After coming out of the shop, Mo Xun did not hang around anymore and went back to his residence directly.

For the next period of time, while refining pills to break through the bottleneck, he studied the "Record of Ten Thousand Herbs" and those pill recipes. Last time in Tianxiang Valley, he got dozens of spiritual herbs, and finally he was able to recognize them all.

The records in the "Record of Ten Thousand Herbs" are extremely detailed. In addition to the characteristics and habits of different herbs, the medicinal properties of the same herbs at different ages are also explained in detail.

As for the three pill recipes he got, they are Biling Pill, Tian'e Pill and Zhuyan Pill!

Tian'e Pill is similar to Biling Pill. They are both pills for the late stage of Qi Refining and improving cultivation.

Zhuyan Pill is a bit magical. It can keep youth forever. Until death, the face can remain at the moment of taking the pill.

Each of the first two pills requires nearly fifty or sixty kinds of spiritual herbs to refine. Compared with the previous Baoxin Pill, it is much more complicated.

Moreover, this kind of refining is not as rough as before. It must be done with a specific pill furnace.

Fortunately, the refining method in the pill formula is recorded in great detail. As long as he can gather these spiritual herbs and cultivate them in the black soil for enough years, he can start refining the pill.

As for the Rejuvenating Pill, Mo Xun was a little surprised after reading the pill formula.

Because seven of the eighteen medicinal materials needed for this pill coincide with the spiritual herbs to be collected in the Gu Yue Sect's mission.

It can be seen that most of the tasks issued by Gu Yue Sect are for refining the Rejuvenating Pill.

In fact, every cultivator has some anti-aging effects in the techniques they practice, but the effects are different.

Especially women, because they are born to love beauty, when choosing techniques, those that can prevent beauty are often their first choice.

During this period, Mo Xun also spent half a day studying the two wooden signs, but he had no clue at all. In desperation, he threw them in the corner again.

It was not until half a month later that Mo Xun finally went out of seclusion, and at this moment his cultivation had reached the tenth level of Qi Refining.

In joy, he went into the gourd and tossed around for half a day. After coming out, he hardly rested, and went out again wearing a bamboo hat.

At this moment, he was in a very happy mood, because he found that after coming to Shengguo, the effect of black soil ripening was stronger than before.

In this regard, he roughly had such a guess. Last time in Tianxiang Valley, he found that the green light outside the gourd should be absorbing something, and this kind of thing will vary in quantity with the different spiritual energy of the environment.

Therefore, the more concentrated the spiritual energy is, the stronger the ripening effect of black soil will be.

After reaching such a conclusion, he was naturally very happy. This was also an unexpected surprise after all the bad things happened in recent days.

After leaving the inn, the first place he went to was the black market.

If he didn't hold the Gu Yue Order in his hand for a day, he would be a little uneasy in his heart. After three years, he didn't know whether there would be such a task in Gu Yuemen.

If not, he could also make some plans in advance.

The black market is located under a square, that is, underground, and has a special name for the public, called Yanliu Lane.

If it were in the mortal world, it would sound like a place for prostitutes.

In fact, those who are familiar with it know that this place is somewhat related to the fireworks place, because on the same street is the famous fireworks lane in Blue Sky City.

This place is nominally an exchange meeting between cultivators, but in fact everything is sold there.

Because some things are not convenient to trade on the table, such as slave trading, the handling of dirty things, and even heard that there are assassinations.

Mo Xun followed a few masked monks, entered from an alley, stepped through an old door, first a dark corridor, stepped on the steps and slowly went down, not far away, the eyes suddenly opened up.

Surrounding it is a spacious hall, where more than a dozen people gathered, and fist-sized luminous balls are hung on the walls everywhere, like night pearls, but they seem to be a little different.

The light emitted is slightly whiter, not as feminine as night pearls.

Mo Xun thought for a while, maybe it was a magic weapon or something like that.

Coming down the stairs, facing an open door, looking in from the outside, it was crowded and quite lively.

Standing on the left and right of the door were two guards. Mo Xun habitually used the Qi-viewing Technique to take a look, and was immediately shocked. He felt that the other party's cultivation was like the sea of ​​stars, and he couldn't see through it at all.

With his current realm, even if they were at the peak of Qi Refining, as long as they were not deliberately hidden, they could generally be seen.

He secretly speculated in his heart that these two people might be the rumored foundation-building period.

After calming down, he walked over, but as soon as he reached the door, one of the guards stopped him.

"New here?"

The other party's voice was very calm, but I don't know if it was because of psychological effects, but Mo Xun felt a sense of pressure when he heard it.

Mo Xun immediately saluted: "Yes, I'm honored, Senior!"

"Do you have an introducer?"

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment. He had never heard of the need for an introducer before coming here.

The guard then pointed to a place and said: "If you don't have an introducer, go there and pay 20 spirit stones, and you will be given an identity."

Mo Xun turned his head and looked. There were a few people gathered not far away, and they seemed to be doing some registration.

After a while, Mo Xun came to the guard again with a jade token. At this moment, he felt a pain in his flesh again. He had been in Blue Sky City for more than half a month, and his spiritual stones were about to run out.

I am afraid that in a few days, he can't even afford to stay in the inn.

In fact, he has been considering buying a house in the place where mortals are. After all, he has a lot of gold and silver.

With an independent yard, even if there is a lot of noise during cultivation, there is no need to worry.

After showing the jade token to the guard, he walked in.

The inside is divided into different areas by more than a dozen horizontal and vertical aisles, some large and some small.

Some are open-air stalls, and some are surrounded by walls, so you can't see what is inside.

While Mo Xun was hesitating, a young man of eighteen or nineteen years old, who was at the eighth level of Qi Refining, walked up to him, clasped his hands and asked, "Is this your first time here, fellow Daoist?"

Mo Xun returned the greeting: "Yes!"

The man chuckled and said, "My name is Qin Yi. If you don't understand anything, I can help you."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. It was another guide.

"How much is the reward?"

"If you just buy something, someone will naturally pay me with spirit stones."

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