Hearing this, Mo Xun suddenly had a dark look on his face.

He raised his head and saw that the top circle of the venue was filled with foundation-building monks.

The man called "Shang Daoyou" was sitting in a conspicuous place, and there were two young and beautiful women standing next to him.

As soon as Mo Xun used the Qi Observation Technique, the other party seemed to notice it, and cast a pair of sharp eyes on him.

Mo Xun's heart trembled, and he quickly collected himself and turned around.

Although it was only a short moment, it made him feel like he had fallen into an ice cave.

He was certain that this man had the highest cultivation level among the monks he had ever seen.

He even had a feeling just now that as long as the other party was willing, maybe it only took one look to seriously hurt him.

Seeing Mo Xun's pale face, Li Qingying asked worriedly: "Brother Mo, are you okay?"

Mo Xun saw her looking back at the top floor and quickly sent a message: "Don't look!"

"What happened?"

"That person has practiced some kind of pupil technique, and I almost got hit by him just now!"

"Ah? What should I do?" After all, Li Qingying had rarely encountered this kind of situation, and she became nervous again.

Mo Xun took a few deep breaths, waved his hands and said, "As long as we don't provoke him, we should be fine!"

Although Mo Xun said so, Li Qingying still felt a little uneasy in her heart.

If she hadn't heard from Mo Xun before coming here that there were a few important things to be photographed today, she would definitely not have been willing to stay here.

After the two of them calmed down, they listened to Fairy Zhixin on the stage saying: "Today's auction is the most grand in history. You will not be disappointed."

Meng Zhixin smiled charmingly, showing off her charm.

"In addition to all kinds of rare spiritual herbs, pills, magic weapons and techniques, there are also treasures that the seniors in the Nexus Dan stage are jealous of!"

Meng Zhixin is obviously a master at mobilizing the atmosphere. With a smile and a few words, the whole venue became lively.

"It must be the first time for many fellow Taoists to come here today. As the host of this auction, I will briefly introduce the rules!"

"In terms of bidding, there is no difference from other auction houses. Naturally, the highest bidder wins. For the sake of fairness, malicious competition through threats or collusion is not allowed. Otherwise, I and these guardians may not agree! "

Meng Zhixin spoke and pointed behind her.

Only then did everyone notice that around her, at some point, four foundation-building monks were sitting cross-legged.

"Brother Mo, what does she mean by malicious competition?"

Mo Xun shook his head: "I don't know either!"

Just listen to Meng Zhixin continue to say: "I think everyone has noticed that there is a white jade plate next to everyone. This thing is called a bidding device. Every time you press the black button on it, it means a price increase. I hope you will do your best. Okay, Wanbao Pavilion won’t tolerate anyone who bids randomly and breaks the rules!”

Mo Xun touched the bidding device next to him and felt enlightened.

At the same time, he admired the mystery of the world of immortality.

"During the bidding period, all payment will be made in spirit stones. If any Taoist friend is interested in a certain treasure, but happens to have no spirit stones on hand, he can apply for a suspension in the middle and price the items on his body to Wanbao Pavilion, this pavilion. I will give you a fair price!”

After Meng Zhixin finished speaking, she pointed to the distance again.

Where the finger points, there are five or six people sitting cross-legged.

"These few are all experienced alchemists, weapon refiners, and experts in martial arts and treasure appraisal in this pavilion!"

Hearing someone whispering below, Meng Zhixin covered her mouth and chuckled.

"It seems that you all feel that I am too long-winded. Well, let's start now!"

After saying this, Meng Zhixin raised her hand casually, and a long sword floated in the air, glowing with ice under the light.

"As the opening object, I have racked my brains to select such a treasure, but... I will let you sell it here first. If anyone can recognize this object, there is no need to bid anymore. , I will give you this sword as a thank you for coming here to support me!"

If he didn't know that this woman was good at charming, Mo Xun would probably be intoxicated by this person's Pingting grace, but at this moment, in his eyes, she looked a little coquettish and show off.

"Hey, could it be that this sword is one of the natal magic weapons of Master Qibao, the Qijue Sword?"

Even a novice cultivator like Mo Xun couldn't help but be surprised when he heard the name Master Qibao!

Everyone in the audience became noisy for a moment.

"Brother Mo, who is Master Qibao?"

Before Mo Xun could answer, Fairy Zhixin on the stage smiled and said, "Who do I think you are? It turns out to be fellow Taoist Ma. You need to be secretive when talking to me. Fellow Taoist is really cautious!"

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that the fairy would still remember Ma after we said goodbye twenty years ago. I'm really honored!"

After the words fell, in the corner of the top floor, a man in gray clothes took off the mask on his face, revealing the appearance of a rugged middle-aged man.

Just as the two were reminiscing about old times, Li Qingying suddenly whispered: "It turns out that Fairy Zhixin is so old. I thought she was similar to my sister, but looking at her, she is indeed very young!"

When Mo Xun heard this, he quickly made a gesture of silence. At the same time, he looked at Meng Zhixin on the stage. When he saw that the other party didn't hear him, he felt relieved.

He knew that the magical powers of monks in the foundation-building stage were difficult to predict, and no matter how quiet their voice was, it was likely to be captured by the other party's spiritual consciousness.

Li Qingying also knew that he had said something wrong, and stuck out his tongue mischievously.

Mo Xun sighed lightly and said in a voice transmission: "It is said that Master Qibao was a weapon refiner who had reached the late stage of Jindan thousands of years ago. Because he had a total of seven life magic weapons, he called himself Qibao. This Qijue Sword is one of the seven treasures!"

Li Qingying nodded suddenly.

"Doesn't that mean that this Qijue Sword is a magic weapon?"

Mo Xun shook his head. In fact, he was also a little confused. He was a little skeptical that a magic weapon could appear in an auction of this level.

After all, it was a treasure that even Jindan cultivators coveted!

"What Daoyou Ma said just now, this thing is Master Qibao's Qijue Sword, which is actually only half right!"

The man surnamed Ma said with interest: "Oh? From what the fairy said, could this thing be just a replica?"

Mo Xun nodded in agreement. This statement can be explained!

The rest of the people in the audience also echoed this. It seemed that everyone believed that a magic weapon would never appear in an auction of this level.

Fairy Zhixin smiled with her hands covering her mouth.

"It seems that no one can have such luck today!"

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