Perhaps due to his high profile, his story spread throughout Funing Street within a few days.

The mysterious qi-refiner, wearing a bamboo hat and throwing a lot of money!

Just after he had been in seclusion for two months, a transmission note made him temporarily stop.

In fact, even without Qin Yi's message, he still planned to go out in the next two days.

During this time, he was taking Bi Ling Dan to practice while studying elixir recipes and herbal medicine classics.

There is currently no solution for Bi Ling Dan and Tian E Dan, but Zhu Yan Dan is much simpler.

A total of only eighteen kinds of spiritual herbs are needed, of which the main seven flavors are already in his hands. As for the rest, they are not rare or extinct, they are just older.

Therefore, he planned to refine Zhuyan Dan first. If this thing was sold, there would probably be a big market.

In the next practice, he will definitely use a lot of spiritual stone resources. If he just relies on selling spiritual medicine, it will obviously be a waste.

Therefore, on this trip, he planned to collect the remaining spiritual herbs of Zhuyan Pill first.

Mo Xun walked out of the study and found that there were many more flowers and plants in the yard. In the pond next to the rockery, the clear water was microwaved, and there were a few red carps in it.

In the pavilion, Li Qingying was breathing in and refining Qi.

After hearing the noise, Li Qingying suddenly opened her eyes.

"Brother Mo, are you out of seclusion?"

Mo Xun nodded, suddenly stared at Li Qingying, and said with some surprise: "You made a breakthrough?"

Li Qingying smiled: "Just two days ago, it was thanks to Brother Mo's elixir, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to break through so quickly."

"The main thing is to work hard yourself!"

Mo Xun was also happy for her when he could see the little girl advance.

Unexpectedly, Li Qingying suddenly said a little lonely: "I wanted to tell you as soon as I broke through, but I didn't dare to disturb your retreat!"

Mo Xun chuckled: "Well, I'll buy some transmission talismans later. If anything happens in the future, you can let me know!"


The little girl smiled sweetly, and Mo Xun suddenly asked: "Is there anything important at home during this period?"

"Everything is fine, brother Mo, don't worry!"

The two chatted for a while, and then Mo Xun went straight to Funing Street.

Visiting several elixir shops here, he not only bought all the spiritual herbs for Zhuyan Dan, but also sold several hundred-year-old elixirs again in exchange for some spiritual stones.

Passing by a talisman shop, he walked in.

The shopkeeper is a middle-aged man in his forties, who looks like he is at the peak of his energy refining. There are several waiters inside who are talking to some customers.

Mo Xun said hello to the shopkeeper, and was led by a waiter to sit down on a chair nearby.

"I wonder what senior needs?"

"First bring me some good talisman pens to see!"

The waiter responded and went to find the talisman pen. Mo Xun was bored and wandered around.

A book called "Fu Dian" in the corner immediately attracted his attention.

After a while, the man came over with four or five boxes.

"What is this book about?"

The clerk put the Talisman pen aside, took out the Talisman Code from the shelf, and handed it to Mo Xun.

"Senior can check it out by himself, I don't know what's inside."

Mo Xun took over a thick book. It didn't have an old feel to it. It was probably newly engraved and printed.

After flipping through a few pages at random, he understood the content.

This is a basic book that introduces the development, principles, power and types of talismans, similar to popular science.

Although it has no practical use, it can give beginners a lot of knowledge.

For him now, it is considered useful.

Then he picked a high-quality talisman pen, bought some transmission talismans, and headed towards the black market.

In the restaurant box, Mo Xun and Qin Yi sat opposite each other.

"So my fellow Taoist looks like this, but I still don't know what to call him?"

"Mo Xun!"

Because he still had to ask for many things from the other party, he didn't wear a hat anymore today.

Qin Yi nodded with a smile and took out a jade slip from his sleeve.

"Fortunately, it took me so long to finally find the foundation-building pill recipe that Brother Mo wanted. Fellow Taoist, please check it out first."

Mo Xun thanked him, took the jade slip and placed it on his forehead.

After a long time, he took a deep breath and separated his mind, but his brows furrowed.

Unexpectedly, this Foundation Building Pill requires seventy or eighty elixirs, and according to Mo Xun's research during this period, nearly half of them have become extinct.

There are also several medicinal herbs, which are quite rare!

He couldn't help but feel a little bitter in his heart. The Jade Spirit Pill was so difficult to refine, let alone the Foundation Establishment Pill!

"Brother Qin, do you know what the earth fire mentioned in it is?"

This was another doubt in his mind after seeing Danfang.

According to the jade slips, ordinary ordinary fire cannot be used to refine the Foundation Building Pill, and it must be refined with earthly fire.

There was some confusion on Qin Yi's face. Logically speaking, Mo Xun was searching for the elixir recipe because he wanted to learn the alchemy method. But how could a person who made alchemy not know about earth fire?

Of course, he would not ask this kind of question face to face!

"The so-called earth fire, also known as the fire of the earth's lungs, is a flame generated by absorbing the energy veins deep in the ground."

At this point, Qin Yi took a sip of tea and continued to explain: "In fact, the world of immortality has developed over the years. When refining alchemy, it is not necessary to use earth fire as an aid. Some other flames can also be used."

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details!"

Qin Yi smiled and then told everything he knew.

"Nowadays, there are roughly four types of flames to choose from in the Alchemy Way."

"The first is the fire of the earth and lungs that I just mentioned; the second is the fire of the Dantian that can only be cultivated by monks above the Foundation Establishment stage, also called Dan Fire; the third is the use of some fire spirit beasts flame; fourth..."

Speaking of this, Qin Yi couldn't help but feel a little moved on his face.

"It's the rumored Xuanzang Tianhuo!"

The corner of Mo Xun's mouth moved. He knew that he had pill fire above the foundation building stage.

But the question is, didn't he fail to build a foundation?

In addition, he has also heard about fire-type spiritual beasts. In the past few months, he has studied a lot of related things.

The so-called spiritual beasts are actually monster beasts that have been tamed by immortal cultivators.

Spiritual beasts also have different attributes during cultivation. As for the fire-type spirit beasts, once they reach the fourth level, the inner elixir will be generated in the body, and then it can spit out flames, which is much more powerful than the elixir fire of the monks in the foundation-building stage.

It just asked him where to find the fire-type spiritual beast, and it was still level four?

There are actually only two other types that he has never heard of.

"I wonder where I can find the fire of the earth and lungs that Brother Qin mentioned?"

"Earth fire exists in every major sect. After all, this fire can not only be used to refine pills, but also to refine weapons."

Mo Xun nodded understandingly. If you put it this way, there is naturally earth fire in Gu Yue Sect.

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