The book records the names, appearances, habits and medicinal properties of various spiritual herbs.

"How can I sell this book?"

"Return to the Immortal Master, here are three spiritual stones from this book!"

Hearing this quotation, Mo Xun immediately frowned. He had already inquired about it in the past two days. One spiritual stone could be exchanged for ten taels of gold, which meant that this book would cost thirty taels of gold. If placed in the mortal world, I'm afraid even a rich man from the countryside can't afford it!

He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, practice practice, it turns out that what you practice is money!

"Put it up for me!"

After taking out three spiritual stones, his face felt painful again, and then he watched the clerk put the book into the wooden box and handed it to him respectfully.

Then he waved his robe sleeves and put them away. He looked at the bookshelf with some reluctance, and in the end he could only hold back and shook his head.

The shopkeeper behind the counter saw Mo Xun was about to leave and hurriedly called him.

"Fellow Taoist, do you need any elixirs? These elixirs in our store are all refined by third-level alchemists, and they are definitely of the highest quality."

Hearing this, Mo Xun showed some doubts on his face: "Why, are alchemists also divided into levels?"

The shopkeeper smiled: "It seems that fellow Taoist, you just came to Blue Sky City not long ago, right?"

Mo Xun didn't hide anything. He knew that he would have to go through the process of being a novice and becoming a familiar person. Being more modest would save him time in making false statements.

But this time, he was obviously stupid. Although modesty is valuable, it also depends on the occasion. He pretends to be ignorant in front of the businessman. I don't know what he thinks.

"Exactly, please give me some advice, fellow Taoist!"

The shopkeeper smiled and waved his hand: "I don't take it as advice. In fact, it's not a secret."

After listening to the shopkeeper's introduction, Mo Xun not only understood the level of the alchemist, but also clarified some of his previous questions.

Level one to level three alchemists can refine elixirs for the Qi training stage, levels four to six can refine elixirs for the foundation building stage, and levels seven to nine correspond to the elixir formation stage.

Among them, the first to ninth level alchemists are also called earth-level alchemists. Pills after the Nascent Soul stage need to be refined by the rumored alchemists above the heaven level.

As for the level above the heaven level, there seems to be another level, but since it no longer exists in this world, the shopkeeper is not sure.

It turns out that there is an interface above this world. Once you reach a certain level of cultivation, you will be rejected by this world and ascend and leave.

But as for the situation on the previous interface, there is no way of knowing, because none of those who ascended returned to this world.

But then again, since no one has ever come back, how did this place in the previous world spread?

Such a question, of course, cannot be answered by the shopkeeper in his position.

"I think Taoist friends have reached a bottleneck in their cultivation. Do they need the help of elixirs to improve themselves to a higher level?

Mo Xun looked at the shopkeeper in surprise. He didn't know if the other person's words were deceptive, or he could really see the progress of his cultivation.

Since coming out of Tianxiang Valley, he has been on the road while practicing with the help of two pills obtained from the valley. With the help of the spirit stone, he has indeed touched the ceiling of the ninth floor of Qi Refining. Maybe there is another pill. With the medicine, he can successfully break through to the next level.

"Tao friendly eyesight!"

The shopkeeper has a natural smile and a mustache. If you put aside this cultivation level, he looks no different from a businessman in the market.

"Our store has a lot of elixirs for the late stages of Qi refining. Are fellow Taoists interested?"

Mo Xun thought about it and realized that he was indeed short of pills now. As long as the price was right, it wouldn't hurt to buy a few pills.

"I wonder if there is any Bi Ling Dan?"

After taking the two Bi Ling Dan, Mo Xun felt that the medicine was quite effective. He had no intention of changing the medicine until the medicine expired.

"Fellow Taoist, what a coincidence. When it comes to other elixirs, I dare not praise Haikou, but this Bi Ling Dan is definitely top-grade!"

Mo Xun chuckled. It seemed that businessmen, no matter where they were, had good eloquence.

"Then I don't know how to sell it?"

The shopkeeper held out three fingers: "Thirty spiritual stones each!"

When he heard the price, the smile on Mo Xun's face suddenly solidified.

Thirty spiritual stones, if converted into gold, would even be more than the wealth of a wealthy family.

If the other party didn't raise the price randomly, it meant that in Blue Sky City, someone with his level of wealth would be a poor person!

Seeing the change on Mo Xun's face, the shopkeeper hurriedly explained: "Fellow Taoist may not know, but this Bi Ling Dan is one of the most difficult to refine among the Qi training period elixirs. It is a third-level alchemy master. Usually seven or eight furnaces are needed to make such a furnace. Therefore, the price is absolutely fair. If you don’t believe it, you can go to other stores and ask. If the price is less than this, I am willing to give you ten pills! "

Seeing the certainty in what the other party said, Mo Xun couldn't help but wonder, is it really so expensive to cultivate elixirs?

After thinking for a moment, he said: "Then buy one pill first. If the effect is good, I will come to Fellow Taoist next time."

When the shopkeeper heard this, the smile on his face became even brighter. He immediately took a dark green pill from the shelf behind him and put it into a porcelain bottle.

"Then I wish you Taoist friends good luck in your advancement!"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly and shook his head. After paying the spirit stones, he was about to say goodbye and leave when he suddenly thought of something and asked by the way: "By the way, do you sell Foundation Establishment Pills here?"

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, then laughed and said: "Fellow Taoist, you are joking. If this elixir really existed, I wouldn't be stuck in the current state!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. It seems that this foundation-building pill is really as hard to find as Xiao Qian said!

"Do you have a pill recipe here?"

"Pill recipe?"

Mo Xun nodded: "Yes, I have some interest in alchemy recently, and I want to find a few pill recipes to practice."

"Yes, I do..."

At this point, the shopkeeper stroked his beard and looked at Mo Xun strangely, but in a flash, he smiled and asked: "I wonder what kind of pill recipe you need?"

"Oh? Do you really have a pill recipe for sale?"

Mo Xun's interest in pill recipes is obviously stronger than that of elixirs.

The shopkeeper said a little unnaturally: "Well... I have a few. If you need it, I can copy it for you."

Since coming to Blue Sky City, this is the first time that Mo Xun has felt the benefits of this place.

If he still wanders like a casual cultivator, I wonder what opportunity he will have to wait for to get a pill recipe?

"How much is one set?"

This time, the shopkeeper did not ask for a high price, but said: "Five spirit stones will do!"

Mo Xun thought about it, compared to the price of elixirs, this price is much cheaper!

He then said: "Your store has several sets, just copy them all for me."

The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment when he saw him being so straightforward, and then he went to copy the elixir recipe with a smile on his face.

Mo Xun put the jade slip with the elixir recipe on his forehead, and the more he read it, the more excited he became, because he found the Biling Pill in it.

There were three kinds in total, and after paying the spirit stones, he went out happily.

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