It was here that she was kidnapped by Mo Xun.

Just as many people arrived, the wailing in the center of the storm stopped abruptly, and a wave of air came, carrying a huge impact of magic power, spreading rapidly around like a storm.

The impact hit everyone, causing many who were slow to react or had lower cultivation to fly backwards.

At this moment, Gu Qingyue didn't know why, but she stayed there stiffly without moving.

Seeing this, Han Feng hurriedly condensed a shield in front of the two of them, and at the same time pulled Gu Qingyue back.

When Han Feng felt the surging magic power like waves, his heart was chilled.

His figure was like a sampan in the waves, and he could hardly control himself.

With just one move, he realized that there was a huge gap between him and this sudden intruder.

The other party's strength may have reached the level of his master.

In the chaos, he thought quickly in his mind. In the entire world of immortal cultivation, everyone who could be the same as his master had a name.

He had even heard of the old guys in the southern border.

But he had no impression of the person in front of him.

Who was it?

Just as he was confused and terrified, he thought that the other party would kill people and a life-and-death fight was inevitable, but who knew that a green light flashed, and then he suddenly disappeared from the crowd.

The smoke dissipated, and the center where the magic power was originally swirling was silent.

Han Feng raised his eyebrows, hesitated for a moment, and then shouted: "Chase!"

This place is his responsibility. Now that someone has broken in, if he dares not even chase, he will definitely be questioned afterwards.

But he also knew that even if he chased after him, it would be useless, and he might even lose his life.

So when he led the other Jindan cultivators to chase, he did not use his full strength.

At the same time, he hurriedly sent a message to the disciples in the sect and immediately reported to the sect.

This kind of strong man coming here is beyond his ability to deal with.

With Han Feng's order, everyone chased out in a panic.

Only Gu Qingyue stood there stupidly.

She murmured to herself: "Why, since you have escaped, why didn't you tell me? It would be fine if you didn't tell me, but since you have come here, why don't you want to see me with your true face? Am I not worthy of your meeting?"

Gu Qingyue's heart was both painful and resentful!

For a moment, she didn't know where to go next.

The idea that originally supported her hard work was to return to the secret realm of the Demon Heaven Sect one day to find the person who made her miss and resent.

But now, she has no direction.

She clenched her fists suddenly, and looked at the place where the green light disappeared with a burning gaze.

"Mo, why do you treat me like this!"

After saying that, she flashed and chased after him.

Although Mo Xun deliberately hid himself, he was still recognized by Gu Qingyue the moment he appeared.

At the ruins of the Demon Heaven Gate, the two of them got along a little bit wrong. It was not that Mo Xun was cruel, but that they did not know how to meet.

Let alone the grudge between him and Gu Jianshan, the forces represented by the two parties alone did not allow them to have too many intersections.

Besides, there was nothing between the two of them, so why bother to add to the trouble.

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse, in a dim cave.

Mo Xun casually threw the almost unrecognizable Gu Ming in his hand on the ground, and said to the back: "Si Niang, you go outside and guard first, I have something to deal with."

Qian Si Niang did not ask too much, turned around and left the cave.

But before leaving, she glanced at the bloody mess.

Even though she was knowledgeable, she felt a little sick at this moment.

It was not that the other party was naked, but that there was almost no intact skin on his body. The whole person seemed to have been skinned, leaving only a piece of blood red.

But the vitality of a Jindan cultivator is not so fragile.

That look is just a bit miserable, all of them are flesh wounds.

Mo Xun flicked his sleeves and threw out a huge leaf, covering half of the other person's body.

It's not that he has any hobby for this, but he did it on purpose.

He deliberately created the illusion that he had a deep hatred for this person, otherwise it would be unreasonable to go deep into the dangerous situation and not kill anyone, but just kidnap a Jindan cultivator.

But thinking about it afterwards, it seems a bit unnecessary.

As soon as he made a move, he had already exposed his cultivation.

Imagine what kind of feud a Yuanying comparable to a late-stage great cultivator could have with a small Jindan?

Even if he kidnapped someone, he didn't have to work so hard.

It was nothing more than being anxious at the time and not thinking it through.

But it doesn't matter, he will go to Tuoluomen sooner or later.

As for why he made such a big fuss, it was all for Gu Qingyue.

Otherwise, Gu Ming would disappear without a sound, and Gu Qingyue would have no explanation after the investigation.

Mo Xun took out a pill, crushed it in his hand, and sprinkled the powder on Gu Ming.

After a long time, the bloody mess slowly moved.

The skin on his body also began to scab under the repair of the powder.

"Since you are awake, let's talk!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gu Ming suddenly climbed up like a frightened rabbit. After finding that he was not wearing clothes, he quickly covered his private parts with leaves.

Mo Xun sneered in his heart.

This guy is also a face!

"Do you know the purpose of my arresting you?"

Gu Ming endured the severe pain in his body and shook his head blankly.

As soon as he woke up, he tried to circulate his magic power, but who knew that all the meridians in his body were blocked.

Even his consciousness could not leave his body!

His mind was even more flashing, and he quickly thought about all the enemies he had offended.

But no one could match him, especially a Yuanying cultivator of this level.

It was reasonable for Han Feng to ignore him because of his status, but how could he dare to act rashly against a strong man like his father?

Of course, he did not think of another possibility.

The person in front of him might be the elder of an enemy.

But he has been keeping a low profile recently. Even if he occasionally has grudges with others, he knows them well and will not cause such trouble at all.

"Senior... Senior, if I have been rude in any way, please let me know. If it is my fault, I will definitely explain to you. My father is..."

At this point, he stopped suddenly.

He suddenly thought of a possibility, could this be his father's enemy?

"Who is your father? Keep talking!"

Although he knew, Mo Xun still asked jokingly.

Mo Xun was hesitating whether to search the soul of this person.

It is said that this is the fastest way, but at the Jindan level, because of the powerful Yuan Shen, once the soul is forcibly searched, the other party may cooperate, but if they resist, they may destroy their own soul, and then they will not know anything.

Even with Mo Xun's current cultivation, there is no guarantee that it will succeed.

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