After a longing, he jumped directly to the last True Fire Art.

He glanced at it and saw that it was only a few hundred words long, which was probably similar to the mantra of the Heart Method.

Fortunately, this article was independent and had nothing to do with the previous "Fire Sutra", otherwise Mo Xun would have cursed his mother!

In his excitement, he began to practice without any hesitation.

According to what was said above, only after the heart method was successfully practiced, could it be refined and then control the Xuantian True Fire.

Wherever the true fire passes, it burns everything!

But how to control it specifically was not clearly stated.

However, just the four words "burn everything" could make him crazy.

Another very important point is that once he starts to refine the foundation-building pill later, he cannot do without this flame.

He stayed in the green space for half a day.

Just when he was delighted with the True Fire Art and found it extremely simple to practice, he suddenly felt his body suddenly getting hot.

In the space of a breath, a burning sensation flowed along his meridians to his limbs.

He was startled and cold sweat broke out instantly. According to his daily practice experience, this was obviously a sign of being possessed.

He quickly stopped the operation of the True Fire Art and controlled the spiritual power in his body, trying to suppress this restlessness.

But before he could take any action, he felt that his internal organs were filled with magma.

Then he saw his skin turn red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The burning pain made him roll on the ground, and he kept screaming heartbreakingly, and the screams echoed in this green space for a long time.

I don’t know how long it took, but his consciousness gradually blurred.

Time passed, and another day passed.

After a cough, Mo Xun slowly opened his eyes, and his hazy vision gradually became clear.

He rubbed his aching head and climbed up with difficulty.

When he saw the scene around him clearly, he couldn’t help but feel confused.

He was sitting in the black soil at this time. Within a few feet, the spiritual herb garden that was originally planted densely seemed to have been visited by wild beasts.

As far as the eye could see, withered and broken herbal roots were scattered all over the ground.

If I use one word to describe it, it can only be called "devastated"!

Mo Xun's mood at this moment can be imagined!

You know, for this small medicine garden, he didn't know how much effort he had put in. Now it was destroyed like this. What's the difference between this and stabbing him directly in the chest?

The key is these spiritual medicines, but they are his reliance for survival in the world of cultivating immortals. Without these things, what can he use to exchange for pills and improve his cultivation?

For a moment, he really wanted to cry but had no tears.

He was a small casual cultivator, and he was still a mixed spiritual root qualification. He had no talent, no background, and no resources. In this place where the weak are the prey of the strong, anyone who comes can trample him under his feet.

How can he get to where he is today? Isn't it thanks to this medicine garden?

Looking at the mess in front of him, he seemed to have been drained of all his strength at once.

It was like returning to the pre-liberation era overnight!

After an unknown amount of time, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

What can he do now?

He probably still had an impression of the things that happened before he fainted.

Thinking of the damn True Fire Art, a raging rage rose in his heart.

Without even thinking, he thought that this True Fire Art must have been tampered with by someone, or that it was simply a fake mental art.

Who would have thought that he risked being exposed and spent so many spirit stones to dig a hole for himself.

This hole almost buried him in it.

He clenched his fists in anger, hating the Wanbao Pavilion and even the seductive Meng Zhixin to death.

In fact, he was really a little rash this time. After getting the art, he was too excited and only thought about refining the true fire, but never thought about where this True Fire Art came from? Is there a trap?

If it were any other day, according to his suspicious character, he would never make such a mistake!

Now he can only blame himself for his shallow cultivation and lack of experience!

But then again, the price of this lesson is really high!

Without this medicinal garden, he is now nothing!

After a long time, he calmed down, closed his eyes and meditated, and began to look inward.

Those spiritual herbs and spiritual objects are external things after all. As long as he has the green gourd, it is nothing more than a waste of time!

But if this fake true fire formula destroys his foundation, his life will really be over!

After only half an hour, he frowned.

It's not that he found anything abnormal, but that he found nothing.

The previous ball of fire did not leave any trace in his body.

Not even a little damage!

He clearly felt that his body was occupied by molten magma and was about to explode.

As the saying goes, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal. He didn't believe that he could be so safe and sound under such burning.

He hurriedly pulled open his sleeves and was shocked again.

The original dark red mark was gone at this time.

Then he checked his whole body again, but still found nothing.

A possibility suddenly appeared in his mind.

Could it be that he had already refined the Xuantian True Fire?

But why didn't he feel anything?

He hurriedly took out the jade slip and immersed his mind in it. After a while, he shook his head.

The formula only talked about the way of cultivation, and even how to refine it was vague, not to mention the method of application.

Mo Xun closed his eyes again, controlled his spiritual power, and slowly wandered around his body, trying to find traces of Xuantian True Fire.

But he found nothing.

Then he tried a mysterious method, which was to communicate with the true fire with his mind.

But obviously, it was also a futile effort.

At this time, the disadvantage of being a casual cultivator was revealed.

Generally, there are places like the Sutra Pavilion in large sects. If he was a disciple of Guyue Sect at this moment, he would be able to read and check, and he would not be like a headless fly like now.

After sighing in his heart, he could only put these thoughts aside for the time being. As for the blessings and disasters brought by Xuantian True Fire, he would leave it to fate!

Anyway, parasitizing in his arm and hiding in his body, for him who knew nothing, there was actually not much difference.

I hope that the firebird can behave itself in his body, at least before he finds a solution, nothing unexpected will happen.

After dusting himself off, Mo Xun glanced at Li Qingying who was sleeping in the distance, and then began to tidy up the medicine garden again.

Many spiritual herbs were directly uprooted by him when he was crazy at that time, and even crushed into pieces.

Those that could still survive were replanted in the soil by him.

Some that could still be used were put into the jade box by him. With his usual frugal character, he was unwilling to waste even a spiritual leaf.

When he walked to a dead tree, his eyes suddenly lit up.

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