Mo Xun threw a piece of veil to her casually.

"Hide your face to avoid any trouble!"

Mo Xun himself took out his bamboo hat and put it on his head.

Li Qingying opened her mouth in confusion, but finally followed her words.

After getting along with Mo Xun for a long time, she knew that he was a man who didn't like to talk much, but every time he asked her to do something, he would definitely do it without any malice.

When the two of them arrived at Wanbao Pavilion, there were already many people walking in and out of the door.

From the outside, the entire shop is not much different from other shops. The difference is probably that the entrance hall is a bit larger, and there is only one shop like this in most of the street.

The long walls on both sides of the courtyard look like the courtyard of a wealthy family.

Outside the door were two motionless spiritual beasts as strong as rhinos.

Mo Xun couldn't help but look at it twice.

This kind of spiritual beast is called the Track-tailed Rhinoceros, which is relatively common.

There is nothing offensive about it, except that it is bigger. Most of it is used to enhance appearance.

In Blue Sky City, you can occasionally see some spiritual beasts.

It's just that Gu Yue Sect is not specialized in controlling beasts, so few immortal cultivators will adopt spiritual beasts.

It is said that among the thirteen sects of the five southern kingdoms, there are two sects, one is the Spirit Control Sect and the other is the Spirit Beast Mountain, both of which are famous for their ability to control spirits.

Therefore, various spiritual beasts can often be seen near these two sects.

Wanbao Pavilion has five floors in total. After entering, there are various shelves inside, which are divided into different areas.

There are those who sell spiritual herbs and elixirs, as well as magic weapons, formations, and other resources related to cultivating immortals.

On the right side, there is a long corridor with words like "Auction" written next to it.

At the end of the corridor, there is a small door. At the door are two guards at the peak of Qi Refining. Every person who enters will check for invitations and other things.

However, Mo Xun did not rush in, but went straight to the counter in the hall.

The person who received the two people was a young man at the fourth level of Qi Refining.

In other places, this is already considered a big deal.

After all, most of the shop assistants are still ordinary people.

"Two fellow Taoists, what do you need?"

"Can you consign things here?" A deep and rough male voice came from Mo Xun's mouth.

Li Qingying behind her was stunned for a moment when she heard such a strange voice. After reacting, she couldn't help but sigh that this young Brother Mo was really more cautious.

Not only does the appearance need to be covered up, but the voice also needs to be changed!

"Okay, I wonder what you two want to consign?"


The waiter looked at Mo Xun with some doubts. Under the big bamboo hat, his entire face was covered except for his ba!

To be honest, there are many customers who come here to consign things on weekdays, especially today's auction, which attracted many rare and good things.

However, there are very few people who sell elixirs on consignment. At least this guy has not encountered them a few times.

The reason is simple, elixirs are the most in short supply among all cultivation resources.

As consumables, the immortal cultivators themselves are not enough, let alone sell the excess?

Moreover, alchemists are extremely rare among monks.

Every alchemist is actually made up of resources.

It doesn't mean you can be called an alchemist just by being able to refine a certain kind of elixir.

A true alchemist has talents, and they are all proficient in pharmacology and medical science, and have a good knowledge of various spiritual herbs and elixirs.

Even if you face an unfamiliar prescription, you can still have a certain success rate.

For someone like Mo Xun, who had to refine dozens of pills before he succeeded in one, even Wanbao Pavilion might not be able to afford it.

Among casual cultivators, there are even fewer people who can refine elixirs.

Therefore, when the clerk heard that the other party was selling elixirs, he was somewhat curious.

"May I ask, what kind of elixir do you want to sell, fellow Taoist?"

Mo Xun hesitated for a moment, but if he didn't tell him, the other party would obviously not accept his order!

It's easy to understand from another perspective. There are different types of elixirs, and their grades are divided into three, six, and nine. With such a big business, they certainly won't accept all elixirs.

"Zhu Yan Dan!"

Hearing Mo Xun's message, the waiter immediately shuddered and led the two of them upstairs.

Li Qingying's lips moved in the back, and she was very curious. What did Mo Xun say to the other party?

When they came to a room on the second floor, the waiter served them tea, then excused themselves and left.

Not long after, two people, an old man and a young man, walked in outside the door.

After Mo Xun saw it, his face was briefly shocked for a moment, and then calmed down again.

But in my heart, I couldn't help but be wary.

Because of these two people, one is at the peak of Qi refining, in his thirties, and the other is in his fifties or sixties. He has a long goatee. At a glance, it is impossible to tell the cultivation level. It is obvious that he is a monk in the foundation building stage.

"Fellow Taoist, you are polite!"

Mo Xun stood up, taking Li Qingying behind him, and saluted the two of them.

Although he did not expect that the other party would receive such a high-level reception, but now that it was coming, he could only deal with it first.

Come to think of it, a store as big as Wanbao Pavilion wouldn't do anything shameful.

"My surname is Jin, and I am the manager of our alchemy room. This is Mr. Wei, our fifth-level alchemist!"

Manager Jin was like an ordinary businessman, with a smile on his face and introduced Mo Xun first politely.

Mo Xun cupped his hand again: "My surname is Lin, and this is my roommate!"

Li Qingying bowed and didn't dare to say anything for fear of spoiling Mo Xun's affairs.

After the few people sat down, Manager Jin asked directly: "I heard from the people below that Fellow Daoist Lin came here today to consign pills?"

Mo Xun nodded, and then a porcelain bottle appeared in his hand and was placed in front of Manager Jin.

Manager Jin was not polite, he directly picked up the porcelain bottle, poured out a light green pill from it, looked around, and handed it to the old man beside him.

"Old Wei, take a look!"

Old Wei picked up the pill, also looked at it for a while, and then smelled it close to his nose.

Mo Xun watched the two people identify the pill, and then waited quietly by the side without urging.

I saw that there was suddenly an alchemy furnace in Old Wei's hand, which was about the size of a palm, and looked like an incense burner, with many hollows on the lid.

Old Wei put the pill into the furnace, held his hands in front of him, then closed his eyes, and muttered something in his mouth, as if he was sensing something.

Mo Xun stared at Old Wei's hand in surprise, and for a moment he was a little confused.

Seeing his curiosity, Manager Jin smiled and explained, "This is a Ziwu Dou, which is used to identify the medicinal properties and grades of elixirs."

Mo Xun nodded in understanding, and was amazed that there was such a thing.

He silently memorized the name and prepared to study the Ziwu Dou carefully after the auction was over.

After a while, Old Wei opened his eyes, looked at Manager Jin, and said expressionlessly, "Yes, it is undoubtedly the Rejuvenating Pill, and judging from its appearance, it is also of high quality!"

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