When the price reached 2,500 spirit stones, Mo Xun looked up at the top floor, and there was only one foundation-building cultivator left.

And the black-clothed Qi-refining cultivator, with the flashing light, had no intention of letting go.

I'm afraid everyone present also discovered some clues at this time.

This price is already ridiculously high!

Mo Xun also muttered to himself, are the two of them just being angry, or is there something else?

In the blink of an eye, the price reached 3,000 spirit stones.

Everyone sighed!

"Hehe, if you like this sword box, Ma will not take it away from you!"

Mo Xun's mind moved, this Ma monk seemed to be the foundation-building cultivator who mentioned the name of Qibao Shangren at the beginning.

He couldn't help but touch his chin, this seemed a bit coincidental!

"Then congratulations to this Taoist fellow!"

Meng Zhixin waved her hand, and the sword box flew towards the black-clothed Qi-refining cultivator, with a faint smile on her lips.

The sword box flew in front of the black monk and slowly stopped.

At this time, this man suddenly laughed.

But this laughter sounded dry and unpleasant to people's ears.

The laughter continued to echo throughout the venue, and under the black cloak, the thin body trembled up and down.

Everyone looked over in surprise for a moment.

Then he suddenly stood up, grabbed the sword box, and without opening it, he directly dug out a piece of something from it.

This thing was square, and there was a fire pattern engraved on it.

The black monk looked at the square wooden block in his hand, and the cloak on his head slowly slipped off, revealing a skinny, fleshless man's face.

"Wanbao Pavilion has really taken great pains to force me to show up. First, the Seven Wounds Sword, and then the Seven Treasures Linglong Key!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was stunned.

Before everyone could react, a monstrous pressure radiated around the man with the man as the center.

I don't know who was the first to exclaim: "Late foundation building!"

"Although I don't like this way, I still want to thank you for giving me these two things!"

At this moment, the whole audience was in an uproar!

Just when Mo Xun was about to take action, he felt that there seemed to be an invisible force around him, coming down from the sky, pressing him heavily on the seat, unable to move.

It seemed that even breathing became difficult.

"Brother Mo..."

Li Qingying's painful voice sounded in his ears. Mo was anxious at the moment, but for a while, he was helpless.

It was really difficult for the little girl. Her cultivation was not high. Others were still struggling so hard, let alone her?

Mo Xun thought in horror, is this the strength of a foundation building cultivator?

The top group of foundation building cultivators, although they did not show too much panic, their faces also changed color at the same time.

What no one noticed was that Meng Zhixin on the stage suddenly made a Taoist gesture with her hands, and after silently chanting a few spells, something strange happened in the distance.

The sword box in the black-clothed man's hand suddenly opened, and a golden light flashed inside, and a golden rope flew out.

The rope seemed to have spirituality, and quickly wrapped around the man, and in an instant, it tied him up tightly.

"Binding Immortal Lock!"

As the man was trapped, the pressure on everyone disappeared instantly!

At the same time, six figures suddenly flew up from the air around the auction house, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded the man.

The black-clothed man stood there like a big dumpling.

But he didn't see how he broke free, and there was no panic on his face. He even sneered at the six people around him.

"It's really hard for you. You must have waited for a long time to lay such a net?"

Although everyone didn't know what happened, they also understood the principle of not asking if it was none of their business.

Besides, this level of fighting was obviously not something they could get involved in.

If they were not careful, they would be in trouble!

Speaking of keeping a low profile, Mo Xun was obviously the first one to react. At this moment, he was already pulling Li Qingying towards the exit.

Seeing the chaos on the field, Meng Zhixin was afraid that some people who didn't know the truth would take action at will, so she hurriedly said loudly: "This man is the wanted criminal of Gu Yue Sect. Don't worry, we will capture him in a short time!"

However, this statement not only failed to stabilize people's hearts, but made everyone more panicked. For a while, everyone began to scatter and retreat to all directions.

The most difficult ones were probably the low-level monks near the man in black.

At this moment, they had already cursed this man to death in their hearts.

At the same time, they also lamented whether they forgot to check the almanac before going out, and they were so unlucky.

However, no matter how much they complained, they could only seize the time and stay away from the center of right and wrong.

But at this moment, the aura of the man in black suddenly rose again, and even Mo Xun, who was far away, felt a palpitation at this moment.

Then a huge explosion was heard, and the dim auction hall was illuminated.

Even the ground under his feet began to tremble.

Before Mo Xun could react, he felt a wave of air coming from behind, pushing him and Li Qingying forward.

Fortunately, it only took a moment for the air wave to disappear.

But behind him, there was a fire rising into the sky.

In the fire, the man in black was suspended in the air, and the immortal chain on his body disappeared.

Mo Xun just glanced back and felt a chill all over his body.

The area within a few feet around the man in black had been razed to the ground, and the bricks and tiles on his head fell to the ground.

However, I don’t know if it was because the house was strong, after such an explosion, the roof did not explode.

The low-level monks who were close to him died or were injured because they did not leave in time, and wailing sounded all over.

The six foundation-building monks who originally surrounded him, although not seriously injured, were also quite embarrassed and fled far away.

The monk surnamed Shang on the top floor, who should have been the one with the highest cultivation in the audience, saw this scene, his face turned pale, and he couldn’t help but exclaimed: "Go, this person has reached the peak of foundation building!"

As soon as the voice fell, everyone rushed to the entrance like frightened rabbits.

The monks with higher cultivation took out their magic tools and began to bombard the roof and walls, trying to break a way out.

But then, they found something wrong.

"There are formations around, and you can only go out from the entrance!"

Someone shouted this, and everyone flew down in unison.

For a moment, the narrow entrance became crowded.

But at this juncture, naturally no one would pay attention to first come first served and line up in an orderly manner.

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