The second item is a test of cultivation and mana.

Each person randomly chooses a new spell, and has one hour to learn it. The effect of casting it will also be rated differently.

In theory, the better the spiritual root aptitude and the higher the cultivation level, the greater the chance of learning it.

Therefore, this second item is actually a double test of spiritual roots and cultivation.

However, if you draw a spell that you already know, it can only mean that you have good luck!

After all, in the world of cultivating immortals, luck is opportunity, and it is also an important factor in whether you can achieve the great way.

The third item is a test of the heart of Tao, but the specific method is not mentioned in the jade slip, perhaps the Gu Yue Sect has not made it public.

"Brother Qin, thank you!" Mo Xun smiled and put away the jade slip.

"You and I don't have to be polite. Regarding the internal recommendation, I have contacted two elders for Brother Mo."

Mo Xun calmed down and waited for the other party's next words.

"But to get the recommendation, in addition to the Gu Yue Order, each person needs an additional reward of 100 spirit stones!"

Mo Xun agreed without much hesitation.

One hundred spirit stones, not too much, not too little either. As long as he can enter the Ancient Moon Gate, he thinks it is worth it.

He casually threw out a storage bag, Qin Yi simply checked it, and immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face.

As they got to know each other for a long time, Qin Yi's curiosity about Mo Xun became stronger and stronger.

Almost every time he made a move, he spent dozens or hundreds of spirit stones. I wonder what kind of wealth the other party has?

In nearly a year, the benefits Qin Yi has gained are much higher than before.

With clients like Mo Xun, Qin Yi's state of mind, which has troubled him for a long time, has also begun to loosen up. It won't be long before he can make another step forward.

"In addition, the Xuantian True Fire that you asked me to inquire about before has also made some progress."

Mo Xun immediately became interested. At this moment, in addition to the foundation-building pill, what he cares most about is the fire bird in his body.

"I would like to hear more about it!"

"In half a month, there will be an auction at Wanbao Pavilion. There is a volume of exercises on the auction list, which seems to have something to do with Xuantian True Fire."

Wanbao Pavilion?

Mo Xun thought about it and had some impression of this place. The young man who led the way introduced it to him on his first day in Blue Sky City.

After secretly noting down the name, Mo Xun asked, "Brother Qin, do you know what the specific technique is?"

"I don't know about that, but even if it is useless to Brother Mo, I believe Brother Mo will not miss this auction!"

Looking at Qin Yi's mysterious smile, Mo Xun's mouth moved. The other party seemed to have other meanings in his words.

"When did Brother Qin learn to play dumb?"

After the two became familiar with each other, they would occasionally make some jokes.

They were all around 20 years old, so they were naturally not so rigid and serious when chatting.

Qin Yi smiled: "Because in this auction, the long-awaited foundation-building pill will appear!"

Mo Xun's eyes condensed: "Are you serious?"

"Of course, but Brother Mo, don't hold too high hopes. After all, the higher the expectations, the greater the disappointment!"

Mo Xun frowned and asked: "What does Brother Qin mean?"

"Brother Mo, do you know the origin of this auction?"

Mo Xun shook his head. Not to mention the auction, he didn't know much about the so-called Wanbao Pavilion.

Although he has been in Lantian City for a long time, he has been in seclusion most of the time, and he really hasn't asked about other situations in the city.

I only heard Qin Yi continue: "In fact, before each Gu Yuemen opens, the city will frequently hold various auctions or exchange meetings, large and small, because at this time, the most cultivators gather here."

Mo Xun didn't say anything, but he felt a little regretful in his heart. If he had known that there was such a tradition, he should have learned more even if he practiced less for a few days.

He now roughly knows that many rare treasures or secret manuals in the world of immortal cultivation are often not available in ordinary stores.

Only in some auctions or trade fairs between cultivators can you encounter rare things.

Qin Yi continued: "Among these auctions, only the Wanbao Pavilion is the most grand, and there are naturally the most treasures."

Mo Xun touched his chin and nodded, and he became more and more interested in this auction.

"Of course, there must be many people participating in this auction, even cultivators above the foundation building stage, there will be dozens of them!"

Hearing this, Mo Xun already understood what the other party meant.

At the same time, his heart was startled. With the wealth of the foundation building cultivators, most of the good things would probably fall into the hands of these people.

There are still dozens of foundation building cultivators, and there must be hundreds or thousands of Qi refining cultivators?

You can imagine how fierce the competition will be!

Mo Xun suddenly asked, "Do you have any requirements for entering the auction?"

"The entrance fee is three spirit stones. With Brother Mo's wealth, I believe he won't care!"

Mo Xun smiled helplessly. It seemed that the other party really took him for a fool.

After finishing the business, the two chatted for a few words, and then Mo Xun said goodbye and left.

After returning to the mansion, Mo Xun first called Li Qingying aside, and after a few words of advice, he closed his eyes again.

Since buying the alchemy furnace, it finally came in handy for the first time.

Half a month later, Mo Xun looked at the white porcelain bottles in his hand, thinking secretly in his heart that no matter whether it was the Xuantian True Fire technique or the Foundation Building Pill, he was determined to get it!

Coming out of the study, Li Qingying had been waiting anxiously for a long time.

"Brother Mo, you look..."

Mo Xun subconsciously touched his cheek and found that he had lost a lot of weight in just a few days, and even a beard had grown under his chin.

Alchemy is indeed a mind-consuming thing.

Although he has a ready-made recipe, he only needs to figure out the mixture of eighteen spiritual medicines, which seems to be simpler than the Heart-Protecting Pill.

However, dozens of failures almost made him lose his patience.

Fortunately, he prepared enough spiritual herbs for this purpose, so he could tolerate his waste.

If other alchemists knew that he had consumed other people's materials for two or three years in half a month, I wonder how shocked they would be.

In Blue Sky City, he is probably the only one who refines pills at such a high cost.

Mo Xun then turned around, and I don't know what magic he cast. When he turned back, his chin was clean, and even his complexion had regained some rosiness.

Li Qingying's mouth moved, and then she said: "The things you asked me to deliver to Shangqingmen have been delivered!"

"Didn't they see you?"

Li Qingying shook her head: "Don't worry, I found someone I don't know to deliver it!"

Mo Xun was silent for a while, staring blankly at the sky. Xiao Qian's matter was finally explained!

Li Qingying didn't know what he was thinking, but seeing that he looked a little disappointed, she didn't bother him.

After a long time, she said: "The admission quota you asked me to buy has also been bought. The auction will be held in the afternoon. I'm really afraid that you will miss it!"

Mo Xun smiled lightly. He never made such a low-level mistake.

"Then let's go!"

Li Qingying was stunned for a moment: "But it's still early now. Do you want to go after dinner?"

"I have something else to do!"

Li Qingying said "Oh" lightly and followed.

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