Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 156 Dragon and Phoenix Ring

But just when Meng Zhixin was about to announce the answer, a voice suddenly sounded from the audience.

"I know!"

Everyone's eyes were focused on a thin man wearing black clothes and a masked cloak.

Meng Zhixin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "Fellow Taoist, please tell me!"

"This sword is indeed not the real Seven Ultimate Sword, but should be called the Seven Injury Sword!"

Meng Zhixin's smile froze for a moment before her eyes fell on the crowd.

"It seems that fellow Taoist really knows this sword! But just saying the name is not enough. Does fellow Taoist know the origin of this sword?"

The man in black laughed dryly, and then said: "This sword is a semi-finished product before Master Qibao first refined the Qijue Sword!"

Semi-finished product?

The audience was in an uproar. This was the first time they heard of such a secret.

Fairy Zhixin's face changed slightly, but in an instant, she regained her composure and said with a smile: "Fellow Taoist is right. Congratulations, fellow Taoist, this sword is yours!"

Meng Zhixin waved her robe sleeves, and the long sword in the air slowly floated towards the man in black.

When the others saw this scene, they all looked envious.

Among these gazes, Mo Xun was naturally included!

Although this object is only a semi-finished product, in terms of power, it is certainly not comparable to ordinary magic weapons.

The man in black grabbed the sword, thanked him, and put it away.

But what no one noticed was that the spiritual consciousness of the highest level of foundation-building monks gathered on this black-clothed monk who looked like he was only at the eighth level of Qi Refining.

"Next, is the second lot!"

After Meng Zhixin finished speaking, she raised her hand, and a two-foot-square hollow fishing net floated in the air.

After everyone in the audience was silent for a moment, they started talking again in a small area.

"Someone must have recognized it. This thing is the Demon Binding Net, a mid-level magic weapon."

As she spoke, Meng Zhixin winked at a protector next to her.

After the protector realized this, he brushed his hand from his waist, and a bird appeared out of thin air between the two of them, as big as an adult.

This bird is like a bat, with its wings spread out and one or two feet wide.

The moment the bird appeared, Mo Xun recognized it. It was the second-level monster he had encountered in Tianxiang Valley, the poisonous tail.

The level two monster beast is probably equivalent to the cultivation level in the late stage of Qi refining.

Those present, including those with lower cultivation levels, became nervous the moment they saw the poisonous tail wing.

Li Qingying had almost never left Blue Sky City since she was a child. When she saw such a terrifying and huge monster, her face instantly turned pale, and she immediately grabbed Mo Xun's sleeve.

But before anyone could react, Meng Zhixin grabbed the magic net and threw it towards the poisonous tail wing that was about to spread its wings and fly high.

The demon-binding net emits a faint fluorescence in the air, then suddenly grows in size, and as if it has spirituality, it falls from the top of the poisonous tail wing, tightly binding the monster within it.

Meng Zhixin held a Taoist formula in her hand and muttered something in her mouth when she heard a piercing scream. The demon-binding net began to shrink, and even the poisonous tail in the net finally became only two feet square.

All this seems to happen for a long time, but in fact it only takes a breath.

After the protector on one side put away the monster, he returned the demon-binding net to Meng Zhixin.

"Thank you, Ancient Protector!"

The ancient protector nodded and sat back to his original position.

Meng Zhixin waved her hand casually, and the Demon Binding Net was suspended in the air again.

"You must have seen the power of this thing. Generally speaking, a second-level monster can be easily captured. Even when facing a third-level monster, as long as you grasp the timing well, you can achieve unexpected effects!"

Meng Zhixin continued: "This French net is from the hands of a fifth-level weapon refiner. The base price is sixty spirit stones. Each time the price is increased, it must not be less than ten spirit stones. Those who like it can start bidding now!"

As the words fell, stars began to twinkle in the darkened stands, while Meng Zhixin on the stage kept reporting the latest bids.

In the end, this thing was acquired by a monk at the eleventh level of Qi training for the price of two hundred spirit stones.

"The item below is a cultivation elixir that is useful to most monks..."

As different magical artifacts, elixirs, and spiritual treasures were auctioned, the auction gradually reached its climax.

However, most things are only useful for the Qi training stage, and monks in the Foundation building stage generally rarely use them.

Despite this, many rare treasures made Mo Xun extremely jealous.

But so far, he has been restrained and has no plans to take action until he sees the few must-get things.

"Although the power of the following one is average, it is a rare magical weapon that combines both offense and defense. I believe you will like it!"

As she spoke, Meng Zhixin took out two rings, one red and one blue.

"This pair of dragon and phoenix rings, the dragon is the main attacker and the phoenix is ​​the defender. Although the grade is only mid-level, it is a rare complete set of magic weapons."

Meng Zhixin was seen wearing two rings on her left and right hands respectively, slowly injecting spiritual power into them. The blue phoenix ring on her left hand immediately stimulated a layer of faint blue light, wrapping her whole body in it.

But the dragon ring on his right hand turned into a long sword glowing with red light!

Such a magical weapon immediately attracted the attention of many people.

Mo Xun was even more amazed in his heart. He couldn't help but look at Li Qingying on the side and asked via voice transmission: "If I remember correctly, you should be good at using a long sword, right?"

Li Qingying was stunned for a moment, then nodded in confusion.

"I think it suits you very well. Let's just buy it and use it as your magic weapon later!"

Li Qingying didn't know what to say, so she could only say "Oh".

She was thinking that since Brother Mo thought it suited her, there should be no problem.

Meng Zhixin continued, "The reserve price is 120 spirit stones, and each bid must not be less than 10 spirit stones. Fellow Taoists can start bidding."

As soon as the words fell, someone not far from Mo Xun pressed the bidding device.

Meng Zhixin also reported the bid.

In the blink of an eye, the price was pushed to 230 spirit stones!

"Brother Mo, is it too expensive?"

Li Qingying trembled as she touched the bidding device, not daring to press it.

"It doesn't matter, keep bidding!"

Li Qingying had to add another 10 spirit stones, but before she could react, the price reached 260 spirit stones again.

The happiest person in the field was Wanbao Pavilion.

Looking at the flashing lights off the field, Meng Zhixin's smile grew wider and wider.

Such a price actually exceeded the value of a mid-level magic weapon, but this pair of dragon and phoenix rings was a complete set, which was a little rarer than other magic weapons, so many people were reluctant to let it go.

However, at this price, there were only a few people participating in the bidding.

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