Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 153 Auction House

Hearing this, Mo Xun didn't feel anything. After all, he still knew whether the elixir he refined was good or bad.

But Li Qingying on the side felt a tremor in her heart!

No woman in this world can be immune to the "Yanzhu Dan".

The little girl looked at Mo Xun with some confusion, but Mo Xun seemed to have not seen him, covering her cheeks tightly with a bamboo hat.

"It's time to work and protect your old age!"

Manager Jin smiled happily, and then said to Mo Xun, "How many beauty-preserving pills do you have in your hands, Fellow Daoist Lin?"

Mo Xun chuckled: "Fellow Taoist, I haven't told you yet, what are the rules of your store!"

Manager Jin slapped his forehead and said with a smile: "I was negligent. I guess this is your first time coming to our store, right?"

Mo Xun nodded: "Exactly!"

Manager Jin put the elixir back between the two of them and said: "Our store can provide three ways for fellow Taoists. The first is for the fellow Taoist to specify a price and put it on consignment at the counter, and the store will take 20% of the profit; The second type is to be put at the auction, which also requires 20%; the third type is to be sold directly to our store, but the price will naturally be lower. "

Mo Xundang frowned. Although he didn't understand the market situation, it was only 20%, which obviously exceeded his psychological expectations.

"I wonder how much you can bid for your store?"

Manager Jin touched his chin and thought for a moment, then said: "Four hundred spirit stones, this is the highest price I can give within the scope of my power."

Mo Xun lowered his head and fell silent for a moment, thinking in his mind.

Zhuyan Dan has a total of eighteen elixirs, each of which is worth nearly three hundred spiritual stones.

He opened the furnace more than twenty times in total, but in the end he only produced twenty-two pills!

In other words, the cost of each pill is about three hundred spirit stones.

Now that the other party is offering four hundred spiritual stones, it stands to reason that the profit is much higher than selling the spiritual herbs alone.

But you must know that such a calculation actually treats the seven-flavor elixir in Tianxiang Valley as ordinary spiritual herbs!

Moreover, it took him half a month to do this, and the labor cost had to be calculated separately!

Of course, he did not take into account the reason why the elixir success rate was too low for the first time!

If it were a mature alchemy master, the cost of each pill might be reduced to between one and two hundred spirit stones.

So the price given by Manager Jin is actually quite good.

If it weren't for the rarity of Zhu Yan Dan on the market and the difficulty of finding the spiritual herbs needed for it, Manager Jin would never have given such a high price.

"Why, fellow Taoist, do you think there's anything wrong with this price?"

Mo Xun smiled and put away the porcelain bottle on the table.

Then he stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Excuse me!"

Seeing him leaving, Manager Jin quickly stood up and blocked the door.

Mo Xun was shocked. He didn't know when he was holding a talisman in his hand, and he was protecting Li Qingying behind him.

"What do you mean, Fellow Daoist Jin? Does your store want to buy and sell by force?"

Li Qingying, who was a little late-minded, also changed her face, but she knew that her cultivation level was too low, so she stood quietly, but she already held a long sword in her hand.

This sword is quite similar to the broken sword that Mo Xun picked up in Tianxiang Valley.

The little girl had never experienced such a scene before, so she inevitably became a little nervous.

But when she saw the figure in front of her, her heart felt warm.

She couldn't help but remember that once upon a time, there was always such a person who would stand in front of her no matter what happened.

They all have such a thin back!

But it seems like a broad shield!

Manager Jin quickly smiled and said: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, even if the sale fails, our store will not do anything sinister. I just want to ask fellow Taoist how many elixirs I have on my body!"

Mo Xun asked with a stern face: "Fellow Taoist, what do you want to do when you ask about this?"

He now regrets his rashness!

It was really because of the auction in the afternoon that he wanted to gather some spiritual stones as soon as possible, so he was brought here without any precautions.

Normally, he would never be so careless.

Manager Jin smiled kindly: "Fellow Taoist, don't be so nervous. I just want to say that if there are more than ten pills, I can make the decision and add fifty extra spirit stones for each pill. How about that?"

Mo Xun looked at Manager Jin in front of him warily, and at the same time, from the corner of his eye, he glanced at Mr. Wei who was sitting on the chair.

He was weighing things quickly in his mind.

Although what the other party said was nice, he didn't have the confidence to gamble!

To bet on whether the other party will really let them go.

A foundation-building monk, coupled with a peak Qi refining master, is fully capable of subduing or even killing the two of them in a very short period of time!

After a long time, Mo Xuncai said: "Deal!"

Manager Jin laughed: "Jin is here, so thank you fellow Taoist!"

Coming down from the second floor, although there were a large number of spiritual stones in his arms, Mo Xun never let down his guard.

"Brother Mo, where should we go next?"

Mo Xun thought for a while and looked towards the entrance of the auction.

"Just go in!"

Li Qingying said "Oh" and followed Mo Xun's footsteps without saying much.

When she raised her head and looked at Mo Xun's side face, her eyes were wandering, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

When the two of them walked along the corridor and arrived in front of the guard, Li Qingying handed over two admission cards. Then they passed through a door and walked up a flight of stairs. Their vision suddenly opened up and they entered the huge auction hall.

The reason for this is that the space here is really large.

The entire auction hall is inside a circular building, like a "bowl" shaped structure.

In the center, that is, the bottom of the bowl, there is a flat ground, surrounded by bright light balls.

There are thousands of chairs placed from low to high around.

Although there is still some time before the auction starts, a small half of the people have already sat inside.

Although there are many people in the entire venue, they remain quiet.

Even if some people chat with each other, they do so through voice transmission.

Many people here, like Mo Xun, cover their faces tightly with veils or hats.

The two found their seats and sat down. Li Qingying looked around because of curiosity.

Mo Xun touched a white jade plate on the chair.

There is a black bulge on the jade plate, and no one knows what it is used for.

Because there are many monks participating and the items to be auctioned are also complicated, this auction will last for a total of three days.

In order to create an auction atmosphere, Wanbao Pavilion has made some of the items auctioned public before, but has not announced the auction order.

The purpose is to allow participants to stay here for a longer time!

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