A foundation-building cultivator suddenly slapped out with his palm, and dozens of Qi-refining practitioners who had already fled to the entrance were killed and injured.

The rest of the people saw this scene and glared at him, but they dared not speak out!

The world of immortal cultivation is the law of the jungle.

In the eyes of the strong, how different are these low-level cultivators from ants?

Taking advantage of this gap, those foundation-building cultivators flew away in the air.

The rest of the people could only watch them leave first, and then they crowded around to rely on their own abilities.

Mo Xun protected Li Qingying behind him, holding her arm tightly, and at the same time looked around to prevent some people from taking advantage of the fire at this time.

There were bursts of explosions behind him, and it was obvious that the two sides had already started fighting!

While Mo Xun was anxious, he could only move slowly with the crowd.

At this moment, he really envied those foundation-building cultivators, each of whom could fly in the clouds.

At this critical moment, strength became the only capital to save life.

"Brother Mo?"

Li Qingying was really panicked at this moment. She had never experienced such a scene in her life.

"Don't be afraid, follow me closely!"

Mo Xun didn't know what to say at this time. While comforting others, he also tried to calm himself down.

The movement behind him was getting louder and louder, and the scope of the impact was also constantly approaching them.

Occasionally looking back, he was shocked.

The fighting method of the foundation-building cultivators was really beyond his cognition.

At this moment, Mo Xun felt someone pulling his sleeve.

He turned his head quickly and saw a familiar face.

But before he could ask, the other party secretly handed him a piece of cloth.

Then he ran away without saying a word.

Mo Xun frowned, and after opening the cloth, he saw seven crooked words written in blood on it.

"Be careful, there is a mark on your body!"

He immediately felt a chill in his heart, and a ball of fire came out of his hand, turning the cloth into ashes.

When he looked up again, the man had disappeared.

This man was the servant of Fairy Qi who he had helped once.

The other party was obviously reminding him that he was being watched by Elder Qi!

After understanding it in his heart, Mo Xun secretly said that he was lucky.

He almost forgot that there were thousands of marking methods in the world of immortal cultivation.

The two of them finally came to the exit in the crowded crowd.

At this time, the auction hall was already in chaos.

The sound of fighting and wailing was endless!

If the entire auction hall had not been maintained by the formation, it would have collapsed long ago.

The two anxiously walked through a narrow corridor and saw the blue sky again. The feeling of surviving a disaster came to them spontaneously!

Leaving the messy Wanbao Pavilion, Mo Xun did not hesitate, and chose a direction, pulling Li Qingying away quickly.

"Brother Mo, we seem to have gone the wrong way?"

Mo Xun ignored Li Qingying's doubts.

At this critical moment, he didn't dare to go home rashly.

He could only take advantage of the chaos in Wanbao Pavilion and no one cared about him for the time being to solve the problem of the mark on his body first.

After walking for about an incense stick, Mo Xun brought Li Qingying and suddenly came to a mortal inn.

He took out a gold ingot and threw it to the shopkeeper behind the counter.

"Give me a room upstairs!"

Because of the formation restriction, the movement in Wanbao Pavilion had not spread yet.

The shopkeeper responded with a smile, and hurriedly called the waiter to come over and took the two to the second floor.

Li Qingying didn't know what Mo Xun was planning, but she didn't ask much.

Since her sister left her, Mo Xun can be said to be the only person who treats her well.

Invisibly, she has developed a kind of dependence-like trust in Mo Xun.

After the two came to the guest room, Mo Xun asked her to rest for a while, while he came to the window and checked the nearby movements.

"Brother Mo, are you afraid that someone will follow us?"

Mo Xun waved his hand with his back to her, and after a brief look at the surrounding terrain, he suddenly said: "Miss Qingying, come here, I have something to discuss with you."

Li Qingying walked behind him in confusion.

Mo Xun turned his head, raised his robe sleeves, and sprinkled a handful of white powder into the air.

Li Qingying's eyes suddenly widened, and she was about to speak in fear, but she felt her head sink and then fainted.

Mo Xun quickly held her in his arms, and at the same time, he had already taken out the green gourd in his hand.

With a flash of green light, Li Qingying and Mo Xun disappeared at the same time.

A moment later, Mo Xun appeared in the room again.

He quickly took off his clothes and changed his clothes again.

After pinching a Taoist formula, a ball of fire ignited in his hand.

Just when he was about to burn the clothes, he suddenly had an idea and stopped.

Perhaps it would be better to leave these things here!

After a brief thought, he put away the green gourd, put on a new hat, and performed the wind control technique at his feet. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared.

What he didn't know was that not long after he left, two groups of people came here one after another.

Half an hour later, Mo Xun arrived at the city gate.

Along the way, he didn't find anything unusual. Everything was in order as usual.

I don't know if the matter of Wanbao Pavilion has not been passed on, or if this kind of movement is not enough to arouse people's vigilance.

But at this moment, it is obviously not the time to think about these things.

After leaving the city, he quickly went in one direction.

After walking about seven or eight miles, he came to a sparsely populated grove.

Then he took out the escape talisman obtained from the auction.

Whether he could safely escape this disaster depended on this thing.

Just when he was about to activate the talisman, in a flash, he suddenly thought of a possibility and stopped quickly.

You know, this escape talisman was obtained from the auction. What if Wanbao Pavilion had already targeted him and tampered with the talisman?

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat.

This possibility may not be high, but it must be prevented!

But then again, without the escape talisman, can he outrun the flying of the foundation-building cultivator with only his foot strength?

Behind him, I don't know how many pairs of eyes are staring at him!

Mo Xun took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down.

He knew that the more panicked he was at this time, the more confused he would be!

After a moment, he took out the green gourd again, and with a flash of green light, he was absorbed into it.

When he came to this green space, Li Qingying was lying peacefully on the ground.

After Mo Xun walked around her, he slowly said: "Miss Qingying, I'm sorry!"

After that, he took off Li Qingying's clothes without any worries.

Then a flawless white jade body appeared in front of him.

Mo Xun couldn't help but stare at it!

From childhood to adulthood, when has he ever seen a woman's body so directly?

For a moment, he felt that his breathing became a little hurried, and his mouth was dry.

In his lower abdomen, it seemed that there was a ball of fire burning fiercely.

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