Not far away, there was another elixir shop. Mo Xun touched his chin and walked in.

After half a stick of incense, he walked out expressionlessly.

In this way, he went to three more similar shops, thus verifying two things.

First of all, the shopkeeper didn't lie to him. The price of Bi Ling Dan was indeed around thirty spirit stones.

In both cases, there was no one selling Foundation Establishment Pills on the entire street, not even any prescription pills.

Sighing softly, he felt somewhat disappointed.

Absently, he walked into a shop. Judging from the name, it should be selling magic weapons and the like.

But as soon as he reached the door, someone suddenly stood next to him and stumbled down at his feet.

Before he could react, a soft whip was whipped at the man. Mo Xun quickly reached out and grabbed the whip.

The moment he grabbed the whip, he was shocked, because the whip was burning like fire. If he hadn't practiced fire spells, he would have suffered a hidden loss if he wasn't prepared.

"Bastard, who are you? How dare you stop this lady!"

Mo Xun raised his head. Not far away stood a woman in red, with a fair face, about sixteen or seventeen years old.

At this time, the other party was staring at him with an angry face.

Out of habit, he used the Qi Observation Technique to glance at this person's cultivation. To his surprise, this woman's realm was even higher than him.

Hearing the woman's unkind tone, Mo Xun's brows immediately wrinkled.

Looking at the feet again, there was a young man lying down, dressed in coarse linen clothes, with several blood-red scars on his face, his hair was messy, and he looked quite embarrassed.

The man's eyes were full of fear, and his whole body was trembling as he looked at the woman in red.

After Mo Xun's eyes stayed on the man for a moment, he knew that the man was just a mortal.

Mo Xun loosened his whip, looked at the woman in red in front of him, frowned and said, "Don't you know, fellow Taoist, that fighting is prohibited in Blue Sky City? What's more, bullying a mortal who has no power to fight back, is it disrespectful to fellow Taoist?" Identity?"

The woman in red sneered: "What does it have to do with you if I discipline my slaves?"

Hearing this, Mo Xun glanced at the man at his feet in confusion. Seeing that the man lowered his head and did not deny what the woman said, he knew that what the woman said was true.

Although he couldn't stand this kind of behavior, but speaking of it, he was indeed a bit nosy.

The sudden conflict caused several people to come up from all around, including the shopkeeper who came out of the shop.

This shopkeeper looks different from other shops. He has no cultivation at all. He is tall and thin. Judging from his appearance, he is a shrewd man.

The moment he saw the woman in red, the shopkeeper clasped his hands and greeted her with a smile on his face: "It turns out that Fairy Qi is here. I'm sorry that I missed you so much, but I hope you'll forgive me!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth moved, and he was stunned at the door for a moment, not knowing whether to say something or go in.

The woman in red glared at Mo Xun and ignored the shopkeeper in front of her. Then she raised her whip and hit the slave on the ground.

After the slave screamed in pain, he covered his face and knelt on the ground, kowtowed to the woman in red, and shouted for mercy.

Mo Xun's originally relaxed brows knitted together again.

He also came from a servant. He could completely understand the slave's mood at this time, but he didn't say much. Pity was pity, but he couldn't hold back the word "reason".

"I just like to bully mortals. If you have the ability, will you try to help him again?"

Seeing that Mo Xun remained silent, the woman in red became even more arrogant, snorted provocatively, and then whipped her again. This time, the slave was whipped to the ground, and the skin on his back was suddenly torn.

The shopkeeper's cupped hands paused in the air for a long time. When he saw Fairy Qi, she didn't even look at him. Then she smiled awkwardly and said to Mo Xun: "This senior is a bit unfamiliar. He must be the first one." If you come to our store once, please go inside first! "

Mo Xun glanced at the slave on the ground, shook his head helplessly, then ignored the woman in red and walked in.

But not long after he entered, the woman in red outside also followed him in.

Mo Xun glanced at her out of the corner of his eye and looked at the servant outside the door with some curiosity. After seeing the man standing up with difficulty, he just wiped the blood on his face and did not run away. He just waited quietly in place.

Mo Xun silently muttered "It's none of his business" and focused on the magic weapons around him.

The shop has two floors. There is a staircase in the corner and a young man standing next to it.

There are three shelves against the wall, which are filled with different things. One holds strange magic weapons, and the other holds array equipment and the like.

The last one is a bit like a grocery shelf, with the most goods and the messiest ones.

There is a mess of everything, such as mineral materials, discarded magic weapons, jade slips and broken books.

Mo Xun was the first to go to the place where the magical artifacts were placed. These attracted him the most.

The things inside were also various, including Immortal Binding Locks, Ice Blades, Magic Whip and Magic Clothes, etc. He even saw a brand new Fire Order Flag.

After using it several times in Tianxiang Valley, he felt that this thing was quite handy. He wanted to wait and study it carefully, but unexpectedly it was snatched away by Wuji Sanren.

Now that he saw something familiar, it was inevitable that he would have some thoughts.

"Can you take out this fire flag and show it to me?"

The shopkeeper opened the ban on the shelf with a smile, took out the fire flag, and handed it to Mo Xun with both hands: "Senior, you have a good eye. This fire flag is from Master Mo's workshop. It is definitely a top-grade product!"

Mo Xun raised his lips: "Oh? This master's surname is Mo?"

The shopkeeper showed some doubts on his face: "Why, senior, haven't you heard of Master Mo?"

Mo Xun smiled and shook his head. He didn't expect that his family was actually a weapon refiner.

The shopkeeper hadn't spoken yet, but Fairy Qi next to him had already said disdainfully: "Frog in the well!"

Mo Xun smiled faintly and ignored her.

"I'm new to Blue Sky City, so I don't know much about this Master Mo!"

The shopkeeper glanced at Fairy Qi who was strolling around him, and explained with a wry smile: "This Master Mo, although he is only in the late stage of foundation building, he has become a seventh-level weapon refiner decades ago. It is said that some of the natal magic weapons of seniors in the Jindan stage were made by Master Mo."

Hearing this, Mo Xun nodded secretly. It seems that there are also levels in the way of refining.

But what moved him was that this person could actually refine magic weapons, which was really eye-catching.

But from what the other party said, this thing was only from Master Mo's workshop, not from Master Mo himself.

In fact, it is understandable. How could a senior in the late stage of foundation building refine such a low-level magic weapon?

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