Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 135 Identity Card

In front of the wide city gate, there were different guards and registrars standing on both sides. The black characters clearly stated that one side was for mortals and the other side was for immortal cultivators.

Mo Xun came to the side with fewer people. He had already inquired about some of the rules for entering the city.

Those who entered the city for the first time had to register!


"Mo Xun!"

"Do you want to stay permanently or temporarily?"


There were still several months before the Gu Yue Sect's disciple-recruiting ceremony. During this period, he naturally planned to stay in Lantian City. On the one hand, he was waiting, and on the other hand, he also needed to get familiar with all aspects of the immortal cultivation world.

"If you stay permanently, you need to pay five spirit stones every year, and there is also an initial registration fee, a total of fifteen spirit stones!"

Although he already knew the market price, Mo Xun still felt a pain when he heard the price.

He already had a preliminary understanding of the value of spirit stones.

Some casual cultivators without sects would also do some work in Lantian City on weekdays, but they only earned three or five spirit stones every month, which shows how precious they are.

During the trip to Tianxiang Valley, Mo Xun got nearly 200 spiritual stones. He had used up some of them during his cultivation in the past two months, but now he had to spend one tenth of his wealth.

He sighed in his heart, and then he flicked his sleeves, and fifteen stones of different colors appeared on the table in front of him.

"Put your hand on it and inject some spiritual power into it!"

The tall guard pointed to a white stone slab with a palm mark on it.

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. He had also inquired about this thing. It was used to test cultivation.

Then he put his palm on it and slowly injected a trace of spiritual power. After a while, a strange character appeared on it.

"Qi Refining Stage, practicing fire attribute exercises!"

As the guard reported his cultivation, the registrar on the side recorded it in the book and threw him a black jade plate and a jade slip.

"Drop a drop of blood into it. This will be your ID card from now on. The jade slip contains the rules and regulations of this city. Don't violate them!"

Mo Xun took the jade card and looked around. The words "Blue Sky City" were written on the front. His name and a string of numbers, probably a serial number, were engraved on the back.

Putting the jade card away, he walked aside, and his mind entered the jade slip, and began to read.

Some of the things written in it, he already knew, so he read it quickly.

For example, fighting and fighting are strictly prohibited in the city, especially using magic on mortals. If you are caught, you will be fined with spirit stones and driven out of the city. In serious cases, your cultivation will be abolished or even executed!

After all, it is a place where immortals and mortals live together, so it is quite strict for cultivators with great magical powers.

In order to prevent some cultivators with ill intentions from using magic on mortals, every mortal will carry an identity card to identify spiritual power. Once an accident occurs, the spiritual power characteristics of the caster will be recorded for subsequent investigation.

This method is actually more of a deterrent. If there are really cultivators who want to attack mortals, there are many ways to avoid the identification of identity cards.

Compared with cultivators, mortals are a vulnerable group and have a low status in the entire Blue Sky City.

However, such a place cannot do without mortals. Many low-level jobs in food, clothing, housing and transportation also need mortals to do.

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