Mo Xun opened his mouth, but in a flash, he understood.

To be honest, such a big black market, if he didn't know the inside story, he really didn't know where to start.

The two came to a corner next to him. Mo Xun pondered for a moment and said, "I heard that someone here sells Gu Yuemen's tasks. I wonder if you can help me find it?"

"What kind of tasks?"

Mo Xun took out a jade slip that he had prepared in advance and handed it to Qin Yi.

Qin Yi put it on his forehead and looked at it, and said clearly, "So it's this, have you completed it?"

Seeing Mo Xun nod, Qin Yi took him around and came to a room. He didn't knock on the door, but just moved his lips. After a while, the door creaked open and a woman came out.

The woman was wearing a purple dress and had a medium appearance, but her gestures were quite charming.

When Qin Yi saw the woman, he immediately cupped his hands and smiled, "Mrs. Luo, this fellow Taoist has what you need!"

Mrs. Luo looked Mo Xun up and down, with no expression on her face. After a moment, she said lightly, "Come in!"

Mo Xun looked inside from the outside. The space inside was not big, with a few tables and chairs placed. In addition to Mrs. Luo, there was a man and a woman.

Mrs. Luo and the man were both in their thirties and had the cultivation of the peak of Qi Refining. The other woman was younger, about fourteen or fifteen years old, and was only at the fifth level of Qi Refining.

But this young girl was standing in the corner at this time, with her head down, looking at a document in her hand.

After Qin Yi followed Mrs. Luo in, Mo Xun stood at the door, motionless.

He looked around. The doors of the rooms next to him were all closed. Some open-air stalls in the distance were set up to bargain with some customers.

"What are you still standing for, come in together!"

Mo Xun ignored Qin Yi, but Mrs. Luo raised her lips and said playfully: "This fellow Taoist seems to be very timid, is he afraid that we will do something wrong?"

Mo Xun lowered his head and tried his best to cover his face with the bamboo hat.

"I'm sorry to make you laugh, Madam!"

Qin Yi said quickly: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be so cautious. No one dares to act casually in this black market."

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment before slowly walking in. Although the other party said so, he was still very cautious.

Mrs. Luo pointed to the chairs beside him, "Sit down first!"

Mo Xun glanced at the man and girl next to him. Although he was curious, he didn't say much.

The man smiled at him, and Mo Xun nodded lightly, and then sat next to Qin Yi.

"I wonder what task you are going to deliver?"

Seeing that Mrs. Luo asked without hesitation, Mo Xun couldn't help thinking that this kind of transaction might not be a secret in this black market.

But he still didn't relax his vigilance.

He glanced at the door. When he came in, he deliberately didn't close the door. It's better to be careful in this unknown place.

After Mo Xun handed her the jade slip, he asked, "I wonder if this task can still be traded now?"

Just as Mrs. Luo was checking the jade slip, the girl in the corner suddenly knelt down to the man and kept begging, "Sir Luo, please give me some more time."

This Sir Luo stroked his beard, stared at the white spot behind the girl's neck, and said in embarrassment, "It's not that Luo is unkind, but this amount of spiritual stones is not owned by Luo. If I delay, those creditors will have to trouble me!"

"Please rest assured, Sir Luo, when my sister comes back soon, I will definitely pay it back with interest."

Luo The master sneered: "As far as I know, your sister has been missing for more than half a year. It is still unclear whether she is alive or dead. What can you give back?"

When the girl heard this, she hurriedly explained: "No, my sister promised me that she would be back soon!"

"Fairy Qingying, you may not know that your sister Qingning left Lantian City with the second Miss Xue of the Xue family. The soul lamp left at home by this second Miss Xue had been extinguished several months ago. Fairy, what is the chance of your sister's survival?"

Hearing this, the girl and Mo Xun on the side trembled at the same time, but their subsequent reactions were different.

The girl immediately shook her head like crazy: "Impossible, she promised me that she would come back, she promised me..."

As she spoke, two lines of tears flowed out, and the whole person crawled on the ground, sobbing continuously.

Mo Xun frowned, with a bit of doubt on his face, thinking in his heart, it can't be such a coincidence?

Mrs. Luo ignored the noise around her, returned the jade slip to Mo Xun, and said with a smile: "The task is still there, but the requirements here are probably the same as two years ago, right?"

"Oh? From what you said, there are changes now?"

"That's right. Two years ago, the task only required five spiritual herbs, but now it requires seven to exchange for an ancient moon order."

Mo Xun looked at the other party and suddenly fell silent. He was not a fool. Although he was observing Lord Luo and the girl just now, he never relaxed his attention to the surroundings.

Just when Mrs. Luo was checking the jade slip, he clearly noticed that Qin Yi's lips moved.

It was obvious that this was the first time he came, and he temporarily raised the price.

At this time, Lord Luo suddenly said impatiently: "Fairy Qingying, I have made it very clear to you. Since your sister is no longer here, this account will naturally be counted on your head. Now there are only two options before you. Either pay back the spirit stones, or agree to Wu Daoyou's request and become his concubine!"

Qingying just lay on the ground, sobbing continuously, as if she had turned a deaf ear to Lord Luo's words.

At this time, I don't know whether she was crying for her sister's death or grieving for her own fate.

Madam Luo saw that Mo Xun had been silent for a long time, so she urged him: "What do you think about it, Daoyou?"

After a while, Mo Xun suddenly pointed at the girl on the ground and asked: "I wonder how many spirit stones this girl owes you?"

Lord Luo and his wife, and even Qin Yi on the side, were stunned at the same time. No one expected that Mo Xun would suddenly ask about another unrelated matter.

This feeling is a bit like visiting someone's house. The host asked if you want tea, but the other party said, where is your toilet?

Mrs. Luo's face immediately darkened, and she glanced at Qin Yi unhappily, as if to ask, is this man here to trade or to cause trouble?

She was now very suspicious whether Mo Xun in front of her had come here at the exact time the girl came here.

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