Gu Qingyue was too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of person, so she threw out a jade bottle as if giving alms.


Gu Ming felt resentful in her heart, but she could only suppress her anger.

In his opinion, the reason why Gu Qingyue cultivated so quickly must be due to his father.

He didn't understand why his father was so partial to him even though he was his own biological child.

Gu Ming secretly gritted his teeth, and after a long time, he uttered two words.

"not enough!"

Gu Qingyue's face immediately turned cold. Only then did she realize that the purpose of the other party's visit was not a few Blood Luo Pills, but the Sect Master's order!

She took a deep breath.

"That's all. If you want it, just take it and get out of here. Don't mention your bad things in front of me."

After Gu Ming was shocked, he came to his senses.

He stood up slowly and used magic to temporarily seal the internal injuries.

"Gu Qingyue, do you think you can hide what you did from everyone?"

Gu Qingyue raised her eyebrows with confusion on her face.

Gu Ming knew that she would definitely not be able to defeat him right now, but forgive her Gu Qingyue, she didn't dare to do anything to him.

He smiled contemptuously.

"Don't think that I don't know who your lover is in the secret realm of Demon Tianmen. If the sect knows that you are having an affair with a monk from the Tiandao Alliance, even your father will not be able to protect you."

Hearing this, Gu Qingyue instead of panicking, actually smiled.

She had already told Furumiyama about the Demonic Gate.

When so many people in the secret realm saw it, it was natural that they could not hide it from the Demon Lord Hall.

However, her situation at that time was that she was being held hostage by Mo Xun. This matter was made clear no matter where she went.

And in these years, she has not done anything to betray the Demon Sect.

"Then just go ahead and say it!"

Gu Ming seemed not to have expected the other party's attitude. After being surprised for a while, he suddenly rolled his eyes and mentioned another thing.

"And that monster named Lu Wushen, haven't you been secretly inquiring about his whereabouts?"

Speaking of Lu Wushen, Gu Qingyue's originally dismissive eyes finally changed a little.

She stared at Gu Ming with awe-inspiring eyes.

Gu Ming knew that he should have grasped the opponent's weakness this time.

"If you want to know where that beast is being held, just give me the sect master's order. Don't worry, I will only exchange for the Blood Luo Pill and will not do anything else."

"Do you know where it is being held?" Gu Qingyue asked, as if she was asking for help.

In this matter, she was quite secretive.

I don’t know where Gu Ming knew about it and actually wanted to use it as a blackmail.

She first threw the bronze tripod in her hand.

"The sect master ordered you not to think about it. Tell me where you are being held and how much Blood Luo Pill you need. I will find a way."

Upon hearing this, Gu Ming suddenly hesitated.

He wanted the Sect Master's Order, not just for the purpose of Blood Luodan.

It's just that he can't tell others.

At this moment, an imperceptible mana fluctuation suddenly struck quickly, and Gu Qingyue's expression suddenly changed.


As soon as he finished speaking, a strong wind blew up around him.

Gu Qingyue hurriedly retreated in fear, while not forgetting to protect her two maids.

As soon as the visitor made a move, her heart skipped a beat.

A Yuanying monk, and definitely not an ordinary Yuanying!

Although Gu Qingyue is still just a golden elixir, she has dealt with various Nascent Souls since she was a child. She can easily distinguish such crushing strength.

"Is it Senior Brother?"

Amidst the lightning and flint, Gu Qingyue retreated while thinking in her heart.

Fortunately, the opponent didn't seem to be too strong. He just used his magic power to stir up the wind and force her to retreat. He didn't mean to hurt her.

As the third person in Tuoluomen, Gu Jianshan's top disciple, and Gu Qingyue's senior brother, Han Feng!

Although this person is only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, his cultivation level is unfathomable.

But in an instant, she rejected her guess.

The person who came here was not even a bit stronger than Han Feng.

She even had the illusion that this person's realm might not be as high as that of her father Furumiyama.

But looking at the entire demonic path, how many people are there with such strength?

The coercion came instantly with the impact of magic power, and Gu Qingyue immediately used her own magic weapon to block it in front of her.

But what surprised her was that after this coercion came over her, it turned into a gentle force that just pushed her aside.

"How is this going?"

This person inexplicably broke in and struck without any warning, but he seemed unwilling to hurt her at all.

Could it be that his father has left the country?

This is even more unexplainable. Even though Furumiyama is dissatisfied with her conflict with Gu Ming, he will never behave like this.

In just a short breath, Gu Qingyue considered several possibilities in her mind, but she ruled them out one by one.

On the other side, Gu Ming received completely opposite treatment.

At the moment when the unknown person took action, Gu Ming was briefly excited.

In his opinion, whoever took action must be dissatisfied with Gu Qingyue's arrogant attitude.

But then, he realized something was wrong.

Because he was locked by the Nascent Soul Spiritual Realm, no part of his body could move.

He cursed in his heart, at this time and in this place, the only one who could use such methods was Han Feng.

It should be noted that Han Feng has coveted Gu Qingyue for a long time, but this idiot is a bit stupid and only likes her secretly, without even the courage to express his feelings.

If Han Feng also took action on Gu Qingyue's side, he would have no hope of getting the sect master's order.

But he was not worried.

After all, his status was there. Even if Gu Jianshan didn't like him, he was still the young master.

Even if Han Feng had the courage to do anything to him.

Just when he thought of this, Gu Ming felt a sudden pain in his chest, and then he flew backwards.

Blood spurted out, and Gu Ming's meridians seemed to be torn apart, and he let out a pig-killing wail.

The howling sounded throughout the cave, and immediately attracted the footsteps of the guards around.

The wind was howling, and the magic power in the narrow cave was surging. The flying soil and gravel swept around like a sharp blade.

In an instant, Gu Ming's clothes were torn to pieces, and his whole body became red flesh and blood.

The wail was still echoing, and in just a few breaths, several Jindan cultivators came flying.

Among them was the Nascent Soul Early Stage named Han Feng!

"Junior Sister Gu, what happened?"

Han Feng quickly found Gu Qingyue who was pushed to the periphery by the residual power of the magic, but at this moment, Gu Qingyue could not hear any sound.

She stared blankly at the blurry mass in the center of the strong wind, and an indescribable sense of familiarity came over her.

He is here!

But since he is here, why doesn't he want to see her in his true face?

He promised himself that once he left there, he would definitely go find her.

For this promise, she waited for twenty years in this dark place!

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