The scene inside was completely different from the outside.

A barrier seemed to separate the two worlds.

No one could imagine that the outside was sunny and the forests were beautiful, but inside it was dark and deep, as if they were in a huge cave.

The cave was connected in all directions, and many secret passages were built.

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came, and Qian Si Niang was startled. She was nervous and hurriedly pulled Mo Xun's sleeve.

Mo Xun waved his robe sleeve calmly, and a circle of invisible restrictions condensed around the two of them.

Then, the bodies of the two seemed to dissipate and slowly became transparent.

The footsteps approached, and it turned out to be a drunken man.

His steps were weak and his face was thin, but his realm was not low, and he was actually in the late stage of Jindan.

When the man walked past the two, he did not find anything unusual, but what he didn't know was that there was a purple bug on his lapel.

The surroundings returned to calm again, and Mo Xun stood there quietly, closing his eyes and saying nothing.

However, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the scene kept changing with the drunk's footsteps.

"Master Gu!"

The drunk walked to a stone door, and two maids who were sitting cross-legged in cultivation immediately stood up and saluted.

"Oh... Is that girl inside? I have something to find her."

Seeing that he was about to go in, the maid stopped him without leaving a trace.

"Master Gu, the young lady is practicing, and no one is allowed to disturb her."

The drunk frowned a little unhappy.

"Then you go and tell her now!"

The two maids looked at each other, and one of them said, "The young lady has said before that she is at a critical moment in her practice, and no matter who comes, she will not meet her, but Master, don't worry, when the young lady comes out of retreat, we will report it as soon as possible."

Seeing that the two were indifferent, the drunk got angry, and his momentum suddenly gushed out, and the powerful magic power shot out like a wave of air.

The two maids were only at the foundation building stage, how could they withstand the pressure of a late Jindan strongman? They flew backwards and hit the stone door heavily, spitting out blood.

"You are just two dogs, why are you talking so much nonsense? That girl usually neglects to discipline you, so I have to do it."

After saying that, he was about to raise his hand to forcibly break the stone door restriction.

Who knew that at this time, a clear and angry female voice came out.

"If they are dogs, what are you?"

As soon as the voice fell, the stone door burst open.

Then, a blue cold light flashed, as fast as lightning, and rushed straight to the drunkard's face.

This sudden scene caught the drunkard off guard, but after all, he was at the late Jindan stage, so he quickly sacrificed a bronze tripod-shaped magic weapon to block in front of him.

The blue light came in an instant, bombarding the magic weapon, and the powerful magic impact resounded like a thunder in the small cave.

Under this impact, the drunkard was blown away directly.

The smoke and dust dissipated, and the drunkard with disheveled hair was covered in blood. He stared at a beautiful woman not far away with surprise and fear.

There was blood at the corner of his mouth, and he was no longer drunk at this moment.

"You... you actually broke through the last level!"

"So what?"

The woman took out a bottle of elixir and threw it to the two maids beside her, and then looked at the drunkard not far away with a cold look.

She stretched out her hand and the bronze ancient tripod scattered on the side flew into her hand.

"If it weren't for that blood relationship, just based on what you did just now, I would have killed you ten times!"

On the other side, when the woman appeared, Mo Xun's eyelashes trembled slightly.

Gu Qingyue!

In an instant, his thoughts became a little free.

I didn't expect that the first person I saw when I came to Tuoluomen again was her!

Perhaps she felt the change in the atmosphere beside her, and was afraid that she would reveal the whereabouts of the two people, Qian Si Niang pulled his sleeve in confusion.

Mo Xun came back to his senses and concentrated his mind again.

The huge sound immediately attracted many monks on duty, but after seeing Gu Qingyue and the drunkard, they all retreated tactfully.

After a short noise, Mo Xun finally understood the identity of the drunkard.

Gu Ming, the son of Gu Jianshan, is also Gu Qingyue's half-brother.

Gu Ming wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. To be honest, he was shocked at the moment.

The last time he saw Gu Qingyue, their cultivation was about the same.

But now, the other party is already a genuine false infant realm, and it is estimated that it will not take long for him to start forming an infant.

And he, who is obviously more than a hundred years older than the other party, is actually behind in cultivation.

What he found most difficult to accept was that decades ago, he was far superior to this sister.

Gu Ming took a deep breath. This incident not only shocked him, but also made him jealous.

Since his mother left, his father no longer cared for him as before, especially the birth of Gu Qingyue, who took away everything that should have belonged to him.

Even though his father was in retreat, he gave all the power in his hands to his sister.

Now, the other party is even ahead of him!


"When did you break through?"

Gu Ming asked this question subconsciously. He was really curious.

Since Gu Qingyue came back from outside last time, he has become extremely hardworking in cultivation, and his progress in cultivation has also been rapid.

How long has it been from the middle stage of Jindan to the current false infant realm?

Gu Qingyue sneered.

"What does it have to do with you?"

Looking at the miserable appearance of the man in front of him, Gu Qingyue's heart was not disturbed at all.

Not to mention the same father and mother, even if he is a brother, so what?

This kind of useless guy only relies on his father, the sect master, otherwise, let alone the late stage of Jindan, whether he can live to this day is still uncertain!

In addition, his biological mother died inexplicably that year, and he always suspected that it was related to this person.

No matter from which point, she couldn't bring up the slightest pity for this person.

Gu Ming knew that he might not have much say in front of this sister in the future.

He secretly swallowed this breath and said in a low voice: "I need Xueluo Dan!"

The so-called Xueluo Dan is a cultivation elixir made by a unique secret method of Tuoluomen.

However, this kind of elixir is only useful for the cultivation below the middle stage of Jindan, and it is considered a high-level resource in the sect.

If you only need one or two, go to the elixir hall to exchange.

But he needs a lot, so he has to get the order of the hall master or the sect master.

Before Gu Jianshan went into seclusion, he handed the sect master token to Gu Qingyue, so Gu Ming could only come to find this sister.

A hint of disgust flashed across Gu Qingyue's cold brows.

Gu Ming was already in the late stage of Jindan, so Xueluo Dan was naturally useless to him.

The purpose of coming here was obviously self-evident, it must be for those mistresses.

What a waste, I don't know how many sect spirit medicines I have wasted over the years to improve my cultivation to this point, but I only know how to indulge in sensual pleasures all day long.

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