"What does this mean, fellow Taoist?"

This was the first time Lord Luo spoke to Mo Xun, with a hint of chill in his tone.

Looking at the other party's cultivation level again, Mo Xun had nothing to regret at this moment. There was a faint voice in his heart, which seemed to be begging him to help the girl in front of him.

Maybe it's because he had an acquaintance with the woman named Qing Ning!

"If this girl doesn't owe many spiritual stones, I can pay it back for him!"

Hearing these words, the girl on the ground stopped crying immediately and looked at Mo Xun in disbelief. With his eyes blurred by tears, he tried hard to see the other person's face clearly.

However, he could only see a pointed chin through the bamboo hat, but in his memory, there was no impression of this person at all.

Mrs. Luo looked at Mo Xun with the same interest, then turned to look at the girl on the ground, with a faint smile on her lips.

"Could it be that fellow Taoist, you have known this Fairy Qingying before?"

Mo Xun shook his head and said calmly: "I dare not hide it. This is the first time I have met this girl!"

"Then can you tell me why Taoist friend did this? With your cautious character, I don't believe it. Taoist friend has secretly fallen in love with this girl the first time he saw her!"

Mo Xun lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said after a moment: "I have some connections with this girl's sister!"

The Luo couple frowned at the same time, and the girl on the side, after hearing this sentence, immediately crawled to Mo Xun, grabbed his arm and asked excitedly: "Senior, do you really know my sister?"

Mo Xun nodded lightly. To be honest, he was a little unsure. After all, there were too many people with the same name in this world.

"Senior, please tell me where my sister is now. Qingying is very grateful!"

Mo Xun helped her up, and then said through a message: "We'll talk about it after we get out!"

The girl understood in her heart and stood aside calmly, but she was very worried in her heart.

On the one hand, he was wondering whether Mo Xun would really help him. On the other hand, he was worried about his sister's whereabouts and wanted to know the answer right away.

The Luo couple looked at each other, their lips moved, and they didn't know what they were discussing.

After a while, Mrs. Luo said: "Fellow Taoist, are you here today for a trading mission or to pay off this girl's debt?"

Now that the words have been spoken, Mo Xun has no intention of hiding it anymore. He was originally a little angry at the other party's temporary increase in price, but now looking at it, he will have to accept this deal.

"All of them!"

Master Luo laughed: "Okay, since fellow Taoist intends to stand up for others, Luo will not embarrass her. As just agreed, seven pieces of spiritual grass will be exchanged for one Ancient Moon Token. As for the one that Fairy Qing Ning borrowed at that time, There is also an IOU here for the spirit stones, which together with interest, totals one hundred spirit stones.”

After hearing this quotation, Mo Xun didn't know how to answer for a while.

After spending this time, he now has a full budget and only has a few dozen spirit stones left on him.

Mo Xun sighed softly in his heart, that girl Qing Ning was really good. She borrowed so much before she died, obviously to trick her sister to death.

Seeing that Mo Xun fell silent, the girl's heart suddenly jumped. At this moment, she really regarded Mo Xun as the last straw, fearing that the other party would suddenly leave him alone.

Master Luo looked at Mo Xun under the bamboo hat and sneered in his heart. He wanted to see if this kid who appeared from nowhere would be willing to take out so many spiritual stones for a yellow-haired girl.

After a long time, Mo Xun's lips moved and he suddenly heard the message.

After Master Luo heard this, his expression changed and he asked, "Is this true?"

Mrs. Luo looked at her husband with some surprise, and was very curious about what Mo Xun said.

"This is natural. I wonder if you are willing?"

Mr. Luo chuckled and sent a message: "If Taoist friend can really produce a two-hundred-year-old spiritual herb, Luo will sell you this favor."

Mo Xun nodded, and then flipped his wrist, two more jade boxes appeared in his hand, and then threw them out.

Mr. Luo quickly caught it, opened it separately and inspected it, laughed, and threw over a long and thin token, half an inch wide and three inches long, with the word "Guyue" written on it.

Seeing Master Luo's expression of satisfaction, Mo Xun's heart was bleeding.

He originally planned to go to the elixir shop to exchange for the spiritual stone for this spiritual grass, but now he had no choice but to take it out first.

He knew in his heart that a two-hundred-year-old spiritual grass would definitely not be worth only a hundred spiritual stones, but in the current situation, he had no better solution.

Mo Xun put away Gu Yue Ling, then grabbed forward with his right hand, and the IOU that the girl had thrown on the ground was sucked into his sleeve.

"Tao You are friendly and skillful. Since you and I have cleared our money and goods, you can take me away!"

Mo Xun nodded. He didn't know how dangerous this place was, and he didn't want to stay for a long time.

But just as he turned around, Mr. Luo suddenly said: "Wait a minute, fellow Taoist!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he frowned, and at the same time, he was already holding a talisman in his hand.

"But do you have any other advice?"

Master Luo did not speak, but said through a message: "I don't take advice as an advice, but if there is such a magical medicine in the future, I hope fellow Taoist can come here first. Luo will definitely not let fellow Taoist suffer!"

"Definitely, farewell!"

After that, Mo Xun greeted the girl, but the girl seemed to be a little dazed. After being stunned for a moment, she followed Mo Xun out of the room one after another and headed straight for the exit.

But before the two of them had gone far, a call from behind stopped Mo Xun again.

"Fellow Daoist Qin, I wonder if there is anything else you can do?"

Qin Yi glanced at the girl behind Mo Xun and said with a smile: "Congratulations to fellow Taoist for the successful transaction. If you need anything else in the future, just come and find me!"

Mo Xun nodded. To be honest, he really remembered a few things at this moment.

He looked around, pointed to a place with few people, and said, "Fellow Daoist Qin, can you go there to talk?"

"Fellow Taoist, please!"

Mo Xun looked at the girl who was still a little confused and said, "Go to the exit and wait for me for a while. I will have a few words with this fellow Daoist Qin."

The girl nodded dullly, but did not leave. She just stood there, watching Mo Xunyuan's retreating back, as if she was afraid that the other party would disappear if she was not careful.


When the two came to the corner, Mo Xun didn't turn around and asked straight to the point: "Fellow Daoist Qin, I wonder if I can buy the Foundation Establishment Pill here?"

Qin Yi smiled: "Actually, at least eight out of ten people like Taoist friends who come here for the first time will ask such questions."

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