancestor of Guilou if he can explain the specific opportunity?"

Mo Xun's words seemed a bit like asking for other people's secrets, but he didn't find it offensive at all.

After all, he had to go into danger this time, and there were some things he had to figure out.

First Huaiying hesitated and finally spoke.

"Since fellow Taoist disciples know about the four continents in the world, they must have also heard of the four continents barrier!"

Mo Xun nodded slightly calmly. As for the barrier in the other person's mouth, he didn't know at all.

In his original thought, this world was separated in ancient times, probably because of the long distance.

Now it seems that there may be something fishy going on.

Perhaps the four continents in the world are actually on the same continent, but are forcibly separated by some kind of powerful barrier?

This also explains why he was able to be teleported to Xihezhou by the bloody mist on the Infinite Sea.

And Cheng Mu was also transported to Tiankui Realm inexplicably.

Mo Xun continued to listen.

"As for whether this barrier was formed naturally or was deliberately created by a great master, there is no way to verify it now. However, according to the inheritance left by our ancestors, every once in a while, the barrier will loosen. Every once in a while, the barrier will be loosened. Over ten thousand years, the energy of the barrier will weaken significantly over a period of time, and now it has entered a period of decline."

Hearing this, Mo Xun felt a little uncertain again.

The news he got from Xihezhou was that the ancient war tens of thousands of years ago divided the world into four and broke the geographical structure of this world.

But there is another story in the mouth of the first Huaiying.

But he also knew that there was no point in pursuing these matters now.

It has been so long ago that even if we conduct research, there is no way to start.

"If you follow your wishes, wouldn't it mean that every ten thousand years, the world of cultivating immortals will be attacked by demons?"

Mo Xun asked out his doubts.

First Huaiying answered with a smile.

"Theoretically, this is true, but it can only be said that it is possible. As for why the demons have not been seen in the past tens of thousands of years, it is largely because they have not broken through the barrier. But this time, it is different. ..."

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What is the difference?"

"The energy carrying the Four Continents Barrier is probably going to be completely exhausted."

Mo Xun was shocked.

"The barrier disappears?"

First Huaiying nodded calmly.

"Yes, but brother Mo, don't worry, this time will be very long, maybe hundreds of years, maybe thousands of years. Of course, this has nothing to do with us. We just need to seize this opportunity and sneak into the demon clan Inside, get what we need.”

Such rhetoric makes Mo Xun doubtful.

The three old guys in Duobaolou are basically over 700 or 800 years old. When the barrier disappears, they may have passed away long ago.

But he is different. His current lifespan is only three hundred. If he lives longer and has more than a thousand years of cultivation time, he will most likely see the day when the four continents are reunited.

But having said that, it is still unclear whether the disappearing barrier is good or bad!

"Brother Huaiying, I have a lot of confusion about this matter. I wonder if you can clear up my confusion?"

Mo Xun lowered his attitude in a rare way. On the one hand, he was sincerely curious, and on the other hand, he also wanted to serve as a reference for his next plan.

The first Huaiying smiled heartily.

"Brother Mo, just say it's okay!"

Mo Xun thought carefully and asked: "If someone deliberately divided the world into four parts, why did they leave the teleportation array behind?"

First Huaiying was about to speak, but Second Yun answered.

"Fellow Daoist Mo, I'll leave it up to you to answer this question!"

The first Huaiying glanced at his second brother and did not stop him.

"The origin of this ancient teleportation array is not stated clearly in my inheritance of Duobao Tower, but based on the investigations conducted by my three brothers over the years, plus some speculations, I guess that those teleportation arrays should be channels reserved by a certain powerful person. , but it is not usually turned on, and it cannot even be found without special methods. When this calamity comes, the reason why the teleportation array appears is probably related to the spiritual veins. "

"Spiritual veins?" Mo Xun frowned.

"Exactly! This spiritual vein is not what we usually call it. It is the main spiritual vein of heaven and earth, which supports the entire human world. It is also the source of spiritual power for the teleportation array. The reason why this demonic calamity is so huge is, Or the spiritual veins of this side of heaven and earth are facing depletion due to some unknown reasons, which leads to the collapse of the four continents barrier and the teleportation array is revealed. "

Mo Xunxin said, this answer is equivalent to no answer.

In his opinion, Duobaolou must know more inside information.

The three of them talked for a full hour before Mo Xun connected the many incomplete information in his heart and learned more about ancient things.

In fact, the inheritance of Duobao Tower is not detailed, only a broken jade slip.

The core content is only one sentence.

"Teleportation is now available worldwide!"

As for the Northern Luzhou Demon Clan, a lot has been said.

Finally, Mo Xun asked what he wanted to know most.

"Two building owners, if the time comes, how can we go to Beiluzhou? Is it also through the ancient teleportation array?"

The First Huaiying answered with a smile.

"Yes, but no!"

Mo Xun raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean?"

There is no need for the First Huaiying to hide this matter.

"If you want to cross the barrier, the easiest place is naturally the teleportation array. Once the barrier is weakened, not only will the demon ancestor come here through the teleportation array, but it will also be the easiest time for us to pass through, but..."

Mo Xun knew that the most critical part was coming.

"But with our magic power, it is still unrealistic to want to break through the barrier with our physical body. Fortunately, my ancestor of Duobao Building once left a talisman. At the critical moment, we need to use this talisman to break the barrier before we can make the journey."

Mo Xun's heart moved, and the first thing he thought of was the boundary-breaking talisman.

He could have come back with this talisman.

"Brother Huaiying, can you let me take a look at this talisman first?"

As soon as he said this, he felt rash.

Sure enough, the First Huaiying just smiled and said nothing, and did not accept it.

Yes, this kind of talisman cannot be said to be the most precious treasure in the world, but it is likely that there is no second one in the entire human world.

But Mo Xun was moved. If it is really a boundary-breaking talisman, doesn't it mean that he can cross the four continents at will?

When night fell, the two brothers flew away.

In the First Huaiying's plan, the time they need to wait for is not far away.

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