"Since fellow Taoist knows this truth, do you think I will sell it easily?"

"As I said below, whether to sell or not is actually a matter of price."

"Hahaha, I've been here for many years and I haven't seen anyone like you before!"

Mo Xun also smiled and waited for the other party's answer.

"Okay, since fellow Taoists have said so, I am not a person who cherishes my broom. Let's do this. As long as you can come up with two spiritual herbs that are more than three hundred years old, the elixir will be given to you...even if there are a few six-year-old herbs. Even if you want a centuries-old spiritual herb, I can get it for you!"

Upon hearing this, Mo Xun almost didn't hesitate and asked, "Is this true?"

Mo Xun felt that his heartbeat seemed to have accelerated a bit, because there were several spiritual herbs in the green gourd that were about to be three hundred years old.

As for the foundation-building elixir mentioned by the old woman, he didn't quite believe it. After all, if there was such an elixir, why was the old woman still stuck in the Qi refining stage?

Of course, this conjecture may not be true. After all, there are foundation building pills, but there are many people who have not succeeded in building the foundation. Maybe this person is of this type.

"So, Taoist friend, do you really have so many hundred-year-old elixirs in your body?"

Mo Xun chuckled: "Although I don't have any now, if fellow Taoist keeps his word, I can find a way to get some, it just takes some time!"

The old woman looked at him with interest: "My words always count!"

At this moment, a man and a woman suddenly stumbled outside the door. The man's face was pale, with black blood flowing from the corner of his mouth. He was being held by the woman on his shoulders, and he looked like he was dying.

Both of them have the eighth or ninth level of Qi refining. The woman's face was full of panic. As soon as she entered the door, she said anxiously: "Senior, please save Luo Qing!"

The old woman glanced at the two of them indifferently, without much expression on her face.

"Put him on the ground first!"

The woman followed the instructions and quickly helped the man named Luo Qing lie down. She looked at the old woman expectantly and did not dare to rush him too much.

The old woman, on the other hand, calmly said to Mo Xun: "Fellow Taoist, have you thought about whether you want to sell these elixirs?"

Mo Xun nodded, his eyes fell on the man and woman, and he couldn't help but think, is this old woman still a doctor?

Under the anxious gaze of the woman, the old woman slowly put away the three-flavored elixir and was busy counting the spiritual stones for Mo Xun, as if she didn't care about the man's life or death.

Mo Xun stood aside, a little worried for the woman!

"The money and goods are clear. If my fellow Taoist has a good elixir in the future, I will definitely not treat you badly!"

Mo Xun nodded, then waved his sleeves and put away the spirit stone.

The old woman then leaned on crutches and walked out of the counter step by step.


The woman was not very young, and she must have had a close relationship with the man. Perhaps she was anxious, and there were tears in her eyes.

The old woman waved her hand to signal her to stop talking, and then looked up at Mo Xun.

Mo Xun touched his nose awkwardly and retreated to the door, but did not leave.

To be honest, he was really curious about how doctors in the world of immortality treated people.

The old woman just glanced at him, but did not chase him away.

The old woman stared at the unconscious man for a while, and then suddenly said to the woman: "Take off the clothes on his chest!"

The woman quickly took off the man's shirt and saw a black circular scar on his chest.

"Senior, what is this?"

"It's the mark left by Oolong Cui. Have you ever given him Shepertonin?"


The old woman nodded: "You are quite clever and know how to seal his heart at the critical moment. Otherwise, the poison in the black dragon cone will enter his heart and lungs, and even Daluo Jinxian will not be able to save him!"

As the old woman spoke, she knelt down, then stretched out her skinny palm and placed it on the man's black scar.

A piece of green light lingered near her palm. The man seemed to be alarmed and let out an indistinct murmur.

After a while, a magical scene began to appear. Under the green brilliance of the old woman, the black on the man's chest gradually faded, and a thick stream of black blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

After a cup of tea, the skin on the man's chest became rosy, and no black marks could be seen anymore.

Mo Xun frowned on the side, and kept thinking in his heart, what method did the old woman use to detoxify the other party?

He had also studied medicine for several years, but it was the first time he saw such a method, which inevitably made him think a little more.

In his opinion, this kind of healing seemed to be manipulating spiritual power into the opponent's body, thereby forcing the poison out bit by bit.

But this method of controlling spiritual power involves many problems.

On the one hand, one needs to be extremely familiar with the structure of the meridians of the human body. On the other hand, one must also be aware of the toxicity of the poison. The most critical point is precise control of spiritual power.

You must know that immortal cultivators can accurately control spiritual power when casting spells, which can often double the success and power of spells, but after all, they are controlled within their own bodies.

But if you are healing others, you need to let the spiritual power enter the other person's body. This not only requires considering the repulsion of the spiritual power between the two, but also extremely precise control of the direction of the spiritual power.

If there is a slight mistake, it may not be healing, and it may hurt the opponent's meridians.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun turned his gaze to the old woman. He felt that this dying cultivator was probably not simple.

After the man spat out the last mouthful of blood, his eyes slowly opened. The old woman took out a white pill and put it into his mouth.

"It's all right now. Just go back and recuperate for ten days or half a month!"

The young woman burst into tears of joy when she saw the man wake up. She quickly helped him sit up and kept calling Luo Qing's name.

However, the man may have just recovered from a serious injury, so he looked around with a distracted look and was a little dazed for a while.

The old woman turned around, glanced at Mo Xun who was still at the door, and asked coldly: "Do you have anything else to do, fellow Taoist?"

Mo Xun reacted, laughed, and then said goodbye and left.

However, in his heart, he silently remembered this inconspicuous little shop.

After returning to the new home in the evening, Li Qingying was cleaning the courtyard with several maids and servants.

"Hello, Master!"

Mo Xun couldn't help but touch his chin. This was the first time in his life that he heard such a name.


No one spoke that night. Early the next morning, Mo Xun found Li Qingying.

Judging from the girl's complexion, she seemed to have come out of the sadness of yesterday.

"Miss Qingying, come with me!"

Li Qingying nodded in confusion and followed Mo Xun to the study.

The newly bought yard had no furniture. The study was empty. On the bookshelf were several classics left by the previous owner.

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