Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 162: Low-grade foundation-building pill

Mo Xun was stunned for a moment and looked at her in confusion.

"Are you serious?"

Looking at Li Qingying's serious look, Mo Xun hesitated for a moment. If there really was Huan Gang Sand, this thing would be worth buying.

Just when Meng Zhixin quoted the bottom price for the last time, Mo Xun finally pressed the bidding device.

The eyes of the whole audience were once again focused on this wealthy Qigong master.

Mo Xun didn't care at this moment. Since he had been targeted, he might as well be open and aboveboard.

After handing over the spirit stones and putting away the Qiankun Ring, Mo Xun couldn't wait to ask: "Miss Qingying, what exactly is the Huan Gang Sand you mentioned?"

"Two years ago, my sister and I found a large piece of Huan Gang Sand raw stone at the bottom of a deep pool in Tianqing Mountain in the south of the city."

Mo Xun couldn't help but frown.

"Under the deep pool?"

Li Qingying hesitated for a moment, and said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "That's right. At that time, the two of us were bathing in the pool, and we found the raw stone. Because it was too big, it could not be put into the storage bag. I wanted to wait for some time to collect the mining tools before collecting it, but my sister went to Tianxiang Valley temporarily..."

Speaking of this, the little girl's eyes were obviously dimmed.

But Mo Xun didn't notice these, thinking about Li Qingying's words in his mind.

The little girl must have lied, after all, even if she was bathing, it was impossible to dive to the bottom of the pool.

But based on Mo Xun's understanding of her, the fact that there was Huan Gangsha in the pool should be true.

As for why the two went to the bottom of the deep pool, it didn't matter.

Mo Xun touched his chin.

He had heard of Tianqing Mountain, which was about 700 to 800 miles away from Lantian City.

But since it was a raw stone, it meant that there was probably a vein of Huan Gangsha in that place.

Mo Xun nodded lightly, and his thoughts returned to the auction again.

For the next half day, Mo Xun rarely made any moves. Although some treasures made him very tempted, he finally held back.

Until the evening of the second day, he finally waited for what he wanted.

"My fellow Taoists, I'm afraid that many of you are here for the following auction item, so I won't beat around the bush."

As the voice fell, a fist-sized jade box floated in the air.

As the jade box opened, a thumb-sized black pill appeared inside.

Obviously, most people knew about the foundation-building pill.

In an instant, the atmosphere of the entire venue became lively again.

Looking at the eager eyes of the crowd, Meng Zhixin smiled slightly.

"I have to explain in advance that this foundation-building pill is a low-grade pill. If any fellow Taoist fails to build a foundation after buying it, don't blame Wanbao Pavilion."

Despite this, everyone's enthusiasm did not diminish at all.

After all, most of the people present were casual cultivators. It was good enough to have the opportunity to build a foundation in this life. Who would bother to care about the quality of the pills?

Mo Xun stared at the small box in the distance, and his heart was also burning with excitement.

After these days of understanding, he probably knew that any pill, due to the refining method or the quality of the materials, would often have different grades and quantities.

In terms of quality, it is generally divided into upper, middle and lower grades, which are roughly distinguished by the medicinal properties and impurities contained in it.

The effects of pills of different grades are also very different.

Take the foundation-building pill for example. If the success rate of the low-grade pill in helping the cultivator to build the foundation is 10%, the medium-grade pill will reach 20%, and the high-grade pill will even reach 30%.

It can be seen that there is a huge difference in their effects.

"I will not say much nonsense. The reserve price is 500 spirit stones. Fellow Taoists can bid!"

I saw hundreds of bidding devices under the stage, almost at the same time.

Meng Zhixin looked at the flashing lights and was overwhelmed for a while.

In the blink of an eye, the price was pushed to nine hundred spirit stones.

Some cultivators who had been silent for nearly two days finally made their first offer.

In a few breaths, the price reached one thousand two hundred spirit stones.

However, at this time, there were actually only twenty or so people participating in the bidding.

But curiously, there were also two top-level foundation-building cultivators who participated.

This included the elder surnamed Qi.

Mo Xun couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. Could it be that the elders of Gu Yue Sect couldn't easily obtain the foundation-building pill and had to come to this auction to bid?

But now, it was obviously not the time to think about these things.

When the price reached one thousand seven hundred spirit stones, only five or six people were still competing.

Mo Xun saw that this was not the end, so he directly raised the price to two thousand spirit stones.

In an instant, he once again became the focus of the whole audience.

But at this price, no one continued to raise the price.

When he took the jade box with some trembling, he actually felt unreal.

Ever since he knew that there was foundation building above Qi refining, and that foundation building required foundation building pills, he had come step by step, and had gone through countless hardships. Now he finally saw a glimmer of hope.

"Brother Mo?"

Mo Xun smiled bitterly, and his eyes were a little wet.

"It's okay!"

He carefully put away the foundation building pill and threw out the prepared spirit stone.

He knew that even if he hadn't been in the limelight a few times before, I'm afraid that many people would have been eyeing him just because of this foundation building pill.

People die for money, birds die for food, there is no shortage of crazy adventurers in this world.

However, Meng Zhixin's next sentence made him frown.

"Congratulations to this fellow Taoist, but you don't have to be depressed. In the next period of time, every hour, this pavilion will take out a foundation-building pill until the auction is finished?"

After hearing this, the others breathed a sigh of relief, but Mo Xun felt like he had eaten a fly.

He couldn't help but cursed shamelessly. After all the calculations, he was still tricked.

But then again, as the saying goes, business is business, and Wanbao Pavilion doesn't need to talk about any feelings with customers.

After slowly letting out a breath of turbid air, Mo Xun could only accept this result.

But from another perspective, isn't this an opportunity for him?

You know, there are very few people who can successfully build a foundation with a foundation-building pill!

According to what Xiao Qian said at the time, the foundation-building matter depends on spiritual roots for 90% and luck for 10%.

With his spiritual root talent, he can only rely on luck.

But he firmly believes that as long as he has enough foundation-building pills, he can succeed in building his foundation even if his luck is bad!

This is also the reason why he has always wanted to get the pill formula more than the pill.

"The next auction item, in terms of value, although it is not as valuable as the foundation-building pill, I believe that many Taoist friends will not let it slip away easily after seeing it!"

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