Cultivating immortals is a hard job

Chapter 167: General Technique

It is different in the big sects. Although you still need to pay some price to obtain the secret techniques, there are more choices.

There is also the acquisition of cultivation experience.

If you can get the cultivation experience of those foundation-building and even elixir-forming cultivators, it will probably be much better than many elixirs!

Since he embarked on the road of cultivating immortals, he has almost been cultivating alone. During this period, he has gone through many detours. Whenever he encounters bottlenecks or problems in cultivation, he summarizes and overcomes them by himself.

In the past, it may not matter if the realm is lower, but when the realm is higher, there will be more and more problems.

If you still work behind closed doors at that time, I am afraid there will be big problems.

Most of the cultivation resources in the world are still controlled by the sects. This is why there are so many independent cultivators, but few people with high cultivation.

Thinking of this, Mo Xun sighed again.

He didn't want to give up this opportunity of Guyue Sect unless it was absolutely necessary.

In fact, it is nothing more than a multiple-choice question!

After weighing the pros and cons, choose the most appropriate answer.

In other words, from the moment he left Huailiu Village, he began to make choices.

First, he made a choice between cultivating immortals and learning martial arts, and then he hesitated whether to leave his hometown.

Now, he has to choose whether to enter Guyuemen.

Life is made up of countless topics!

In fact, he is willing to take a risk in his heart.

After all, he will get a lot after success!

But failure also means that he will lose everything, even his life!

He shook his head secretly and took out the two foundation-building pills from the storage bag.

The originally depressed emotions disappeared by more than half in an instant.

Looking at these two black, shiny small pills, he seemed to see himself after being reborn, flying in the air with a sword.

When he raised his hand, he called the wind and rain, and when he fell, the earth shook.

He really hoped that he was at the peak of Qi refining at this moment, so that he could try the feeling of foundation building.

Just with these two pills, he felt that his efforts over the years were not in vain.

After a long time, he put away the foundation-building pill and suppressed his excitement.

Then he took out the Qiankun Ring. Now he was facing more and more enemies, and he needed to have more means of survival as soon as possible.

He spent some time to check the object and found no marks left, then he began to master its use.

Because this object needs to be controlled from a distance, it comes with a formula for the method.

This is very different from the fire flag he used before.

When using the fire flag, you only need to hold it in your hand and inject spiritual power to release the flame. It does not involve remote control, so it is not that troublesome.

Because he has not yet built his foundation and has no spiritual consciousness, he cannot control the instrument remotely through spiritual consciousness, so he needs to use the formula for the method.

The general principle is to throw the magic weapon out, stimulate the release of spiritual power, and establish a spiritual power connection remotely, so that the caster can control the magic weapon.

In other words, the Tongfa Jue here is actually a kind of technique to control the release of spiritual power, and its effect is to replace the role of spiritual consciousness.

However, this kind of replacement is much more fragile than spiritual consciousness.

And the consumption of mana is also a great burden.

But there is no way. The innate defects of the Qi training period lead to too many restrictions when using magic tools.

This is also a natural gap between the two realms.

Some foundation-building cultivators, if their spiritual consciousness is strong, can even control two or three magic tools at the same time, which is simply unimaginable for Qi training cultivators.

Regardless of the gap between the mana, the spiritual consciousness alone is destined to determine the gap in strength between the two.

Therefore, most ordinary Qi training cultivators will choose close-range magic tools. After all, if they are not skilled in using them or have insufficient mana, no matter how good the magic tools are, they will eventually become the wedding dress of others.

Without spiritual consciousness, the Qi training period cannot perform rituals on magic tools.

Only the rituals that have been refined truly belong to the cultivators.

Even if the magic weapon is taken away during the battle, there will still be the spiritual sense left during the sacrifice, so as to recall it.

But in the Qi training stage, there is no way.

Once the magic weapon is lost during the battle, there is no spiritual sense connection, which is equivalent to cutting off the control of the magic weapon.

Therefore, all Qi training cultivators who want to use this kind of remote magic weapon need the help of Tongfa Jue.

Of course, Tongfa Jue is not as difficult to practice as the martial arts. Mo Xun has mastered it in more than two hours.

Although it is not as free as Meng Zhixin, it can be driven by force.

This thing should be regarded as his first magic weapon in the true sense.

Although it cannot cooperate with his martial arts, its function of trapping the enemy can play some unexpected effects at critical moments.

The reason why he bought this Qiankun Ring is actually what Li Qingying said.

If he can really find Huan Gangsha, he is equivalent to having a high-level magic weapon.

You know, many cultivators in the middle or even late stage of foundation building may only have one or two such items.

This shows how precious high-level magic tools are!

Although it is only one level lower than the middle level, in comparison, in the refining process, whether it is the technique, materials, or success rate, they are far apart.

He did not put this thing into the storage bag, but shrunk it into a ring and wore it on his finger.

Fortunately, I spent some time to learn the art of shrinking objects some time ago.

Sometimes this kind of small magic may not be very helpful when fighting with others, but it can play a lot of auxiliary roles.

Then he took out another important item he had bought this time... "The Fiery Sutra"!

What he was interested in was naturally the True Fire Art attached to the back.

As Meng Zhixin said, this book is about one-third of the original, and it is the second half.

Mo Xun simply took a look at the part about the exercises. Because it was incomplete and difficult to understand, at his current level, it was almost the same as reading a heavenly book.

However, some of the magical powers attached to the back made him amazed.

After reaching the Nascent Soul stage, the body condenses into a baby.

Although the Nascent Soul and the main body are born from the same body, they can be regarded as completely independent beings in a fight.

In other words, facing a Nascent Soul cultivator is equivalent to facing two people, and they are two people who are in tune with each other and can cooperate tacitly without any practice.

When casting a spell, the power can be doubled invisibly.

And you can cultivate supernatural powers!

There is also an insurmountable gap between supernatural powers and spells.

Spells are only cast by applying the spiritual power in one's body, and the power of the spell is determined by the depth of the magic power.

However, supernatural powers can mobilize the surrounding spiritual energy for their own use, and their power can be imagined!

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