Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 136 Five Kingdoms in Southern Xinjiang

The streets were bustling with people, a mixture of immortal cultivators and mortals, and shops lined up on both sides. What one saw was that, except for being more vast and magnificent than the ordinary mortal kingdom, there was not much difference at first.

Occasionally, there were a few patrol personnel wearing uniform clothes, led by cultivators in the Qi training period, followed by three or five mortals.

"Greetings, Master Immortal!"

Mo Xun had just taken two steps when he was stopped by a man of the same age as him, dressed in coarse linen clothes, who bowed to him.

Mo Xun looked the man up and down, and there was no spiritual power fluctuation on his body, so he asked in confusion: "How did you recognize me as a cultivator?"

The man smiled honestly: "Master, I noticed it when I registered there just now."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding: "What do you want to see me for?"

"Master, if this is your first time in Lantian City, do you need me to lead the way for you? It only takes one or two silver coins!"

Mo Xun immediately understood the other party's identity. To be honest, he really needed such a guide when he first came here.

After a little consideration, he agreed and asked: "What's your name?"

"Master, my name is Wang Mang!"


Under the leadership of Wang Mang, Mo Xun first found an inn specially for cultivators.

Because cultivators need to meditate and practice on weekdays, and practice some magic skills, each room is a bit like a secret room, surrounded by stone walls.

However, the price is really high. A spirit stone is needed every three days. Mo Xun made a simple calculation. If this continues, he will probably be penniless by the time of the disciple-taking ceremony.

There are two types of transactions in the city. Mortals generally exchange gold and silver, while cultivators mainly exchange spirit stones.

Of course, there is a certain exchange ratio between gold and silver and spirit stones, but few people exchange them!

After leaving the inn, Mo Xun asked Wang Mang to take him to some places where cultivators often appear.

Including Guangji Tower and Wuyuanzhai, places where cultivation resources are exchanged openly, and also went to the black market mentioned by Xiao Qian, and the stalls where casual cultivators spontaneously gathered.

There are also several fighting platforms in Lantian City. Because fighting is prohibited in the city, some cultivators or warriors who want to resolve private grievances can go to the fighting platform to resolve their grievances.

After a day, Mo Xun also had some preliminary understanding of Lantian City.

In the afternoon, he went to the study again and bought all the books related to cultivation. These were the most efficient way for him to obtain information.

After staying in the inn for two days, he found that he had oversimplified the problem. Although the books he bought were somewhat related to cultivation, most of them were prose about immortals, either legends or fabrications. The books that were truly related to cultivation were hard to find in the shops opened by mortals.

Among so many books, only two were more reliable. One was about the division of the realm of cultivation.

However, Mo Xun had already understood this. It was nothing more than a detailed description of what kind of magical powers would be possessed in different realms. For him now, it was actually not very useful.

The other book was about the distribution of the cultivation sects in the five countries of Southern Xinjiang.

These five countries were Sheng, Xuan, Chechi, Xuanwu and Yue.

Seeing this, Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin. Wasn't this Chechi country mentioned by the Yuehua Fairy in the Soul-Calming Tower?

There are thirteen major sects in the five countries of Southern Xinjiang, which together form a Tiandao League. Gu Yue Sect is one of them.

But then again, these seem to have nothing to do with him.

Although Fairy Yuehua pointed out a way for him to find a man named Liu Jizi to obtain the foundation-building pill, there is little hope that he can find this person.

If he rashly goes to Tianyun Sect, he doesn't know how long it will take. If he doesn't find the person by then, and misses Gu Yue Sect's opportunity to recruit disciples, he will really want to cry without tears.

Therefore, his plan is to first inquire in Lantian City and Gu Yue Sect. If there is no result, he can go to Chechi Country.

Since he has sworn a poisonous oath, he also wants to see what the situation of that sect is.

After some calculations, he went out.

Nancheng is mainly a gathering place for cultivators. It is said that if you go out of the South City Gate and walk for seven or eight days, you can reach the mountain gate of Gu Yue Sect.

Funing Street is the most prosperous and bustling market in Lantian City. Various resources for cultivating immortals are sold there. A few days ago, Wang Mang took him to visit here.

He randomly chose a medium-sized shop that sold elixirs and spiritual herbs, and Mo Xun walked in.

"Fellow Daoist, what do you need?"

Two clerks stood in the corner of the shop. Behind the counter was a shopkeeper in his forties. Mo Xun used the Qi-Observing Technique to take a look, and his heart was immediately startled. The other party's cultivation had reached the peak of Qi Refining.

He then pointed his two fingers to the sky, bent slightly, and returned a Taoist salute.

When cultivators meet, there are many ways to greet each other. Different sects and different cultivation levels have their own particularities and characteristics, but the fist-holding and two-finger salute are considered to be more widely circulated.

"Can I take a look first and then decide?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said "please feel free", then lowered his head again and looked at an ancient book in his hand.

The other two clerks did not show any spiritual energy, and it seemed that they were hired mortals.

After the two clerks simply said "OK" to Mo Xun, they were busy with their own things.

Mo Xun glanced around and his eyes first fell on a shelf full of jade slips and books. With careful observation, he could also notice that there was a faint aura surrounding the shelf, which should be a restriction or something like that.

Next to each jade slip, there were different lists, most of which were books on pharmacology. When Mo Xun saw an ancient book called "Wancao Lu", his eyes could not help but stay for a while.

Before he could speak, a clerk ran over with a smile: "Master, do you need this "Wancao Lu", I will take it out for you right away."

Mo Xun smiled and nodded. This man has good eyesight.

Then he saw the clerk took out a jade talisman from his arms and placed it in the small slot next to the bookshelf. The surrounding aura suddenly dispersed and disappeared, just like the mechanism of the mortal world.

Mo Xun couldn't help but marvel at it. These things in the world of immortal cultivation had given him too many surprises in the past few days.

He took the ancient book, which was an inch thick.

He flipped through a few pages and found that it was similar to what he thought. This was a book that introduced various spiritual herbs and medicines, or in layman's terms, it was a bit like an encyclopedia of the herbal medicine world.

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