The two of them took their seats and waited for two hours.

As the auction approaches, more and more monks come in.

The entire venue was basically full.

Seeing Mo Xun looking at Mo Xun, who was motionless, Li Qingying curled her lips and played with her nails in boredom.

Suddenly, Mo Xun's voice came to his ears.

"Miss Qingying, I've known you for so long, but I still don't know what kind of skills you practice?"

"It's the "Tian Ling Gong" with the wood attribute."

Mo Xun nodded, and then said: "If there is a suitable magical weapon for you later, you can take a picture of it!"


Mo Xun smiled slightly: "Don't worry, I'll pay for the spirit stones."

"How is this possible?"

"It doesn't matter. Next, you and I will take part in the Gu Yue Sect's apprenticeship assessment. If we have a magical weapon, we can be more confident."


Mo Xun interrupted her directly: "Nothing to worry about. In order to cope with the first test, I have spent a lot of spiritual stones, and I am not short of a magic weapon!"

Li Qingying already knew about Gu Yueling and the deacon elder. When he heard Mo Xun say this, although he felt it was very inappropriate, it seemed to be the truth.

At this moment, she could only secretly swear that she must enter Gu Yue Sect, even if it was just to not let Brother Mo down!

While she was thinking wildly, Mo Xun suddenly thrust a porcelain bottle into her hand.

"Put this beauty pill away!"

Li Qingying looked at the porcelain bottle in her hand, then looked up at half of the face under the bamboo hat, feeling a little unresponsive for a moment.

She had seen with her own eyes that such a pill could be sold for four hundred and fifty spirit stones.

For a moment, she felt that her heartbeat seemed to speed up a bit.

Not because of the value of the elixir, but because of it, she can stay young forever!

"Brother Mo..."

Mo Xun waved his hand indifferently.

"Maybe in the eyes of other people, this thing is very precious, but for me, it just means spending more time!"

Li Qingying sniffed, and her eyes became moist.

"Brother Mo, can you tell me why you are so nice to me?"

Mo Xun tilted his head and thought: "Probably because... your sister once helped me!"

"elder sister......"

Li Qingying held the porcelain bottle in her hand and used a little force.

Then in a voice that only he could hear, he murmured: "Is this the only reason?"

Mo Xun suddenly laughed: "But I suggest you wait two years before taking it. After all, I am not sure about the efficacy of this pill. If it not only fixes your appearance, but also limits your figure, that would not be good." "

Li Qingying was stunned for a moment, then looked at her chest and let out a soft sigh.


A blush suddenly appeared on the flawless face.

Could it be that Brother Mo thinks she is too young?

Naturally, Mo Xun could not have imagined how much his unintentional joke would hit the little girl.

Just when Li Qingying was feeling depressed, a woman in green suddenly fell from the sky in the middle of the venue.

The hem of the skirt is flying, elegant and graceful!

"It's Fairy Zhixin!"

With the woman's appearance, the originally silent venue suddenly seemed to be boiling, and everyone's eyes fell on the woman.

The moment the woman appeared, Mo Xun noticed the other party's cultivation level, which was in the foundation building stage!

The woman is probably in her twenties, has picturesque eyebrows, and looks very enchanting!

Such beauty, if placed in the mortal world, would definitely be a disaster for the country and the people.

"Is this Fairy Zhixin?"

"Of course, I was lucky enough to meet the fairy many years ago. I didn't expect that Wanbao Pavilion would be so generous this time. Even Fairy Zhixin could be invited!"

"This fellow Taoist, is this person very famous?"

"Hehe, she's not only famous. Putting aside the fairy's beauty, her origin alone makes her very famous!"

"Oh? Fellow Taoist, can you tell me in detail!"

"Fairy Zhixin's master is Venerable Cang Hui, one of the twelve golden elixirs of the Ancient Moon Sect!"


Listening to the discussions coming from all around, Mo Xun was secretly surprised. Behind this person, there was actually an old monster in the pill-forming stage!

Mo Xun's eyes stayed on Fairy Zhixin for a moment.

This scene happened to be seen by Li Qingying next to him.

"Does Brother Mo like this kind of figure? doesn't look too big!"

"I, Meng Zhixin, have met all of my colleagues!"

Although Meng Zhixin's voice was not loud, it reached everyone's ears clearly.

There is a bit of coquettishness in the voice, which makes people feel good at hearing it.

In Mo Xun's heart, he couldn't help but feel a little restless.

Coupled with this face that confuses all living beings, in front of everyone, it is like presenting an exquisite picture of a lady!

But at this time, a rough voice suddenly came from the highest level, completely breaking this beauty.

"Fellow Taoist Zhixin, I haven't seen you for a long time. It seems that the fairy's charm skills have become even better!"

Meng Zhixin raised her head and chuckled like a trembling flower.

"Who do I think I am? It turns out to be fellow Taoist Shang. With my little charm, I can only fool some juniors. How dare I show my shame in front of my fellow Taoist?"

Listening to the unscrupulous conversation between the two, Mo Xun finally realized what was happening and couldn't help but stare!

He had heard of the art of "charm", which is a high-level magic that can capture people's hearts.

Compared with other magic, it is much more mysterious in terms of difficulty and power.

It is a bit similar to the art of soul-stealing, but very different!

Most of the practitioners are women.

Mo Xun read a book about cultivating immortals some time ago, which mentioned such a story.

It is said that in the territory of Yue, there was once a woman with evil intentions who used the art of charm to cause trouble in the palace, causing the people in power to ignore the lives of the people. She was discovered by an immortal and captured.

In order to set an example, the royal family escorted her to the beheading platform.

But at the time of execution, the woman relied on the art of charm again and actually confused the executioner.

Later, thanks to a peach wood sword left by the immortal, when the woman was about to escape, the executioner activated the wooden sword and finally made her disappear into ashes!

It was also the first time that Mo Xun had seen the charm technique. While alerting himself, he secretly cast a Qingxin Talisman to clear away some of the distracting thoughts in his mind!

Li Qingying noticed the strangeness on his face and asked hurriedly: "Brother Mo, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay... did you feel that there was something wrong with this Fairy Zhixin?"

Li Qingying shook her head: "No, I just think her voice is pretty nice!"

Mo Xun nodded in understanding. It seems that as a woman, she is naturally immune to the charm technique.

While Mo Xun was thinking, Li Qingying suddenly asked in a whisper: "Brother Mo, do you... like Fairy Zhixin?"

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