The two sat opposite each other. Mo Xun thought for a while and suddenly asked, "Miss Qingying, what are your plans next?"

Li Qingying's face suddenly turned pale. In her opinion, the other party's question was obviously a bit of a way to drive her away.

But if she left this place, where could she go?

After all, she was only fourteen or fifteen years old. She had her sister by her side before, and she didn't have to worry about major things. Now she has become lonely and helpless. How can she have any ideas in her heart?

After a long time, she said in a whisper, "Brother Mo, just say what you want to say!"

Mo Xun didn't know what she was thinking, and didn't notice the change in Li Qingying's expression at this moment.

He thought about it all night yesterday, and probably made some preliminary plans for future cultivation. Therefore, before cultivation, he still needs to make some arrangements for Li Qingying.

"Miss Qingying, have you ever thought about joining Guyue Sect?"

"Guyue Sect?"

Mo Xun nodded and said, "Yes, you should know that Guyue Sect will open its doors to accept disciples soon. The main purpose of coming to Lantian City is to join Guyue Sect."

"Brother Mo wants me to join Guyue Sect with you?"

"That's right. After all, for casual cultivators like you and me, having a big sect to rely on will be of great benefit to future cultivation!"

Li Qingying's expression eased a little, but she still said with some disappointment, "But my spiritual roots are too poor, and I can't enter a big sect. . "

"What kind of spiritual root do you have?"

"It's a mixed spiritual root with three attributes of water, wood and gold!"

"That's better than mine!"

"Ah? Brother Mo, do you have four spiritual roots? How is this possible?"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly: "What's impossible? It's because of my poor spiritual root qualifications that I want to enter Gu Yuemen. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to step into the foundation building in this life!"

Li Qingying opened her mouth, not knowing what to say. In fact, she was able to embark on the road of cultivating immortals because of her sister. As for the so-called foundation building, it was too far away for her and she had never thought about it.

After a while of silence, Mo Xun continued: "Don't worry about the spiritual root matter. If you are willing to enter Gu Yuemen, I can think of some ways."

Li Qingying thought for a while and said: "I don't have any ideas. Brother Mo said it's okay, so I'll give it a try!"

Mo Xun laughed, she was indeed a simple girl.

Then Mo Xun took out a white porcelain bottle and put it on the table.

"This is a bottle of Heart-Protecting Pill, which is good for your current cultivation."

Li Qingying waved her hands hurriedly and said, "No, no, Qingying is already very grateful that you can take me in to live here, how can you still accept such a valuable thing!"

"Take it, I don't need this kind of pill now, it's a waste to keep it!"

"This kind of pill that improves cultivation, even if Brother Mo doesn't use it, you can exchange it for spirit stones, how can it be a waste?"

Seeing that Li Qingying just shook her head, Mo Xun pushed it directly in front of her.

"Next, I will be in seclusion for a while, and the affairs of the mansion may have to be handed over to you to deal with. This bottle of pill, just treat it as a reward for you!"

"Qingying lives here, and she should do something for Brother Mo, why do I need any reward?"

"Take it, your cultivation has improved, which is also a good thing for me. I may have some other things in the future that I need your help to do."

Hearing Mo Xun say this, Li Qingying knew that if she refused again, she might be a little ungrateful.

After all, what they said made sense. Her current cultivation was too low. If she was really needed, she might not be able to help.

"Well, Brother Mo, just go into seclusion without worry. I will take care of the family."

Mo Xun nodded with satisfaction, and then gave her some gold and silver as daily expenses.

After the two chatted briefly, Li Qingying said goodbye and left.

In the next few days, Mo Xun stayed in the study, studying the "Collection of Herbs" and comparing the lost spiritual herbs in the three pill recipes.

At the same time, in the "Record of Ten Thousand Herbs", he studied the medicinal properties of different spiritual herbs and tried to find some alternative spiritual medicines.

Now, there are actually several ways in front of him, which seem to be able to obtain the foundation-building pill.

First, he thought the most reliable one was to join the Guyue Sect. Such a large sect must have many opportunities to obtain the foundation-building pill.

The second is to go to Chechi Country and find the descendant of Liu Jizi.

But time has passed, and it has been more than a thousand years. He really doesn't have much hope for this.

The third way is to wait for Qin Yi to buy the pill formula for him, and then find substitutes for all the lost spiritual medicines through a lot of experiments, and refine the foundation-building pill himself.

However, after studying the Biling Pill, he found that a small half of the spiritual medicines in the pill formula only existed in rumors.

This means that he needs to find more than 20 kinds of substitute spiritual herbs to refine this pill.

With such experiments, I am afraid that he may not be able to succeed even if he spends his whole life.

Therefore, in his opinion, the probability of success of this method is really not high.

Of course, this does not mean that he will give up this method. If other methods don't work, he can only do this.

The last method is the old woman yesterday. Maybe the other party really has a ready-made pill formula.

But he always feels that this person seems to be mysterious, and he doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse to have more contact with her.

As for the so-called six hundred-year-old spiritual herbs, that's secondary!

With the green gourd, it's nothing more than spending a little more time.

Although there are four ways to choose, if you think about it carefully, none of them is very safe.

Three days later, Mo Xun left the house again.

After a busy day outside, he hurried back until the evening.

The next day, he went out again, and so on, and three more days passed.

After returning to the house, he completely closed the small courtyard where the study was located, intending to close the door for a long time.

This time, he not only spent all his spiritual stones, but also sold several hundred-year-old spiritual herbs to barely make up for the expenses this time.

He bought ten green spirit pills at one time, visited more than a dozen spiritual medicine shops, and bought most of the existing spiritual herbs in the pill formula.

As for the extinct ones, he bought a lot of alternative spiritual medicine seeds based on the similar medicinal properties in the "Wancao Lu". He must make some preparations in advance for the future experiment of the pill formula.

In addition, he went to several study rooms and treasure pavilions and copied all the books related to cultivation.

Whether it was magic tools, formations, elixirs, or monsters, treasures, or spiritual objects, as long as they were related to cultivation, he did not let go.

He needed to be familiar with all kinds of things in the world of cultivation in the shortest possible time, so that he could practice better in the future. Isn't this the purpose of his coming to Blue Sky City?

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