After Meng Zhixin finished speaking, she brushed her long sleeves and a jade box appeared in the air again.

Just when everyone was puzzled, the jade box opened and contained a light green pill.

Mo Xun knew what kind of pill it was without even looking closely. He was so familiar with it!

"Brother Mo, isn't this..."

Mo Xun nodded. The jade box contained the Rejuvenating Pill that he sold to Wanbao Pavilion.

Before Meng Zhixin could introduce it, the cultivator surnamed Liu at the top floor asked with a light "Huh": "Could this be the Rejuvenating Pill?"

As soon as these words came out, there was another commotion.

Although the Rejuvenating Pill was of no help to cultivation, it was still a great name in the ears of cultivators.

Meng Zhixin smiled and said, "Sister Liu is really knowledgeable!"

The female cultivator waved her hand lightly.

"It's nothing. I was lucky enough to be given a pill by my master in my early years, so I have some impression of it."

Mo Xun couldn't help but look up, but because the man was wearing a veil, he couldn't see his face.

He was also very curious. He didn't know what the effect of this anti-aging pill was.

"Sister is right. This pill is the anti-aging pill, and it is also among the top grades."

After saying this, Meng Zhixin quoted a reserve price of 300 spirit stones.

Although this pill is not very attractive to male cultivators, it was still sold for 700 spirit stones in a few breaths.

And the bidder was a top-level foundation-building cultivator.

When Mo Xun heard this price, he felt even worse.

At the same time, he had to admire the means of Wanbao Pavilion. Just such a short transaction, the profit was much higher than his alchemy.

It was also his fault that he knew little about the value of these pills, and he knew nothing about the auction market.

This loss was justified.

Next, as Mo Xun expected, Meng Zhixin promised to auction the Rejuvenating Pill every once in a while.

Time passed quickly, and another seven or eight hours passed.

During this period, Mo Xun made another move and bought the second Foundation Building Pill for 1,700 spirit stones.

Of course, such a rich man was naturally criticized by many people in secret.

But as the saying goes, too many lice are not afraid of itching, so he had nothing to worry about.

After that, he bought two bottles of level three monster blood for 300 spirit stones, and then he calmed down completely.

It's not that he didn't want to buy it, but he had no money!

As for the monster blood, it was prepared for the next stage to refine more advanced talismans.

The only pity is that no fire magic weapon was found in this auction.

There were some auctions during the period, but they were either not suitable or ordinary goods, and basically did not catch his eye.

But despite this, this auction was a great harvest for him.

Not only did he get the secret of refining Xuantian True Fire, but he also got the foundation-building pill he had always dreamed of.

If he could leave safely this time, it would be perfect!

Just as he was thinking about how to get out, the auction slowly came to an end.

"The next few items, as the finale of this auction, will surely not disappoint you fellow Taoists."

Meng Zhixin's words were true.

First, a foundation-building cultivator spent 1,500 spirit stones to buy five pills to improve his cultivation.

Next, another wealthy Qi-refining peak spent 1,800 spirit stones to buy a snow wolf cub.

Mo Xun then realized that there were many people present who were worth a lot of money.

They didn't make a move before, probably because it was not worth it.

When Meng Zhixin took out a small box again, everyone's attention was immediately attracted.

The box was the size of an arm, and it was engraved with some strange patterns and patterns.

The front is a dark, flame-shaped pattern, but the color tone is somewhat inconsistent with the entire box.

Meng Zhixin smiled and introduced: "This sword box is the only genuine high-level magic weapon in this field. I believe that with the knowledge of all Taoist friends, I don't need to introduce it in detail."

Looking at the small box floating in the air, Mo Xun couldn't help but feel curious.

He had heard of things like sword boxes.

Generally, when they reach the foundation-building stage, because of the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, many people will refine flying swords.

The characteristics of using spiritual consciousness to control the sword against the enemy and coming and going without a trace are often liked by most cultivators.

Another is flying with a sword, which will also be more handy.

Some time ago, after Mo Xun learned about the relevant knowledge of flying swords, he was also very yearning for it.

After all, every man has a dream of traveling the world with a sword in his heart.

In the early years, the birth of the sword box was specifically used to restrain flying swords.

It is said that a top-grade sword box can collect all the flying swords in the world.

Of course, this statement is a bit exaggerated, but it is enough to show the power of this thing.

Later, with the development of the world of immortal cultivation, many sword cultivators, or people who are good at flying swords, used a very simple method to greatly weaken the effect of this thing, and things like sword boxes gradually became less and less.

In fact, it means carrying two flying swords with you. Even if one is taken away, it will not affect the combat effectiveness.

Moreover, this kind of thing is quite troublesome to refine, and the material is precious, and the yield is not high, so there are even fewer on the market.

However, at an auction of this level, the appearance of a high-level magic weapon can indeed be called the finale.

"This sword box was made by a sixth-grade weapon refiner in this pavilion. It took a full three months to refine it successfully. I can guarantee that as long as it is a high-level flying sword, it will be invincible!"

Mo Xun knew that this level of things was mainly prepared for the foundation-building cultivators.

Even if the Qi training stage got it, it was actually not very useful.

After all, no matter how powerful the treasure is, it can't play a big role without enough mana to drive it.

It's impossible to let a Qi training cultivator take away the flying sword of a foundation-building cultivator, right?

So most people are just watching the fun.

Just after Meng Zhixin reported the bottom price of "six hundred spirit stones", the top floor began to flicker with stars.

Although this thing is a bit useless for cultivators who have multiple flying swords, it did not affect the enthusiasm of this group of foundation-building cultivators.

In any case, it is also a rare high-level magic weapon!

However, just as those foundation-building cultivators were fighting for the item, a light spot suddenly flashed among the Qi-refining cultivators, which stood out.

Mo Xun turned his head and looked at it, and immediately became curious.

If he remembered correctly, that person should be the one who recognized the Seven Wounds Sword and got it without spending a single spirit stone.

While Mo Xun was distracted, the price had been raised to 1,900 spirit stones, which was already quite high for a high-level magic weapon.

Only three people were left to participate in the bidding.

The Qi-refining cultivator was among them.

Of course, this person once again became the focus of the whole audience.

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