Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 150 The Grand Ceremony Approaches

After returning from the black market, Mo Xun has been worried.

The changes in Gu Yueling made him a little flustered.

However, he was somewhat relieved that after so much trouble, he finally got the foundation-building pill formula.

And now he is very suspicious that the fire bird in his body is the red fire, which is also a pleasant surprise!

After returning, he closed his eyes again.

In the past few days, he focused on reading classics, but it was a bit disappointing that whenever there was a record of Xuantian True Fire, it was often just a few sentences, and no more useful information could be obtained.

In desperation, he had to devote himself to cultivation again, and at the same time, he started to study the foundation-building pill formula.

The situation he encountered was similar to that of Biling Pill, but more complicated.

Comparing the medicinal properties of different spiritual herbs, he needs to find substitutes among thousands of spiritual herbs.

It's just that this workload is very large!

Different spiritual herbs have different medicinal properties when they are of different ages.

There are often dozens of the same medicinal properties, and the spiritual herbs required for the foundation-building pill are already complicated, which made him feel that this was an impossible task for a while.

Just when he was a little discouraged, Qin Yi's sound transmission sounded in his ears.

After a long time, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes and roughly figured out what was going on.

Originally, when recruiting disciples each time, the deacons and elders in the sect had one internal recommendation quota.

For some reason, the recruitment ratio this time has dropped significantly, and this kind of recommendation has been strictly restricted.

It has become that you can only skip the first round of spiritual root test, and as for the next two rounds, you have to compete with other cultivators.

Mo Xun sighed in his heart, replied to Qin Yi, and then got busy again.

It can be said that this is good news and bad news!

Although he can't directly enter the Guyue Sect with just an ancient moon order, he can at least avoid the spiritual root screening that he is most worried about.

Now he has a lot to do.

Swallowing pills and practicing is his primary task.

In addition, he had to make time to practice magic and further study the way of talismans.

From the "Talisman Codex", he gradually gained a different understanding of talismans.

He used to think that a talisman was like a person, and the strokes on it were like the meridians of the human body. It looked like a ghost painting, but it actually contained the eight extraordinary meridians, which was mysterious.

However, after reading this book, he was surprised to find that some talismans were actually more like a magic array.

Those winding lines were like the array diagrams in the array, and every stroke contained the way of heaven.

Such a way of thinking provided him with a lot of new directions when drawing talismans.

In addition to the gains in these aspects, the biggest gain for him was the art of pharmacology.

Although he has not officially refined a pill so far, the daily uninterrupted deduction of the pill formula has made him familiar with various spiritual herbs and medicines.

Not only can he easily pick up the characteristics of the medicine, but even the mixture of different medicines is more profound than what he knew before.

But that was all. If he really had to go through the experiment to refine the foundation-building pill, he didn't know whether he could test out the real pill formula in this life.

Time passed in a flash, and another eight months passed.

With the daily uninterrupted medication like eating, he had now touched the ceiling of the tenth level of Qi Refining. Perhaps it wouldn't be long before he could advance to the next level.

And Li Qingying had also broken through to the seventh level of Qi Refining.

With the blessing of the Heart-Protecting Pill, the little girl's cultivation speed was like Mo Xun's at the beginning.

During this period, Mo Xun had to come out of retreat once every period of time.

On the one hand, he had to go to Qin Yi to get back some spiritual grass seeds, and on the other hand, he went to Funing Street to purchase spiritual medicines that he thought could be substituted for the foundation-building pill.

Now his green gourd is already densely planted with various spiritual herbs and flowers.

In the case of insufficient area, he suddenly had an idea to expand the spiritual field and move the black soil to the surrounding areas. In the end, he found that this method was actually useful.

You know, now he has a lot of various spiritual herbs in his hands, but to really use them, any one of them needs to be several dozen or even hundreds of years old. The previous area can no longer meet his needs.

And with the expenditure of medicinal herbs, the few hundred-year-old spiritual herbs he had stored before were sold by him.

Fortunately, this period of time is not without gains.

Just a few days ago, he finally exchanged two three-hundred-year-old spiritual herbs from the old woman for the real Biling Pill formula.

Give him some more time, when the spiritual herbs are mature, he can start to refine this pill.

With Biling Pill, not only did he solve his current cultivation problem, but also opened up a way to make money.

In the future, he no longer needs to simply sell spiritual herbs!

And the contact with the old woman again also made his mind active.

Perhaps this old Qi Refiner really has the foundation-building pill formula.

If entering Guyuemen is fruitless, he can use a few years to cultivate six hundred-year-old spiritual herbs, which is also a way.

This is probably the case of "when things get dark in the east, they get bright in the west"!

The Gu Yue Sect's disciple-recruiting ceremony is about to be held, and Qin Yi finally brought news about Gu Yue Ling.

After Mo Xun packed up simply, he said hello to Li Qingying and left.

As the saying goes, girls change a lot when they grow up. In less than a year, the girl's face seems to have lost a lot of her immaturity.

Both her appearance and temperament are more beautiful and charming.

Perhaps it is because he has reached the age of full vigor and vitality, every time Mo Xun sees this flawless face, he will always be aroused by a ball of evil fire.

As a result, he is now afraid to look directly at the little girl.

He is afraid that the colorful images in his mind may cause him to go astray during his cultivation.

Sometimes he thinks of his playmates of similar age in Huailiu Village. At his age, the children are probably several years old!

From the moment he set foot on the road, in fact, he has been destined to be different from others!

Because the disciple-taking ceremony is approaching, the Blue Sky City at this time is much more lively than when Mo Xun first came.

The casual cultivators who usually have no fixed place to live gathered from all directions.

Whether it is the place where immortal cultivators gather or the area where mortals live, some Qi-refining masters can often be seen.


It's still the restaurant in the box before!

Mo Xun slowly took the jade slip off his forehead. Inside was the relevant assessment for Gu Yue Sect's recruitment of disciples.

The assessment was divided into three items!

The first item was the spiritual root test, which would give different scores based on the individual's spiritual root qualifications.

The main reason why Qin Yi called him here today was for this matter.

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